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Everything posted by HaleGrifa

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by DWandMJ Question for any of you ladies who used an alternate aisle runner or are planning to: How are you transporting it down with you? Or does the MP have any available? My FI and I depart for MP on January 24th. We have made our own aisle runner as well for the Chapel Gazebo. We hope to then transport the runner to the reception and use for our entrance or on the cake table. We hope to bring ours on our flight as it is on a roll and would be the mosrt preferred option. Our TA is looking into if this is allowed and there will be other items on board with us i.e. wedding dresses & suit If this is not allowed we will have to fold it and pack it - which we really don't want to do. It would get wrinkled and then we would have to trust the resort staff to iron it!!! I am so glad that you asked this question. Please keep me posted! Laura
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by SarahandRichard Here are some pics. The Carriage Ride The ceremony Tucan Gazebo On the beach The rings The cocktail party on the Venado terrace The dance tucan terrace Congratulations! Very Nice ~ thanks so much for posting! My FI and I are getting married at MP on January 29th. Our reception is on Terrrace Venado - it looks stunning. Wishing you all the best. Laura
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by BVIBride09 My dress saga continues... I love this dress but am wondering if it's too "glitsy" for the beach?? Opinions? Bride to be - it is perfect! Selecting a dress is not easy but also so much fun. You know when it is the right one. It looks great, just do what you feel is best! Laura
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by dreamstbride WOW, stunning! My FI and I just love you photos. We are off to Mexico in 3 weeks and have also hired a destination photographer for a TTD session. Planning on showing our photog some of your photos - love it. Congrats and all the Best! Laura
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by blaired Kennynicole- I chose MP because I have been their several times and am real comfortable with the resort (where things are-where to go etc). It is great because of its size.... you can find some real intimate and quiet areas, as opposed to smaller resorts. Since it is not on the main hotel strip It does'nt usually cater to the spring break crowd either, which was a plus for us. They offer a ton of amenities. You can stay on-site for a week, never leave the resort and you still wouldn't have done everything they offer there! The rooms are beautiful- lcds, and double jacuzzis, awesome showers, service is amazing-everyone is so nice and very willing to help, The palace passport will also save you a lot in terms of excursions/golf etc. The new golf/spa side is lovely for some quite time. Nobody is ever by the pool on that side, and the Italian restaurant on that side is wonderful! Last time I visited, the Grand side was being built- so no info on that just yet! But if anyone has info on it I would love it! It looked nice when they were building it- Is the lobby finished for that side? We are booked for the MP Grand Side and we hope that we get it. It is the newer quiter side - the perfect place for our guests. Keeping my fingers crossed.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by ErikDaGenErik happy new year, MP brides! 2009 is our wedding year so cheers to you and all the wedding planning here. =) thanks for the beach ceremony pictures, mexico2009! the beach is actually turqoise! it's not the best i've seen, but better than what everyone keeps saying. nice! Happy New Year to all My FI and I leave in 3 weeks - I truly cannot believe that it is here already I agree love the pics and the beach does not look so bad - that is the only down side BUT my FI, guests and I are going to make use of the other Palace resorts. Best of Luck Laura
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by ErikDaGenErik congrats on getting your details and events confirmed!!! how did you get away with getting an outside photographer? will there be a wedding at the chapel gazebo during your cocktail at the chapel garden? I am interested cause i am booked for a wedding in the chapel gazebo and i would like a cocktail hour in the chapel garden as well. I'm just hoping no one else is getting marrie during our cocktail party =) thanks!!! Thanks - we couldn't be happier!! Outside Photographer - Actually I read on the forum that another MP Bride emailed her WC about her outside photographer - she posted her actual email and the WC's response - they were ok with it. So when I spoke with my WC over the phone I just came right out and told her (it was also in my initial email) She was ok with it - I think because I told her right away that they are booked as guests and staying at the hotel. Because we have a Deluxe Wedding Package that includes photography - I requested to use that photog from our package for our Welcome Dinner and it was not a problem - she has since confirmed this. Wedding Ceremony - Chapel Gazebo Our WC advised us that once a Gazebo is booked there is no chance that another wedding will take place within the area - meaning there is no overlap. That was a concern of my and it was discussed with our WC - this is why it is so important to book early and reserve your request before another Bride does. It is kind of like 'you snooze you loose' Sounds like you are planning the same day as mine - best of luck Laura
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by hmj They're IN!!!!!!!!! I'm SO excited!!! The BM dresses are Alfred Angelo in "tealness" and my wedding dress is Casablanca! The teal sash around my waist is NOT that wide. In the picture it was just fabric we tied around for effect. The actual sash will be about 3" wide only. (I decided to add the sash myself, it didn't come with the dress.) I absolutely LOVE everything about the dresses!!!! Yea! Very nice
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by cutierosie Have you been given a quote for the lounge set up? No I have not received a quote yet. I asked my WC to look into for me as we are very interested in having both set-ups - especially being on Terrace Venado - there is not better way to take advantage of the sites. If we hear anything we will keep eachother posted! Take Care Laura
