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Everything posted by JayBee

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura i ate a hostess cupcake for breakfast with my coffee today. it made me feel a little happier! Cupcake Breakfast is AWESOME!!!!!! My friends call me Cupcake, so I appreciate your bit 'o joy Today I am stoked because tomorrow we're getting a washer/dryer delivered and hooked up, a. I haven't had my own washer and dryer since I was 13. I think I'm gonna cry when the first load comes out!! Also I'm happy because DH has the weekend off, and it's been about 2 months since that happened! Plus, he's getting a shave and a haircut later today, and hopefully that'll take care of the hipster look he's been sporting lately!!
  2. Congrats! The last 3 months really do fly by. Also I remember feeling like there was still so much to do, and it would never get done... then at the end I felt like I was forgetting something, lol! Hope it's not too intense so you can enjoy every minute of it!!
  3. There used to be such great places in Kapa'a... on my last visit, I noticed a few places that had gone out of business that I had been to in the past. I wish I had more info for you, Hads. I'll ask my cousin and see if they found any nice places on their last visit. They were out more than we were! Good luck
  4. Thanks for all the comments! Like I said before, I really can't take credit for that much of it, our wc Diana Gardner did an amazing freaking job! That woman knows her flowers, and she did the tent poles, the altar, and the centerpieces w/ just herself and a couple helpers. I really wish she could've done our bouquets, too, because her taste and style are phenomenal! I can't wait to see the future Hawaii weddings!!
  5. That sounds awesome! Are you staying at Shangri-la too? We love-love-loved it there. If you see a little scrawny black cat there, we named it Pickles, and it's always hungry. Tell him we said hi =D If you have any other ?s about the place, just pm me!
  6. that's awesome hads. It's so funny that 3 get to visit the island beforehand, because my wc was saying it's rare... I can't wait to go back. Was thinking about a trip this summer, but then again there's a big world out there and tons of other places to visit... but then again, there's Kauai...
  7. What a D-bag!! You are darn right though, some people don't understand DW's and beach ceremonies. It's not just about the sky, or the waves, or the sand. It's about the two people in the picture, and the happiness they're sharing. You could have been married in a parking lot and you're pics still would be beautiful
  8. Good luck and be strong on this long and sometimes difficult path. You've got a big bunch of people who support you here!
  9. Yeah, DVM, I would ask Ryan Fox about how much it'd cost to supply the booze. They should only charge you based on what you use, so you know you won't have too much. Also you'll be surprised how fast the week before your wedding goes by, with friends and family all coming together, and taking time to do some things before the wedding, then all the necessary things that you have to do before the wedding, like getting your license... you'll want as much free time as possible. Honestly, I thought if I had one more thing on my "must do" list for before the wedding, I would've totally cracked. lol! Niedertobe, keep in mind that if you go off-site to do your wedding, like to a public beach or park, it doesn't cost much (just a permit fee), but you also don't get to have much of a set-up. Also you will need a wedding coordinator for some private sites, and also to help you w/ everything from flowers to the officiant. The one thing I may have done instead of hiring a caterer was to have the reception at a restaurant. I don't know how the prices would compare, but there are other ways to get your food budget down. Consider having the wedding and reception earlier in the day, or on a monday - thursday. And talk to the wc at the st. regis about all your options. I didn't know they let you reserve a date without putting down the deposit?
  10. LMAO @ put down the Cookies!!! It's so hard, especially in the cold northeastern winter months. I've gained 20# in the last year, mostly since the wedding, so I am looking to get that weight off, too. I was thinking about getting a Wii and Wii-Fit... A membership at the Y is around $80/month, and I'd have to take the subway to get there (riding the train in sweats is NOT appealing, LOL!) Now that the weather is better, I've started taking longer walks... although they seem to end at a restaurant... I really need to get my butt in the right gear, too!!!!!!
  11. We took over a year to save for our wedding. We knew we'd have to sacrifice, so we decided to stay in our crappy little 450 sq. ft. apartment which overlooks a lumber yard, and a cement factory in Brooklyn. We had never really saved and budgeted before, so we were prepared to cut out any frivolous spending. A few months later, right before Christmas, he got laid off from his job, and 3 months after that, I got laid off from mine. Our cat had to go to the kitty ER twice, costing us around $2K. We had booked tickets to Kauai for his cousin's wedding, not realizing that both of us would be out of work... The thing was, it all turned out to be a blessing in disguise. DH was able to freelance and earn more money. Plus, he received a severance package, which paid for a good portion of the wedding. And I basically had no daily expenses, no need to shop or get my hair & nails done, so I was able to hold on to most of my DOL check. Before we left for the wedding, we moved into a 1000 ft. loft, still in the same neighborhood, but OMG so much bigger and no cement trucks! So, my point is, a lot of things- especially money- may make you feel right now that it's impossible to get there, whether financially or emotionally or even physically, but everything really truly does work out in the end! Also you have to keep in mind what exactly is important both in your day-to-day and in your wedding budget. When emergencies come up, like a sick pet or a broken car or (my least favorite) dental work, remember that those are the unexpected things that happen to all of us every day, and are manageable as long as you keep your cool, and don't let yourself get too stressed out!! And besides, there's enough brides in this forum who have been in, or are in, the same place, and that somehow it makes it a little less stressful...
  12. St. Pat's is also my niece's birthday, she's a true wee Irish lass!
  13. Candy Night-Thong... sounds tasty...!
  14. Thanks for the encouragement, andrea Everything you said is true, and goes along with the a lot of the other posts on this thread. It's nice to look at the beginning of this thread and see all the women that were ttc and now have cute baby pics in their siggys! Definitely keeps my hopes up.
  15. I'm so glad for this thread, I've been thinking of getting a Wii and WiiFit for months, but didn't know if it was a real workout. And since it's miserable out and I don't live in a safe neighborhood for jogging (or anywhere near a gym), it's sounding like a pretty good idea! Thanks
  16. I love that you made your own funnel cake!! I can totally relate I never get to go to fairs, living in brooklyn, and it's one of my favorite things ever. I am also totally jealous of what you find at your farmer's market in the middle of winter! That chard looks delicious. Great pics too, btw. I am now super hungry!
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