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Everything posted by *Casey*

  1. *Casey*


    Hi Amy... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  2. *Casey*


    Hi Krista... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  3. Hi Fi... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  4. *Casey*

    Another Newbie!

    HI Ruby... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  5. Hi Kay... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  6. to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  7. Hi Pamela... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  8. for some reason I can't get their website to work... Is that the right web address?
  9. *Casey*

    Just Beginning

    Hi Shai... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  10. So my snuggie FINALLY came in... and I have to tell yall, it's FANTASTIC!!! This is a video someone sent me, and it's so hilarious... Thought I would share for all you snuggie lovers out there:) YouTube - The WTF Blanket (Snuggie Parody)
  11. I went to a party once titled my 80's Prom and it was such a blast! We all went to the thrift stores and got the tackiest dresses ever! So if you're going thrifting, don't forget to check out the rack of the ugly 80's BM / Prom dresses... That would be such a hoot!
  12. Kelly... you did an AMAZING job! Everything looks just perfect
  13. At my sisters school, they had an 80's day... Here's a pic... Hopefully this helps!
  14. I want to think Jin is still alive too, but probably just because I like him so much. How could he have survived the boat blowing up though? If he had jumped, he would be stranded in the ocean with nothing. Remember what Faraday told Desmond when he started to become "unstuck" in time? He asked if Desmond had been subjected to an intense does of radiation or electromagnetic energy. Clearly, Desmond had been exposed to the later in the Swan Hatch, and he needed a Constant. But Daniel also had a Constant. Why? Well, guess who was just exposed to a high does of radiation in this episode when inspecting the Jughead? This is so good!
  15. Amanda... those are so great! You look like such a princess!!!
  16. Remember how he said she looked familiar to him? Well, if Widmore is off the Island, it would stand to reason that she could have left the Island too, right? It would be a possible explanation for why she knows so much about the Island and how / where to find it. Once again, mind = blown, and I need to think about this more.
  17. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY Birthday, Tina!!! I hope you have an awesome day
  18. Hi Danielle... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  19. 2 days??!!?? I'm so excited for you!!! And everything looks perfect!!!
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