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by lor Hi HaleGrifa, I'm getting married on feb 7. On the beach the cocktail party will also be on the beach and the recp will be in on of the ball rooms waiting to hear on which one, we have 60 guest coming. what the party hopper tour Hello Bride-To-Be Actually my FI and I will be at the resort when you get married. A beach cocktail party sounds nice - What is the set-up and cost for that? Whereabouts on the beach will you have it? Party Hopper - Ok so from what I have heard through word of mouth is that the the hotel has a PH bus that leaves from MP and takes you to Cancun to enjoy the nightlife. I believe it costs btwn $45-65 per person which includes your transport to and from, drinks and preferred seating at each club. I don't know any of this info first hand - but he hope to join in while we are there if it is available. Lets keep each other posted if we hear more.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Jennifer43 Hey Camie....Where in Dallas are you at? I live up in Carrollton! I am looking for more details on the Grand side. I know there hasn't been much official information released, but is there anywhere over there that would be a good location for the rehearsal dinner? I have photos of the rooftop deck/bar above the carribean restaurant, but I have been told that can't be used for a big group...anyone else know anything? I am 6 months out and am definitely hitting the wedding planning mode! We have reserved the Grand Side for our stay. Hoping that we get it as I hear it is amazing and private. If you hear any further details or photos - please post as I know there will be many brides wanting to take a peak. Thanks
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by lgarner83 oh really?, thanks! Ohh I just noticed that you are a Canadian Bride as well. Where abouts are you from? We live in Niagara Falls! Wishing you all the best . . . Laura
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by lgarner83 Hi! Originally, we weren't going to have a trash the dress photog. session for two reasons...1) because I'll be wearing my dress again at a home reception and 2) because we couldn't afford the photographer to come back the next day Well, a good friend of mine has decided to come to our wedding and she does photography as a hobby and has asked us if she could do a TTD session for her portfolio. Of course, we're ecstatic and want to do it but I don't want to wreck my dress lol. What if I got a similar looking dress for cheap to wear in the TTD pics? Has anyone ever heard of this before? We love the look of the water TTD pics and think it would be fun but there's this dilemma!! What do you think? Yes, jump on the opportunity! My FI and I have booked Tamms Destination Photography Team - husband and wife team that stay for 2 nights capturing the Rehearsal Dinner, The Entire Wedding Day-unlimited - 1 photog with the ladies and 1 photog with the men and then a Trash the Dress session following the wedding day + so much more! I myself did not want to wear my original ceremony dress, so I opted to purchase a second dress from Julius Bridal.com - it is stunning and cost $214 with shipping and has been custom made!!! I will be wearing this dress for the later half our our reception and then wearing it again for the TTD - I am also going to do a few changes during the shoot to get some different pics. Best of Luck!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by McCheng Yes, finally at the end of last week. She did answer all of my questions and said her email had not been working properly. I'll try not to worry since everyone says they operate like a well-oiled machine down there. Now that I have the important things confirmed (reception location, etc) I feel better. Thanks! Hope your planning continues smoothly. Yippeee - I spoke with our onsite WC yesterday afternoon and all of our main details are booked and confirmed! Kalena is a wonderful WC - easy to work with and very accommodating! Welcome Dinner - Booked with Photographer January 29, 2009 3pm Wedding in the Chapel Gazebo * Mariachi band booked * Bride Bouquet selected * Cake 4-6pm Cocktail Reception Chapel Garden 6pm-10pm Private Function Terrace Venado - with Lounge set-up (we have requested a time extension) & Disco to follow the reception Note - I let her know that we have hired a photographer and it was not a problem - we are using the photography & dinner from our Deluxe Package at other times during our stay. Best of Luck Ladies!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs D To Be! i didn't even know mp had an infinity pool!woohooo sounds fab!! Yes, it actually has more than 1 - there is also one on the Grand Side of the resort!! We can't wait!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by SunnyBride Hi HaleGrifa! We were planning on asking for the Tucan Gazebo for the ceremony, but I haven't decided about locations for the cocktail hour and reception. I read someone earlier quote that I think there is a balcony or terrace by the Italian restaurant overlooking the infinity pool that is supposed to be really nice for a cocktail hour, so maybe there? I've been asking Marlyn for a wedding coordinator (we're within the three months now!) and I still don't have one. Did you do anything differently to get yours? Are you planning on organizing many activities for your guests? I was hoping to get a schedule of the theme shows that are on nightly and see if we could book a bunch of seats for one of them...has anyone tried that? Do you know if there is a printed schedule of the theme shows anywhere? When I get a WC, I'll ask them too! Hi Sunny Bride! Ohh the balcony/terrace at the Italian restaurant overlooking the infinity pool sounds dreamy - I am not sure if it exisits? I would love to find out - as that would make a great location for our Welcome Dinner. If you find out any more details, can you please let me know? Note though that the Italian restaurant is far away and could be quite a distance from the Gazebo. I was assigned a WC awhile ago BUT I have yet to get a response from her from any of the emails that I sent I am hoping that I get a response any day as we are really anxious to secure the Chapel Gazebo. No, we are not planning too many activities. We are having a Welcome Dinner, I have also made arrangements for special treats in the guest rooms. We are also planning on attending the 'Party Hopper Tour'. If you receive the scedule for entertainment, can you please post? Thanks Laura IS ANY OTHER BRIDE GETTING MARRIED ON JANUARY 29, 2009? IF SO, at what time and location is your ceremony, cocktails & reception?
