I will. I'm a little nervous about how soft it will really be, but how could you not love a blanket that you wear all the time? I'm the same way, Carly... I ALWAYS have to have a blanket on me. Just a few more weeks!
I suck! I got ready for the gym this morning, and when I went downstairs it was raining, so I went back. I attempted to do a Fit TV workout that was on, but it had to deal with weights which I don't have... so I did it half-ass.
So since I go crazy whenever the Snuggie infomercial comes on, FI finally called and ordered it for me. He said it takes 4-6 weeks to come in, so it'll be my Valentines present. WOOOO HOOOO!!! He even payed a little more for extra fleece. I seriously can't wait! Is it weird how excited about this thing I am?