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Everything posted by JayBee

  1. sad and full of tears: tuesday
  2. That was awesome! Really doesn't take a lot of dough to make a wedding memorable... but why Chris Brown!?
  3. That is the freaking worst feeling in the world. I hope you get it fixed in time. I would start hitting Dept. stores this weekend and see if you can't find something appropriate that fits as a back-up. You could always return it there after the wedding if they come thru with the alterations to your gown, and at least you'll have peace of mind.
  4. BTW I am SOOOOO Jealous of all you people with dishwashers!! At least you get sorta clean dishes! When he does do dishes, he never washes silverware for some strange reason. We had to toss an entire set because they sat in the sink for too long. (I guess that's my fault, too, but you gotta make a stand at some point!)
  5. Ok, this is too funny. He's displaying one of my pet peeves right now... Whenever I'm on the computer (esp BDW or Facebook) he wants to know what I'm doing. Like right now, I'm LMAO at this thread, and he's like "what's so funny?" what am I supposed to say, "uhh, all of these ladies are married to/ marrying my FH!" The the shaving thing- problem is he NEVER shaves, and when he does, he uses a face cloth to clean up the sink hairs, then PUTS IT BACK! uuggghhh!!! I know I make him mad with my loud, sometimes sharp temper. I've been known to curse out cabbies.
  6. OK here's the before, no mascara: (sorry it's a little skewed!!) And the after, still no mascara: ... can you believe I took the second pic with my PHONE!?!
  7. my FI: paying for the wedding
  8. I'm not worried about snorkeling, Jac. Just gotta make sure my mask is big enuf so I don't squish my lovely lashes! lol! Mac lashes are great- A good tip is to cut them into thirds before putting them on- makes them easier to apply and look more natural & full! I'll find a before pic after I feed the kitty! Gotta run to the store!
  9. I can't tell you enough how much I LOVE my seamstress! My FFIL works at the Metropolitan Opera and found a woman who works in their costume dept. who also does freelance seamstress work. She can do any alteration, even make dresses from scratch (for my dress, she added a chapel train w/ bustles, and adjusted the bust. She also did 2 sashes, and altered my MOH's dress for $200 total). Her name is Tuviya and she lives in Queens. PM me for her phone #.
  10. This is somewhat off topic, but I'm just needed to vent about my wc. First off, I asked for an overall estimate around June 1st, and just got our invoice last saturday- which definitely has some mistakes on it. I emailed her about it on monday and left a message, and I still haven't heard back from her. Mind you, the contract says that everything is supposed to be final 30 days prior to the event, and here we are with 2 weeks to go, and I still don't know what this is going to cost. I still don't think anyone is trying to take advantage of us, but just knowing that they could stick us with this invoice as a final bill is making me nuts! I have to say, overall I am pleased with the amount of correspondence and contact I've had with our WC, but when it comes to timely matters, I'm left feeling stressed and anxious! I really don't think I'm being difficult, or asking for too much, I just want a corrected invoice!! I don't even know if it's too late to cancel or change things, or what's going on. I really can't afford to be patient anymore, haha, get ready for PsychoBride!
  11. The guestbook is one thing I wish I had time to be more creative with. I just picked up a hard-bound, handmade paper book, and a few paint pens. We have a few artists in the family, so I hope we get back some nice pages! You guys have awesome ideas, I really want to know how the digital photo guestbook works out, Miranda!
  12. Between BDW and Facebook, I could stay inside until dinner time, even with two weeks until the wedding!
  13. big boobs: falling out of my dress
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Hoosierfan I'm excited for the lingerie shower - that's stuff I wouldn't buy for myself, most likely! Do you have another time you are getting your bridesmaids together? A lingerie shower would've been awesome! I got myself one special thing, but there's so much cute stuff! Now I want some panties that say "Bride" or "I do" in sequins! It's so hard, because everyone's coming in on different days, but I think my bm's and myself will be all there on the first night, before most of my family arrives. There's not much to do on the island, I guess we'll just make a batch of Mai-Tai's and hit the beach!
  15. Thanks! I paid less than $100 (though I've seen places in the city that charge twice that), fills range from $25 - $70 depending on how often you get touch-ups. They're actually bonded to each individual lash, so they grow out with the lashes. Some places glue them to the eyelid, which is less expensive, but I guess doesn't last as long. The good thing is that I'll be able to go swimming and cry my eyes out, and I won't have to worry about them. They say not to wear mascara, but you can use water-based mascara, but I'm not going to. I have a friend that has them, and she uses mascara, you just have to be careful cleaning them, and not use anything oil-based on your eyes. You also have to keep them dry for the first 24 hrs, which has been hard for me since I got a note from my aunt who won't be attending our wedding-- no tears today!
  16. OOOOHMiGosh I got eyelash extensions done today and I highly, HIGHLY recommend it (especially if you're a big cry baby like me)! I leave in 10 days, so I might get them retouched a few days before leaving, but they are sooo pretty! I got them done at a place called Ebenezer here in manhattan Welcom to EbenezerEyelash.com Here's the result: I think it was totally worth it, and they'll last about a month. Best beauty treatment I've invested in for this wedding!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by The Mandy in Chandy I think the only thing you'd be missing out on is the petit fours awwww... I luv petit fours... Hopefully I'll find some in Kauai!
  18. That's a good idea, mandy. I'm sure my stylist can give me something to bring with. I know she won't let me down!
  19. The only special event I planned for Hawaii is a trip to Oahu to visit Pearl Harbor with my uncle! Not your typical shower, LOL!!!
  20. I said I didn't want a bridal shower, and no one tried talking me into it, which is fine. But I can't help wondering what I might be missing! I can't seem to get my friends and family in the same place anyway, even once we get to Hawaii, everyone is coming in at different times, so there's really no good time. But what am I missing out on? What is the point of a bridal shower, anyway? Is there anything I would usually get at a shower that I need to get myself?
  21. I usually dye my hair a few shades darker (i'm a brunette), and I have an appt 2 days before we leave. BUT I am worried that the 5 days in spent in Hawaiian sun before the wedding are going to make my color fade so drastically, it's not even worth getting it colored in the first place. Any idea what my options are here? My color hasn't even faded that badly in the last month!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by KristinaM Thanks to Tami's recommendation my Dr. wrote me a prescription for Chantix... and I waited 3 weeks to fill it.. now i'm scared to start taking it.. but I stare at it everyday and want to start ASAP. I'll let you all know when I get the courage how it works for me! I tried chantix, I had serious problems with nausea, dizziness and anxiety, also gave me really bad dreams (the patch gave me good dreams!) with the new warning labels, I would not try it again, make sure to discuss w/ your doctor the side effects, and what to watch out for... But it did a good job at killing the cravings!
  23. I wish I had found this thread a couple months ago, as I have tried & failed, and now I'm too stressed to try again. I have everything I need- patches, gum, even an e-cig, but I am just about outta my mind with everything to do, and no help from anyone! When I try again, I hope this thread is still here!
  24. Jac, don't even get me started on the music playlist! I am so so SO over it- FI was supposed to digitize some music from vinyl, and since we moved, all of his equipment is scattered... ugh. I managed to get plenty of music, but there are some really special tracks on those LP's!!! But everything else is falling into place- Dress fit perfectly, got our rings, my necklace (just waiting on earrings) and something to wear to the rehearsal dinner-thing. There's not much left to do but pack!! WOW!!
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