  17. HELP ME PLEASE Does anyone have the email address for Kalena Arroniz?? I was given an email address but have been it keeps returning as undeliverable. Thank you
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by cutierosie I'm having my reception at the terrace venado. The terrace venado is actually not listed on the map LOL So i called mexico and they told me that the terrace venado is near the nizuc/grand moon side all the way to the right of the map past the terrace tucan. The terrace venado is very pretty, right in front of the ocean, my only concern was whether it would be too small for my expected 60 guests. I would have liked some room for a lounge etc.... By the way, have you obtained a price on a lounge set up? Thank you - I think I found it based on your post. We have also requested the Terrace Venado - like you we love the location. Yes, I have requested info on the loungs set-up, but have yet to hear back from our WC. Lets keep each other posted . . . Thanks Laura
  19. Hi Sunny Bride Where are you planning on having your ceremony & cocktail hours & reception? Thanks Laura
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan Oh no, the last time someone asked this question, this happened http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t19493 you can bring in prepackaged food but not a ferret life is not fair Thanks so much for the info - we are bringing Guylain Chocolates for our guests in our luggage . . . yummy!!!!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by lolo I was wondering if anyone has ordered online because I an thinking about it. I am scared to do it without talking to someone who has. Any input would be great! Thanks I have ordered my 2nd dress online from Julius Bridal. I have yet to receive it - but have saved a fortune. Best of Luck
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Dez921714 Hi Ladies!! Thanks for the concern I've been good just super super busy. I actually signed into my email today for the first time in a WHILE and had a few messages from people on here, so I decided to come on and say hi and fill everyone in on what's been going on with me. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t31237 As far as our site visit, it was great! We went down Sept 25-29th and stayed at the MP. It rained the WHOLE time, but we still had a great time. It was off season, so the resort was no where close to capacity! Before we went we had the Bumgabalia Gazabo reserved for our ceremoney and the terrace for our coctail hour (2 hour) and Star Ballroom for our reception. I actually just emailed them today to ask if they can switch it to the other Gazebo (not the Chapel) as that's the one with the LONG walk way and we are changing our coctail hour from 2 hours to 1. The Gazebo's and terrace are on teh Nizuc side and the Star ballroom is on the Sunrise...so we figured we'll give guests some time to make their way accross. The resort is HUGE! Even the guy we met on our way home at the duty free shop (hehe) was like "that's not a resort, it's a city!" And OMG it is! We got a little lost getting to our room the first day and a half, then you figure it out. We were staying on the Sunrise side. All the balconies on the sunrise side have hammocs, that was pretty cool We did the timeshare presentation. It was really hard to turn it down, really really hard...the more you turn it down, the better the deal gets. (we would have taken the last one if we had the money!). But for doing it, we got a tee shirt, beach bag, $50 towards an excursion and $100 towards the spa Turns out, our room also came with a $200 credit to the spa.. Make sure you look into this! When settling your bill, you will have been charged for teh Spa, but just tell them you have the creit and they'll take it off. OMG the spa was awesome!!!!!!! best part of the whole trip! We did paradise snorkling, first time either of us have snorkled adn it was GREAT! We used the credit towards adding on ATV's and Speedboats! So much fun!!!! There really are golf carts everywhere adn if you ask them how to get back to yoru room, they'll take you closer lol and the shuttle that goes from one lobby to the other comes every 10 minutes, it was awesome! After our massages we had lunch at the Italian place on the golf course. We'd heard from a lot of other guests that it was one of the best restuants. And it definately was!!! If you have any questions about anything specific, feel free to ask and I'll answer...it's just hard to cover EVERYTHING! Oh, the wedding office was great! I belive we met with Kalina and she was so sweet. She sat with us and went over EVEYTHING! I picked out our flowers, centerpieces, table linens, etc etc For those of you not going down before your wedding. I can see how you can do everything we did three days before, so don't worry! Everything will be great!!!!! Awesome thanks for your post! Do you have any info on the Terrace's? Where is Terrace Venado? Other terrace's? We want to stay close to the Grand Side - did you see the new Grand Moon? We are hoping to have the Chapel Gazebo - What was it like in comparison to the Tucan Gazebo? Chapel Garden - what did it look like - good place for a reception? We are un-decided between the Chapel Garden and Terrace Venado. We have Kalena as well - great to hear that all went well with her and we will be in good hands!! Thank you Laura
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