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Gen Snipes

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Everything posted by Gen Snipes

  1. OK heres my latest. After confirming May 17th with Gaby last week and her promising to email me the Q&A etc that day (she did not)....i finally get an email today saying "sorry but the other coordinator has booked that date". oh...and there are no weekends available in April or May. needless to say. I'm pissed.
  2. that was my first time trying to quote in a message. Maybe Ill figure it out next time.
  3. ugh. thats probably what ill get in 6 weeks then! what a let down! Isnt there a packet where you can pick everything? maybe it comes later...
  4. cool... we also have someone to do the ceremony for us - FI's dad will marry us in Cancun for the "real" day.
  5. tlomlad, because you are getting married on a sunday...is it a "symbolic" ceremony? are you getting "legally" married before the trip? I am so confused about the sunday thing...thanks much.
  6. I'm so confused - are sundays not an option? someone on another thread just mentioned something like that aswell...
  7. holy crap do they NOT do ceremonies on sunday!? she would have told me that on the phone wouldnt she have? oh no! who has the answer... because the chances of me getting her on the phone again are ...
  8. I might be doing the same thing that exact same weekend! where are you staying?
  9. I FINALLY got Gaby from Dreams on the phone this morning! (I had to go thru the concierge and call back twice to do it)... but she said that she would reserve MAY 17th for me (YAY!). Now I just need to wait for her to email me the Q&A and contract stuff I guess. My big concern now is I want to arrange a site visit asap and the prices I am getting online seem so high . Ahe also didnt seem to know anything about a discount for a site visit & I was sort of counting on that.
  10. I just spoke with Gaby from dreams - she said she didnt know anything about a discounted rate and that I would have to talk to reservations........might have to do some more asking around
  11. I don't have any answers.... but i just wanted to pipe in and say that i have been emailing and calling for a week and have yet to hear back. I expressed in my messages that I want to book a site visit and book a date ASAP - but still nothing.
  12. i would also like to get in touch with a WC at dreams... can anyone please share cludia's email with me? i get my emails bounced back from [email protected]. (I have also left her phone messages, but from what it sounds like they are very busy) THANKS! I am getting nervous about locking in a date now... it sounds like most dates are taken
  13. question for travel agent Jill....what comes first, blocking off rooms with the hotel? or finding a travel agent (do they do the blocking? or do I? who does the wheelin and dealin? thanks!
  14. Its really half and half...Myself and bridesmaids are coming from LA...but most of our family is coming from NJ and Canada. I guess that would make it a little easier for them to make Cancun. My goal is to get Claudia WC on the phone asap and arrange a mini site visit in late July. If we love it and can make arrangements there and then... Ill take whatever date they have!
  15. wow. great review. I am hoping to get a date there in may 09. Your info & pics will be so helpful!
  16. good points...thank you. yes i need to hop on a date quick...i havent heard back from the WC -its been about a week - ill try again. to be honest, i guess i wouldnt mind a midweek wedding as long as the weather is great- i could compromise. I wonder if April or june would be a better second choice?
  17. i know...but then people might have that extra day off from work which means they could maybe stay an extra day? or we could do it on the sunday instead....i guess i need to talk to a travel agent -you're right -a huge price difference for guests would be awful
  18. i know...i think i am addicted to the site! i look foreward to hearing about your trip...i may go aswell begining of august, just to be sure and then send out the save the dates...we are thinking May 23rd.
  19. Also...can i post this thread in the cancun forum? or is that a "no-no" to post in two places?
  20. I have been spending the last 2 days reading this site! I am torn between Dreams Cabo and Cancun. Are there any Brides out there who had to make the same choice? what are some of the pros and cons. I do like that cancun is swimmable...but they are both gorgeous. I havent been to Mexico.... HELP! PS. my wedding will be small (50 or less). in MAY/09 things that are important to me are: everyone having laid back fun awesome pools /ocean fun not TOO much of a party (spring break) place a good coordinator! (still researching!) Thanks Everyone!
  21. WOW what a help this will be for me. thanks so much...I am trying to put together my budget and you have given some really great ideas.
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