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Everything posted by *Casey*

  1. i voted for the square. I think its very simple and beautiful. You'll have it forever and could display it anywhere.
  2. I may be ignorant, but I feel like he should MAKE time for you. Stu has a very demanding job too, but we make it a point to have a date at least once a week just to keep communication lines open and spend time on us. And they're not expensive or time consuming things either. We'll go to a street fair, or a walk in Central Park, or sunday we went to Ellis Island. I know he's exhausted, but maybe you could explain that you miss him and would just like to have 1 day or night during the weekend to be with just each other outside of the house. I don't really know if this solves the "during the week" times, but it may help in other ways. And usually things just always work out. The things you were so stressed about 2 years ago, you probably don't even remember now. So just keep loving him, and everything will work out just right.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura this one isnt fake... i used to babysit for a family who had a little girl named paisley! the mom decided on the name because it was her favorite print from the 80s, no joke! My cousin named her baby Paisley, and I think its so precious! I think it's a beautiful southern name
  4. Any Texans out there? I'm still debating to have a destination wedding (Azul Sensatori in RM) or a wedding in Dallas (?). Does anyone have any ideas about Dallas locations that aren't the same ole same ole thing?
  5. I'm waiting for confirmation too. I e-mailed Fabio, and he got back to me a few days later. Told me to fill out the online app and I would hear back about my date very quickly. That was weeks ago, and I still haven't heard anything. So I guess not? Still waiting!
  6. Don't forget to give us all the details! Can't wait to hear all about it
  7. Thanks for all the pics. I think i've made my decision to do orchids now. YEA!
  8. I had a problem with that too when looking for a place. I really didn't want to put Cancun, since at one point or another, most of my friends Spring Breaked there. And I didn't want them to have those crazy memories attached to my wedding location. But I think you can totally put Riviera Maya.
  9. CANNOT wait to see the pics! Sounds like such a blast!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP I had to do a double take if you pulled your hair back I wouldnt be able to tell. who is the dress by? This is so much fun!!!
  11. Thanks everyone for your advice and support! I REALLY appreciate it!!!
  12. I've even thought about my FI and I just going for a 3 day weekend, just the two of us... Get married... then going back to Dallas and do the wedding and reception there with everyone... My mom might kill me though.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacqueline Sorry you're going through this. It will work out though! Anyway I'm not sure if I'll be a lot of help since I'm not having DW. I was going too as well but decided not too. In my opinion, from being a part of this site and having a good friend just having a DW (Carly) I felt like at first everyone says they will be there and the #'s are high but eventually they lower. Did all of your guest pay already for this DW?? No, no one has bought tickets yet, thank goodness. The thing is that I have a very large immediate family, and my FI wants to have like 7 groomsmen (+guest) and 8 more of his best friends (+guest). All of these guys WILL come. I can guarantee that. And my mom is wanting me to invite all 4 of her sisters, their husbands, their kids... which means I would have to do the same thing with my dads side of the family. And that would leave me no room for my friends (+guest). ARGH!!!!
  14. Hey Everyone, I am really having second thoughts about having a DW now. All I've ever said that I wanted was a DW on a beautiful beach with beautiful water, close friends and family. Well, the small 20 person crowd I imagined is now growing to more like 50. I really wanted to go back to Texas after the wedding for a reception where we could have a big party with all of our friends not at the wedding. And the reception is where I expected to really shell out the bucks, but with the DW guest list growing, it'll be almost just as expensive. So today i've been looking at places outside of Dallas in order to have some kind of feeling of being away. Kind of rustic elegant type places. Then after talking to my FMIL last night, she kind of put a damper on that worrying about people driving drunk the 45minute trip back to Dallas. So then I was talking to my FI and he suggested having bus shuttles back and forth, but that seems so frat party style to me. I don't know if I would want buses going to and from my wedding, you know? I know that planning a wedding isn't easy. But I really just need a little pick me up right now. Any suggestions?
  15. LOVE IT!!! It must feel so good to get the details together.
  16. I like the sash because it gives you more of a waistline, and adds a little more color.
  17. I really want to pick a place that has that gorgeous bright aqua water against white sand. Since I've never been to any of these places yet, I was hoping someone knew which area has this. I know Cancun does, but is Tulum brighter? What about PV or Cabo? Any thoughts?
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