I'm so proud of everyone sticking to it. It's hard though. I started working out every weekday morning before I go to work for the past 3 weeks. I feel like I've seen some results one day but non on others. It could also be that right before I start my period, I can NEVER get full. I eat and eat.
Also, since I have been working out, I think I justify eating unhealthy things, so really I'm just balancing out instead of dropping like crazy. So I told myself last night, after eating ribs, mac and cheese and hush puppies that it was my last splurge night. I'm going to be really good during the week, then allow myself to cheat one day during the weekend.
I've heard before that a lot of "diets" don't work because people feel like they are depriving themselves and finally just give in. But if you set a day aside to look forward to, then you won't feel so binded during your healthy days.
Also, as far as adderall goes, I got diagnosed with ADD 5 years ago, and its the only way I can get anything done at work. It does suppress your appetite, but I don't think to the point where you just drop 35 pounds in 2 weeks like Nicole Richie. I've been on it for a while, and I'm not even close to being skin and bones. I wouldn't recommend anyone using it for a suppressant. It is strictly to treat ADD, and can be abused.
I don't think there is any "magic pill" as much as we all with there were. I know we don't want to admit it, but diet and exercise is always the healthiest and best overall.
So stick with it ladies. We can all do it together, and cheer each other on!