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Everything posted by *Casey*

  1. When my sister got married, I thought it was so weird that she wore her wedding band on the inside and her engagement ring on the outside. I thought that you would want to protect the diamond on the engagement ring, and wear it on the inside to make it safer and more secure. But then she told me that wasn't the traditional way to wear it. She said that you are suposed to wear the wedding band on the inside to be closer to your heart. Anyone else ever heard of this? That being said, I'm probably going to go with the more traditional way to wear it.
  2. I'm all over this and forwarded it to all the girls in the office. Thanks!
  3. I may have to steal some of these... hehehe
  4. I saw the Jason Mraz video this morning on VH1 Jumpstart. LOVE IT! It is the perfect "beachy" love song!
  5. There's no rule saying that your wedding dress has to be crazy expensive. And its not like everyones going to ask you how much you paid for your dress. The only thing that matters is that you feel amazing in it. Have you checked out J-Crew and Ann Taylor yet? They have some more affordable gowns too
  6. I'm so addicted!!! Hope I don't get fired from my job.... oh well, Welcome!
  7. Ok... so we all agree. "Licious", and Suade talking in the 3rd person is ridiculous and soooo annoying! I understand that things catch on like Tim's "Make it work" and so on, but give it a rest! It's like they are trying too hard to be that person with that catch word. ARGH! But I do have to admit that I really did like Suede's little red and white tool ballerina looking dress. Don't hate me. But "Licious" guy, whatever his name is, has yet to produce anything that I would even consider OK. Get him outta there!
  8. ever tried Spanx? I've never worn them, but my sister swears by them. And I think you can get a kind that covers up your stomach and holds it in. Might be worth looking into.
  9. Definitely not too early! When I went they said you should get your dress 9-6 months before your wedding. And no later than 6 so you have time to do all your fittings, bridal portrait and make all the little adjustments. It's way better to get it early than late. I ordered mine last month, am getting it in November, but don't wed until May 2009. So no worries. Congrats on finding the dress! I'm sure its stunning.
  10. Glad to hear about the update.... Everything always just works out!
  11. Glad to have ya! New Yorker here too.
  12. *Casey*

    Hi Y'all

    Glad you're here!
  13. This web find is amazing. Just what I was looking for. Thanks!
  14. I would have to say its Sandals, Dreams, or Couples resorts. I've read a lot about them on tripadvisor and it sounds like they just crank them out one after another.
  15. I so wish we had one in NY. Congrats on the awesome find!
  16. FYI about Chantix... make sure you DONT DRINK on it. This is a scary story, but if you are on Chantix, you really should hear this. A guy I know, his roommate was on it, and one night he went out for a few drinks with his girlfriend eventhough it tells you not to drink. My friend says he only had 3 drinks which is far less than this guy usually has when he goes out. On the drive home he got into it with his girlfriend. When they got to their home he completely blacked out and a neighbor said they heard screaming. He flew off the handle and hit her, which was totally out of character for this guy. She than ran away, and he went to the nextdoor neighbors house because he was so disoriented and thought it was his trying to find her. The neighbor got so freaked out about this guy trying to break into his house, he shot him and killed him. His family and friends totally blames this incident on Chantix. I'm not saying that it doesn't work, or that it does. So DONT DRINK ON THIS STUFF!!! I just thought everyone should know.
  17. OK, so I'm not an official memeber of the BC, but I did read this about a month ago and really enjoyed it. A girl at work suggested it, and it totally held my attention. I loved the way the author would flip flop back and forth from circus days, and his retirement home. My grandfather was in a retirement home for a really long time before passing away, so I think I really felt for the older character the most. The whole love/friendship triangle was strange. Marlenas a little hoochie-mama, isn't she? Hahaha. Could have had a more realistic ending, I think. What's the next book? Do yall only read fiction? If not, I have a suggestion. Let me know.
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