We took over a year to save for our wedding. We knew we'd have to sacrifice, so we decided to stay in our crappy little 450 sq. ft. apartment which overlooks a lumber yard, and a cement factory in Brooklyn. We had never really saved and budgeted before, so we were prepared to cut out any frivolous spending. A few months later, right before Christmas, he got laid off from his job, and 3 months after that, I got laid off from mine. Our cat had to go to the kitty ER twice, costing us around $2K. We had booked tickets to Kauai for his cousin's wedding, not realizing that both of us would be out of work...
The thing was, it all turned out to be a blessing in disguise. DH was able to freelance and earn more money. Plus, he received a severance package, which paid for a good portion of the wedding. And I basically had no daily expenses, no need to shop or get my hair & nails done, so I was able to hold on to most of my DOL check. Before we left for the wedding, we moved into a 1000 ft. loft, still in the same neighborhood, but OMG so much bigger and no cement trucks!
So, my point is, a lot of things- especially money- may make you feel right now that it's impossible to get there, whether financially or emotionally or even physically, but everything really truly does work out in the end!
Also you have to keep in mind what exactly is important both in your day-to-day and in your wedding budget. When emergencies come up, like a sick pet or a broken car or (my least favorite) dental work, remember that those are the unexpected things that happen to all of us every day, and are manageable as long as you keep your cool, and don't let yourself get too stressed out!!
And besides, there's enough brides in this forum who have been in, or are in, the same place, and that somehow it makes it a little less stressful...