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Everything posted by *Casey*

  1. I think it's an awesome idea! And he could hang it up in his closet, behind the door or something.
  2. The ones I take are fantastic! They were made by the famous Cooper Aerobic Center in Dallas by Dr. Cooper. There is a kind you can take thats just a once a day, and a more serious kind with a lot more vitamins in it that you take twice a day (4 per meal). These must be taken with food like all vitamins, because the food is what absorbs the vitamin and distributes it thoughout the body. If you don't take vitamins, any vitamins, with food then it will upset your stomach.They are also different for men and women. The womens contain iron and are highly recommended for women in the prenatal years. I know they are a little pricey, but I used to get sick every time the seasons changed, and since I've been taking Cooper Complete, I have not gotten sick once. Seriously, they are amazing. Also, if you order them online, and use the discount code "runner" then you get some % off, maybe 15, but i'm not sure. Any discount is a good discount though. Here's the website if any of yall are interested. Maintain your health and fitness with our vitamin|mineral and nutritional supplements| Cooper Complete I know it sounds like I work for the company or something, but I don't. Just a firm believer in their effects.
  3. I'm so proud of everyone sticking to it. It's hard though. I started working out every weekday morning before I go to work for the past 3 weeks. I feel like I've seen some results one day but non on others. It could also be that right before I start my period, I can NEVER get full. I eat and eat. Also, since I have been working out, I think I justify eating unhealthy things, so really I'm just balancing out instead of dropping like crazy. So I told myself last night, after eating ribs, mac and cheese and hush puppies that it was my last splurge night. I'm going to be really good during the week, then allow myself to cheat one day during the weekend. I've heard before that a lot of "diets" don't work because people feel like they are depriving themselves and finally just give in. But if you set a day aside to look forward to, then you won't feel so binded during your healthy days. Also, as far as adderall goes, I got diagnosed with ADD 5 years ago, and its the only way I can get anything done at work. It does suppress your appetite, but I don't think to the point where you just drop 35 pounds in 2 weeks like Nicole Richie. I've been on it for a while, and I'm not even close to being skin and bones. I wouldn't recommend anyone using it for a suppressant. It is strictly to treat ADD, and can be abused. I don't think there is any "magic pill" as much as we all with there were. I know we don't want to admit it, but diet and exercise is always the healthiest and best overall. So stick with it ladies. We can all do it together, and cheer each other on!
  4. *Casey*

    Hello There

    Welcome to the crew!
  5. I'm in your same boat. My FI hates the fact that I'm a smoker so after he proposed in Cancun, I wanted to do something huge for him, and quit cold turkey. I have found this so hard to do. Every now and then I sneak one in, but I don't have the heart to tell him. Is this terribly dishonest? I also live in NY so I know how much it costs, which is another reason I thought it would be good to quit. But then again, I've been eating more for that oral fixation, and I don't think that's a good thing for getting ready to slip into a tight fitting dress. Argh! I've even thought about trying hypnotherapy. Anyone have any success with this or have recs for the NYC area? Sorry for rambling, but I totally understand where you are coming from. It's hard, but we'll feel so much better when the hard part is over!
  6. I kind of see it as a vacation for them, and I wouldn't pay for their vacation... even though its for my wedding. Are they all financially stable to where they can afford the trip? You could help possibly pay for their dresses, but other than that, I think you're good. Have any of them hinted at the fact that they wanted you to pay?
  7. I'm wondering why she showed them to you. Obviously it's not a big deal to her for you to see the dress before, so you shouldn't either. She will look the most beautiful that day than you have ever seen her, and that will be so special. As for me, my sister sent pics of me in my dress to my email, and I opened up another e-mail account just so my FI would never even accidentally see them. Maybe i'm paranoid.
  8. Thank you so much, Heather! I absolutely love Brian Dorsey, so I'm waiting to hear back about prices. Hopefully my eyes won't pop out when I get the quote....
  9. Hi there, ladies! So it's time to get some engagement pics taken, and I am totally lost. I'm currently living in New York City, and I have been searching and searching websites for the past week. I'm so afraid that i'll choose someone because their website looks good, and not know if the photographer is actually good. So I was wondering if you guys had any recommendations for those of you who live in the area or know of someone. I will take any and all names I can get Thanks!
  10. I LOVE the "one spot" at Target! You can find so many great deals!
  11. you can never have too many totes... they'll love them!
  12. Was the fact that they were named Jennifer or a version of it a requirement to be in the wedding? I love the robes and sarongs! Too cute!
  13. I was stressed to give my speech at my sisters. I even went to borders to buy a book on toasts. After finding nothing, I just spoke from the heart, and it worked out beautifully. So my advice would be to just relax and don't over think it. Happy toasting!
  14. My sister gave me and her bridesmaids cute beach bags stuffed with an enormous soft beach town from Pottery Barn. Seriously... it was like the size of a twin comforter. It is fabulous!!! And perfect for DW gifts! Hope it helped
  15. Hey Ladies, Do any of you have any cute ideas of asking someone to be a bridesmaids? I'm sure there are some cute poems or things out there, but I just can't seem to find them. I've also thought about sending flowers to their offices (because who doesn't love to get flowers at work), but i think it would be suspicious to ask their work address. Any ideas? Thanks!
  16. OMG those are so precious! Too bad I have sailboats for feet!
  17. I'm thinking of honeymooning there... Researched any good places?
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