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Everything posted by Mylee84

  1. well i just got another call! They re ordered my dress same size and all! However it will not be shipped until May 20!!!! I am so afraid something will go wrong! That is really pushing it with alterations!! Im short and will need it taken up! How long before your wedding did you girls get your dresses? HELP!!!!!!! =)
  2. drink alot of water during the day. I drink a little bit of coffee about an hour before to make sure im not retaining water. Then I take an ib praufen (SP). I also bought some cream that numbs it....... but if you cant do all its not a big deal! It does not hurt that bad and its so worth it!!
  3. I am against it! I did it several years ago right when i started college (we had weigh ins for cheerleading) and it completely messed up my GI system!! I still have problems and have to see a GI doctor!!
  4. Kmac, welcome!! You can actually go to the iberostar website and click on which resort you want and then you can download all the information from there!! I have some extra stuff I will send you right now!! =)
  5. I just went to a pole dancing class for another bachelorette party! It was so much fun and hilarious!! =)
  6. i like this thread! my name used to be unique until hannah montana! but im glad its not on there!! =)
  7. wonderful!! thanks so much for sharing!
  8. i worked at a tanning salon for 7 years growing up! make sure you put normal lotion on your hands before you go in with the bronzer lotion! Its because your hands are dry and your hands will just soak up the bronzer! hope this helps for the future!
  9. WELCOME!! thats where im getting married in May 2009!! =) if you need anything let me know!!
  10. ohh i am so sorry! how stressful! that lady seems lazy and not caring at all!!! i hope everything works out! i wish i could help is some way!! =(
  11. those looks awesome!! your guests will love them! the colors of the towels are great!
  12. that is horrible! My cousin has kowasaki disease. But i also hear he may have a autism but in their religion they do not believe in autism. Dont know if its true?? but either way my thoughts and prayers go out to the travolta family!! =(
  13. thank for all your support! i will put up pictures as soon as it comes in!! =) you girls are great!!
  14. Hi girls... so i wanted to vent! I got a phone call last night that my dress was in... how exciting huh!! Well when i initially ordered it I tried on a size 4. It was a corset and the lady talked my into getting a size two so there was more strings inthe back (if that makes sense). I was unsure but went with the experts opinion. Anyways I tried it on and its AWFUL! it fit but it was disformed. I had a nub that look like i had a tail cming out of my butt! and the ta-ta part was bumpy! And on top of that my butt was packing into it!! hehe Well they ordere me another one SIZE 4 rush and i should get it in one month!! yayy!! =)
  15. everything looks awesome. I love your DIY tanks i think i will copy them!! =) thanks for sharing
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by ACA Amy What a great post!!! I have the same problem. I am going to Mexico in a couple of weeks to finalize some wedding plans and I am going to have to try some of these suggestions out! I'll let you all know what happens! Amy, I cant wait to see how your hair holds up in mexico!! thanks =)
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