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Everything posted by *Casey*

  1. to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  2. *Casey*

    Hi !

    Hi Maria... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  3. Hi Cathy... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  4. Hi Dianna... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  5. Hi Sarah... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  6. I would have a layover in Canada. But a short one, so it being on time is kinda crucial. Heather, did you fly all of those overseas?
  7. Hi everyone. I need some help!!! So FI and I are going to Italy for our honeymoon, and i'm in the process of researching flights. It just seems that some are way more than other for the same flight times and everything. I've only traveled overseas once, and I haven't even seen that airline on any of my searches. So I was wondering if any of yall have used any of these airlines, and what yall thought about them. I've tried looking at reviews online, but they don't seem legit. Yalls feedback would be greatly appreciated! I just really don't want to be stuck on a terrible airline thats cramped and gross for 12 hours on our way to our honeymoon, kwim? And 1st class is out of the question, of course! TIA!!! Air Canada Air Berlin Swiss Eurofly British Airways United
  8. I can tell that I'll be spending a lot of time on this site... thanks for posting!!!
  9. Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you had a great time!!!
  10. After we got engaged, we went to the same place he bought my ring to shop for his. They were so helpful and willing to give us a great deal since we were returning customers and already given them business. I don't know about everyone else, but I would try to steer clear of malls. In my opinion, their stuff is way over prices. I would looks at independent jewelers in your area, and ask around. Someone always knows someone, kwim?
  11. Those are so great! You look radiant, and I can't wait to see the pro's!!!
  12. Kate! I'm so glad you're back! And of course, I love your planning thread... It all looks absolutely perfect together!!! Congrats, you old married lady
  13. Happy Birthday, Ann! Have a kick-ass day!!!
  14. I did Level 2 today for the first time. It's a little bit harder, but I expected it to be way worse. As far as diet goes, I'm not on any strict meal plan. I'm just trying to cut out things like cheese and bacon and eating carbs after 5pm. I'm also trying to eat dinner before 7:30 and nothing else till the next morning after my workout. It seems to be working. It really helps that FI is trying to eat better too, so we can keep each other accountable. It was so hard when I was working out, and trying to eat healthier before he started, and we would go out to eat. He would order all the yummy stuff that I wished I could've eaten. But now we're on the same track and it's great!!!
  15. Invites are going out today for my first shower. YEA! So I had my reception place booked and deposit paid. When our guest list started to go way over the max capacity, we were lucky and found another place because someone canceled their weeding (yikes). But everything seemed to be working out until when we tried to cancel the other place, willing to lose the deposit, they said that we waited too late, and would've needed to let them know 6 months out. That being said, they are now trying to get us to pay 25% of what it would've cost to have it there! Isn't that ridiculous? But I think we're going to see if they'll let us have the rehearsal dinner there instead and let us get out cash free... I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!!
  16. *Casey*

    Sayin Hi!

    Hi Elaina... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  17. Hi Juliet... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  18. HI Misty... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
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