FYI about Chantix... make sure you DONT DRINK on it. This is a scary story, but if you are on Chantix, you really should hear this.
A guy I know, his roommate was on it, and one night he went out for a few drinks with his girlfriend even though it tells you not to drink. My friend says he only had 3 drinks which is far less than this guy usually has when he goes out. On the drive home he got into it with his girlfriend. When they got to their home he completely blacked out and a neighbor said they heard screaming. He flew off the handle and hit her, which was totally out of character for this guy. She than ran away, and he went to the nextdoor neighbors house because he was so disoriented and thought it was his trying to find her. The neighbor got so freaked out about this guy trying to break into his house, he shot him and killed him. His family and friends totally blames this incident on Chantix. I'm not saying that it doesn't work, or that it does. And I'm not trying to freak any one out, but just be careful!!!
I just thought everyone should know.