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Everything posted by *Casey*

  1. *Casey*


    to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  2. Gmail: Ten ways Gmail makes email easy and efficient. And maybe even fun. #5 on the list is labels and filters...
  3. On the left there should be something that says labels. Then you go to edit labels and type in what you want the label to say. Then you choose the color you want it to be... and when you get an e-mail, you just check to the left of it, and go to the more actions drop down menu at the lop and give it that label... I'm making it sound way more difficult than it is, but it's the best feature ever! Especially with wedding planning!
  4. You can also chat with other g-mailers and AIM users at the same time through g-chat which I love!
  5. OMG... G-MAIL IS THE BEST!!! I have both hotmail and g-mail, and I just use my hotmail for junk stuff now. G-mail is the best at filtering spam, has the most space, and keeps your mail so organized. I have all these colored tabs that I can assign to e-mail that I created for pictures, events, wedding, friends, family, flights, shopping, etc... So I never have to delete anything and it's so easy to search for old e-mails. I LOVE G-MAIL!!!
  6. Congrats, girls!!! Yall totally deserve it!!!
  7. I'm from the south (TX) and it's pretty much whoever offers throws you a shower. Usually brides will have a couple. I have 3 sisters and they all had 2. One was thrown by a few of my mom's close friends, and the 2nd was thrown by the FI's family friends. Then the day before the wedding they all had a bridesmaids lunch thrown by my aunts. I think anything pretty much goes though.
  8. Hi Melissa... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  9. Hi Ashley... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  10. *Casey*


    Hi Diane... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  11. YEA Kate!!! It sounds like a dream... and the pics are awesome... I'm so glad to have you back!!!
  12. Can my mom come live with us?? : What my FMIL wishes my FI would ask me.
  13. I did 4.5 at the gym last night then about 30 mins of arms, legs and back... 4 more this morning then arms, and I'm going to do the DVD tonight. I can really start to see more shape especially in my arms... YEA! It's working!
  14. *Casey*


    Hi Claudette... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  15. to the forum and CONGRATS to you and your daughter!!!
  16. Hi Krissy... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  17. Hi Kelly... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  18. *Casey*


    Hi Allison... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  19. to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  20. to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
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