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Everything posted by jrodsgirl

  1. Congratulations and welcome to the forum!
  2. According to the BMI charts I should lose about 40lbs relating to my body type. Many people think I am crazy for saying that. We'll see what happens. Even if I see some of that I will feel accomplishment. I am having a hard time getting the weight to come off. It has been a very slow process this year. Oh well. This is great motivation though!
  3. I agree with tonight being the final night to turn in your numbers.
  4. Sorry to hear that. Before I met my FI his boxer trashed four sets of furniture. I think the last time was the icing on the cake...sofa in the fire place, pillows everyone, and Tucker perched on the loveseat looking like 'this is what you get for leaving me'. Needless to say, Tucker is in a huge cage when we are not at home. He is completely cool with it though. Actually goes in it when he does not want to be bothered. At least our animals keep life interesting!
  5. Keep thinking positive ladies. I know, easier said then done. We can do this. The motivation you all give is awesome. FI and I went to a buffet last night. After I reviewed all the choices I actually thought to myself....you can do this right. So I did. Kept away from the fried, blah, blah, blah. Did enjoy a beer though. Normally I say there is two beers in a night...the first and the last...the ones in between don't count. I did not say it was sound philosophy but it is what it is. Got on the treadmill this morning, so far so good. Hope you all have a great day!
  6. Way to go! The woman in the cube beside me is having ice cream cake. I too passed and am chewing my gum. Not exactly the same but I will save the calories for something else.
  7. Good luck to everyone. Sent my number in this morning and it was somewhat what I expected. Only down from here!
  8. So my FI bought me a punching bag this weekend (a body one that sits on a base). Does anyone know where I can find out more information about workouts for them? Or does anyone have one? I've goggled a bit but not finding what I want. Maybe I am being too picky. I beat on it last night and will admit that it was a good release for some of the work day stress. Any ideas would be appreciated.
  9. Congrats and welcome. You will surely find a ton of useful information for planning.
  10. ENJOY! Was actually thinking of going but things didn't work out. Can't wait to hear about all of the fun you are going to have.
  11. Very precious. Thanks for making the work day a bit more pleasant.
  12. Welcome to the forum. You will definitely find tons of useful information here.
  13. jrodsgirl


    Congrats and welcome to the forum. The pig roast will be tons of fun. Several friends of mine have done this as well. Happy planning!
  14. Congrats to you both! She is a cutie!
  15. Your pictures are beautiful. I'm glad to hear how smoothly things went for you. Congrats!
  16. Jarrod and I are going alone (all his idea). At first I wasn't so sure but it doesn't bother me now. His parents and my dad seem to understand so it's cool. When we return, we are having a huge party to celebrate with everyone here at home.
  17. I really like #1 and 3. May I ask where you are getting them from? They are very nice.
  18. This is one that brings tears to my eyes each time I read it. Thanks for sharing!
  19. That is a bummer. Maybe this is a blessing in disguise. I hope everything works out for you both.
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