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Everything posted by JayBee

  1. Havana Central has great mojitos, and is reasonably priced, but it is a little cramped- not too bad, but I didn't think it was good for bigger groups. Rosa Mexicano is awesome... My favorite by far in Union Sq. area is Irving Mill, awesome food, great drinks, great space. There's also Blue water grill, which has the jazz bar downstairs... here's the link for irving mill... Irving Mill
  2. Today I just got my finalized invoice for the ENTIRE wedding-- YIKES! I was all excited because the prices on her website were so reasonable- especially for flowers- and everything went up-- WAYYY up! Somehow, we are not terribly over budget (custom gold rings kinda put us over the top) I'm not sure if I should try to lose some things (do I really need flower tikis, arch, AND orchids and petals for the aisle?) I am glad that our WC didn't charge us a fee on the site, since we found it ourselves, but I do wish her price list on line was accurate. I really hope we're not being ripped off! On another note- today is my 2nd fitting!!! I am sooo Nervous! We leave 2 weeks from tomorrow!!!!! HOLY CRAP!!!!! Also had the strangest dream last night-- that FI's cousin & wife showed up with 3 kids that were their nieces and nephews, and I was like, I have no more chairs, and no more food! WTF am I gonna do with these kids! I was glad it was just a dream, lol!
  3. I'd like to do it, except I have no idea what to use, besides the something new (my dress!) ... I hope my mom or SIL or MoH would take care of it for me Can't I just borrow something that is blue and old?? I'll be a little disappointed if it doesn't all come together, also I can be pretty superstitious!
  4. Yay! Pretty!! It's perfect! it can be hard buying your dress so far in advance, though. just make sure you don't look at any more dresses!! (I bought mine 8 mos. before the wedding, and I came so close to buying another dress!)
  5. Aw man, I totally would've loved that! Please let me know when there's going to be another one... I was also thinking of doing a swap party in time for fall, if anyone would be down for that, let me know!
  6. I keep going back & forth between feeling like throwing up and feeling like "WE'RE GONNA BE OKAAAAYYY!!" Now my FH is booked to work from July 14 (our moving day) and July 31 (2 days before we leave)!!!! Funny because now he's all relaxed and stress-free, and I'm gonna freaking lose it!
  7. need some quality ones: chairs
  8. That's awesome! Definitely worth asking about I'm very excited because we're entitled to a free upgrade for the hm because our TA is associated with Four Seasons resorts, and we already booked oceanfront deluxe!! I hope we both get killer suites!
  9. I'm procrastinating on packing the living room for our move on Monday! Last week FH and I decided we wanted to move, and we found an amazing duplex just 5 blocks away! But we're leaving for Hawaii on Aug 2, and we haven't moved for 8 years (which means tons of crap to go thru)... I'm going to have to get some breakfast and get to work!
  10. I know I'll be ovulating before while we're in Hawaii- probably before the wedding (which shouldn't stop us from trying, right?). Right now we're not TTC, as my FI puts it, we're "practicing" for TTC (hey, however he needs to think of it is fine by me). If I mention actually TTC, he gets skittish, but if it just happens, it's not a big deal for him...
  11. Ooh it's so great that you can watch it on netflix Watch it Now! I watched every episode of the first 2 seasons in two nights, then went out the next day and bought season 3 on DVD (i refuse to pay the cable company more $$, they're bastards), and watched the entire season that night. Did the same w/ season 4 when that came out, too... Yup, I like Weeds. Funny as hell...
  12. I feel so sad for you, especially with the wedding so close! I had a few people cancel at the last minute, and one of them was my very best friend whom I've known my whole life. I wish there was more I could've done, but you know you've done everything to get her there, which is amazing! No matter if she's there or not, don't let it spoil your day!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by A2Bride As stated previously, I would only do what you are comfy with. Otherwise you will not be able to let loose, you will be too worried about your dress. I am going back and forth on using my ceremony dress or just getting a cheap but cute dress. Uggh, I really want TTD pics, but I also want to wear my dress after the photos are taken. I guess I could: a)schedule a second photo session, or change out of my dress for beach pics (into a ttd dress), then back into it for the reception...? What makes sense with here?
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by *~*Mel*~* It's so nice to see that real girls do get featured, I sometimes wonder with these magazines and their websites... Agreed! Yaaayy for you, Amy! That's awesome!
  15. JayBee


    good luck and have fun planning!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by sugaredviolets ebbica, Diana thought Tunnels beach would be lovely when I mentioned that--but I really am just going off photos in travel books. Thanks! Jennifer Just remember, the surf on the north shore beaches changes with the seasons- big gorgeous swells in the winter, calm and clear in the summer (except Anini Beach. It's protected by a big barrier reef). The southern shore beaches are the opposite. I'm getting married near Moloaa Bay, which is really really secluded, and quite nice- white sands, black rocks, blue water, green trees
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by cruzer01 Is anyone else having trouble sleeping?? I've never had to take a sleeping pill in my life!! I can't sleep!! All i'm thinking about is the wedding, details... details.. details... I can't believe August is almost here!! I get married August I'm starting to wake up at random hours during the night, wondering if I included things in my budget, or if certain things were included on the invoice or left off, and where's my dress, the rings etc etc etc... I'd really love to be sleepy now!
  18. Can't wait to see your pics and hear your stories!
  19. Congratulations on your engagement! This forum is a great resource, and definitely will make planning easier for you
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by KarlaS I'm a loser Just hanging out at home with FI and doggies. Me too! Though we might go to a roof party later to watch fireworks, but my kitteh just got out of the hospital so we're keeping a close eye on him I'd really like to be at the beach and bbq-ing!
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