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Everything posted by *Casey*

  1. I had every intention of working out yesterday after work, but with the Hudson River being frozen over, and somehow getting stuck at the wrong ferry terminal in Jersey because the stinking Hudson River was frozen over, it took me 2 freaking hours to get to FI's apt (usually takes me 30 mins). We were going to work out together, but when my boat was delayed I told him to just go ahead without me, and i would meet him there. By the time I finally made it home, he had already worked out and showered. So I'm trying to make up for it today. I did 4 miles on the treadmill this morning and the Shred DVD after. Then after work, we're going to meet up at the gym for a few more miles and maybe some weights. I've learned my lesson... No more ferries on cold days I'm so proud of everyone for sticking with this! It's so hard, but so worth it in the end. YEA!
  2. I know what yall mean. Time has flown by, and we're only 3 months out now! My mom called me panicking the other night about how she put so much wedding stuff off till after Christmas, and it's all catching up now. I told her that if anyone should be stressing, it's me! I think she was just having a moment, and has calmed down by now, but then after thinking about 3 months... I'm stressed too! OMG, so much left to do, and not enough time!!!
  3. Hi Melissa... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  4. *Casey*


    Hi Reena... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  5. Hi Edie... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  6. to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  7. Hi Ang... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  8. Hi Jenny... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  9. *Casey*


    Hi Stephanie... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  10. Hi Tino... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  11. *Casey*


    Hi Christina... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  12. *Casey*


    to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  13. Hi Tutty... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  14. Hi Ivonne... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  15. Hi Amber... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  16. *Casey*


    Hi Chelsea... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  17. *Casey*

    Cabo Bound

    to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  18. Hi Colleen... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  19. *Casey*


    Hi Amber... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  20. Hi Nichole... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  21. I got one for my High School graduation from my parents, and still LOVE IT! I really can't say enough wonderful things about it!
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