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Everything posted by JayBee

  1. I hired a wedding planner 11 months before our wedding, and up until this moment I have had problems getting in touch w/ her... even when it comes to paying the bill, I'm having trouble getting a response, and she wants the money like, yesterday!! rrrggghh! I'm frustrated right along side of you! Just know that you have lots of time until April, and it'll be fine. You could send out STD postcards with an approximate date or the dates you're planning to travel (for example, April 4 - 7), with something like "for early booking contact(TA's info) by Aug 31, 2009" I don't know if that'll work, or not, but at least it gets the word out. I ordered postcards online through overnightprints.com and had them within 3 days for like, $35. Good Luck!
  2. Mandy, my FH has always said to me that everything will work out in the end. It's the simplest thing to believe in, and it always happens to be true. Don't be afraid of what's ahead of you. It's definitely tough to give up your childhood home, especially after losing your parents, but it's good that you've got some time to say goodbye. I'm wishing you the best! -jessica
  3. It just hit me that after we get back, I'm going to have nothing to do- I lost my job (which I hated anyway) 3 months ago, and planning the wedding has been my main focus. I haven't wanted to look for a job, and I'm desperate for a career change, too, so it's going to be a challenge. It's funny how I'm constantly trying to distract myself from what I need to do- I've distracted myself from the wedding, now I'm using the wedding to distract myself from what I have to do when we get back!
  4. Yay, I finally got to 150! I was worried that I wouldn't make it before we leave
  5. Hi Jamie! From one Hawaii Bride to another, Welcome to the forum! It's been a great place for me for planning my wedding (in 11 days!) and for keeping my head on through everything. Good luck!!
  6. Ooh Fantastic! I love the dress (wet or dry, lol)! And your glasses are too cute! I love it!
  7. Holy crap, I've been planning this wedding FOREVER and I can't believe it's almost here!! We're leaving at the end of this week, and I almost have nothing more to do (besides actually paying for everything!) It's amazing how fast it all comes, and how fast it's all over! I honestly have no idea what I'll do with myself once we get back...
  8. I think it's a great dress, and i've seen similar dresses for DW's , so I don't think it's inappropriate at all! Are you planning to do the TTD after the reception? If so, then you can stick with the one dress instead of getting a second dress. I also agree with the idea of having a seamstress lighten it up a bit, if possible. You look amazing!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Sycamore Tree Blossoming Lotus is an outstanding vegan place. I bought a recipe book so I could make their tempeh "tuna" salad. I was there in February, and they had closed! Please tell me you were there recently and they happened to re-open!
  10. I didn't start today. Instead, I ended up buying a pack of Vietnamese Marlboro Lights on the street for 5 bucks! They're so gross, I can't even tell you!! Anyway, tomorrow's another day...
  11. Picture on the Wall by Freddie McCay makes me cry, and if you could ever find a song by him called When I'm Gray, it's worth anything you'd pay for it. It's unfortunately very hard to find, I don't even have it except on a mix tape.
  12. Welcome to this forum, it's a good place! Good luck
  13. JayBee


    Congrats and Welcome!
  14. Haha, I think this is supposed to actually be my "Planning" Thread, but really, I need a freak-out thread!! 13 days to go, 7 till we leave, the invoice (which I think we've been over-billed) is due... Plus we just moved to a new place a week and a half ago! So I decided this is where I'll post my ups and downs, and you can post yours, too, because if you're anything like me, no matter how much time is left, every ten minutes or so your feelings are changing!! Let me start... Right now I'm happy because my FI is making a banging playlist for our wedding. And right now I'm sad because so many of my family members and dearest friends are going to miss our wedding, and I don't know when we'll get the chance or have a reason to get together again in the near future...
  15. Christine, for me anything cry-proof is tops on my list, lol!
  16. First off, u have to get yourself some Augustus Pablo. He's famous for the melodica, and collaborated on numerous tracks with awesome artists. Our song is called "Baby I love you so" by Johnny Miller fet. Augustus Pablo- it will make you melt to the floor! Also If you have any inclination for disco, search Itunes for songs like Ring my Bell or Love Hangover and check out the reggae versions! You'll definitely want to dance to those. Also Shinehead's version of Billy Jean rocks... Fever by Junior Byles will make u forget all about Peggy Lee... granted, these are some sexy tracks... I'm in that kind of mood right now, LOL! speaking of which, There are some awesome Bob Marley tracks, don't let me ever diss Marley... Mellow Mood, is a fantastic love song... I'll post more... My FI is busting out a set on the turntables right now, I'm in heaven!!!!
  17. I almost wanted to change our wedding location from Hawaii to Jamaica because reggae is so awesome for a beach wedding! I'm just glad we have so many special tracks, and I'm not just talking about Bob, Bunny, or Peter Tosh. I gotta admit that most of our reggae is from the 60's and 70's (and 80's) but I could not throw a party w/out the sounds of Augustus Pablo, the Heptones, or Toots and the Maytals. I don't care where you're getting married, reggae is a must for any tropical beach locale. Music is the second most important wedding item to me (actual marriage certificate being the first). I just want to say that having customized our entire playlist has been essential. There is no way I could have left this up to a DJ, and if I had I still would've furnished at least and hour's worth of music. I have to also say that we have crafted our sound track with the help of requests from guests and friends, and also a very awesome and rare reggae collection. I'm still playing a lot of classics from Al Green, Otis Redding, MJ and others, but I've found a reggae version of almost every great wedding hit (except Elvis) that rivals the original, even some Beatles tunes... Anyway, throw some kickass reggae on your playlist, or make sure your DJ or Band play some! I swear there's nothing more tropical & romantic. If you need or have suggestions, post and I'll happily help you out! Heck, I've got enough tracks for three weddings!!!
  18. Same thing happened w/ my kitty. He's had 3 emergencies in the last 2 years. That was the first- our clinic vet told us he was going to need a very expensive, emasculating surgery so we rushed him to the ER/ OR vet here in brooklyn and the very nice, calm, talented vet got him better without surgery (though it cost us over $1k). He was also put on a special diet, and was all better. Then the clinic vet told me he probably had cancer. I cried for 3 days. It turned out to be a bug bite. Then he had an asthma attack. The clinic vet told me he couldn't hear his heartbeat and he was suffering a cardiac episode. The ER vets stabilized him with o2 therapy and sent him home the next day. (again, $1200 bill). So I can relate. Find a good vet for your kitty asap. I am going to someone else now. I think this vet may actually like cats
  19. Well, I've got one ciggy left, a box of patches, and a FH who's freaking over our wedding expenses. I'm gonna put on a patch before I go to sleep, go out for one more smoke, and give this another go. Maybe if I can just get to Hawaii where no one smokes, I'll actually have a chance this time!!! wish me luck!!
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