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Everything posted by JayBee

  1. I honestly can't believe I'm this stressed out. read this: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t46787 then couple that with the fact that I have a wedding planner that never answers her phone, or returns messages. I'm so over it. I wish we had eloped... Jillian, I thought nothing could stress me out more that the $$ spent for this DW. But I was wrong... actually, it does all come back to the $$.
  2. So we rented Moloaa Shangrila for our wedding, and we rented the Main House for the week we were there (6 guests total). We also rented the honeymoon cottage (entire property) for our wedding night, and the night after. We did this back in Sept. 08. Paid for everything in full 90 days prior. To make a long story short, we had a couple guests back out, and my MOH is leaving right after the reception, so I emailed the owner on July 3, 2009 to see if we could cancel the cottage for the last two nights. (I figured there weren't going to be as many people staying in the house, and we'd have an entire wing to ourselves anyway.) I was an idiot and checked the contract after I sent the email. It stated that cancellations had to be made 90 days prior. So I thought her answer would be "No, you can't cancel, it's too late." I received no response from her. So I resigned myself to the fact that we had this cottage, and whatever, regardless the $$ is paid, at least I can guarantee our privacy, haha! Well.... She emailed me YESTERDAY (actually 9pm my time) and said she had cancelled our res. for the cottage and RENTED TO SOMEONE ELSE. So, not only do we not have our own place for our wedding night, We have to share the Property with strangers on our Wedding DAY!!!!! I paid freaking a good amount of $$ to have privacy, and she rented part of the property to someone else!? I have seen this property. I know how close the cottage is to where our reception is going to be, and how close it is to the house where we are staying. And I know if the situation was reversed, I would feel like an intruder on someone's wedding. The owner keeps trying to reassure me that it is far enough away that it will still be private, but I don't think that's true. It's far enough from the house, yes, but not from where we are setting up the tent for the reception. To be reasonable, I do not think the people renting the cottage will ruin our wedding, but I never imagined she would rent it out on our wedding day. I never would've asked about canceling it in the first place! Also when I didn't hear from her, I offered to let someone else join us because we were under the impression that we had extra space. There's really nothing more I can do at this point, she's giving us our money back for it (there's no way she can't), but I'm a little stunned she would do this without first telling me she accepted my cancellation (although I shouldn't have been able to cancel in the first place). I am So Mad at Myself!!!!
  3. I would try endless.com or heels.com. Also, you are shopping at the right time- orange tends to be a seasonal color for footwear, but right now most summer collections are on sale (yay), at same time it's a good color to transition to fall, so you might find it in some of the early fall collections coming out now. (I've seen a few cute ones, but mostly open toe ) If your wedding is in March, you'll probably have better luck finding them now. I would avoid dyeable shoes unless you found a pair you really like, and have a cobbler you really trust... Good Luck!!
  4. What is your first name? Jessica How Old are you? 31 Where are from? New York. Currently Brooklyn What is your occupation? Unemployed Do you have any pets? yes. 2 cats Where is your destination wedding? Kauai, Hawaii What is your FH/Husbands name? Eban What is your favorite fruit? Mango What is your favorite movie? Sean of the Dead What kind of car do you drive? The L train, lol! What is your favorite book? With The Old Breed, by E.B. Sledge What is your favorite season? Summer What kind of music do you like? Reggae (Dub) Any siblings? 1 Brother Where is your favorite place to travel? Hawaii What year did you graduate highschool? 1995 What do you do for fun? Make jewelry, read WW2 books When is your wedding? Aug. 7, 2009
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by lolosmama Oh my gosh, those look great!! I think I might look into this. When you girls were told not to wear makeup with these, do you mean even eye shadow too or just mascara? No she just said no mascara. You could still use lash tint or lash gel, and eyeliner & eyeshadow. Most important is not to use oil-based makeup remover is all. I wear contacts too, and have had no trouble. So far, so good! I will be getting them touched up in a few days right before leaving.
  6. I'm actually getting married at a private location on Kauai, and I can definitely attest to the added cost! ($$$$) Also remember that a wedding planner will most likely be required by the property owners, and that they're going to charge a percentage on at least rental and catering costs. It looks like a really big place, though. How many guests are you planning for? You want to make sure that you're venue is going to be the right size for however many people you're having... Good luck! they're both awesome choices!
  7. Not like I'm from Houston, but do Nieman's or Nordstrom's have bridal salons? I know both dept. stores carry some of her bridal stuff online. I would assume they would have more in store... I actually ended up going with a Nicole Miller gown after trying many amazing designers, but I went to her boutique here in NYC. Sorry I can't be more help... Good luck on your search!
  8. LOL! Oh yes, kitteh. Please read... One thing though- my cat totally tries to wear my clothes... at least I'm pretty sure that's why her hair is all over them...
  9. where my family is from: i don't know
  10. Finally! I get to be excited and not stressed and anxious! After this weekend, it's a very good thing: So I posted when I got the total invoice from the WC, I emailed her about some of the prices that I thought were high, and she took a WEEK to get back to me. When she finally returned my call last friday (2 weeks before our date), she told me I had to pay her immediately because it would take extra time for the checks to clear her acct. (But mind you, if I pay w/ a CC there's an extra 3% charge!) We had barely even reviewed our invoice, and she gave us no opportunity to make changes- everything was supposed to be finalized (according to the contracts) 30 days prior to the date!!! I'm still pretty upset about it. After discussing it with FI, we were like, it's her own fault if the checks don't clear in time, we weren't paying an extra 3%!! So then I wasn't sure if we could send personal checks, or if they had to be Cashier's checks, and again I was trying to get a hold of her, and she never got back to me!! Uggh! So finally, yesterday I just said screw it and sent her our checks FedEx (to Hawaii, $40!) And btw still haven't heard from her, though I called her twice yesterday. I just hope everything is so beautiful, it will make up for all this grief!
  11. Jennie, I'm so happy that you guys have been able to talk openly- you definitely couldn't go into this with all of those concerns hanging over your head. Now you get to enjoy these last few days(!) before the wedding! Both of us are getting married next friday, so I'm wishing you the all the best! JanJan, my fellow Brooklyn girl- just remind him that he needs to never act in a desperate way again, and you get to decide when it's time to panic! I understand where you all are coming from- both my FH and I lost our jobs this year and neither of us have found steady work yet. Also I've been w/ him for 11 years, so we've def shared low times and desperate, stupid things... (thank god though not 3 weeks before the wedding!) and we're here, 10 days until we're married, stronger and more committed than ever. I hope you both of you come thru your experiences feeling the same!
  12. Yeah, I got those crazy Vietnamese Marlboro's on Delancey St! I cut back, too. That's one good thing about trying to quit smoking over and over- you end up smoking less and less if you don't succeed. I am doing the patch again now, but I didn't really prepare for it... that was a mistake. Also I really can't wear the patch with my wedding dress, haha!
  13. Holy Crap, Nadine! They're freaking rock stars!! Thank you for sharing!! I've been a UFC fan since the beginning, but none of my friends (besides FI) understand, sigh... I love watching with him, but when I was a teenager it was so much fun to watch with the girls and hoot and holler at Royce Gracie!! GSP is my current favorite, but it's really hard to watch w/ FI, if you get my drift... lol!!
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