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Everything posted by *Casey*

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by STACEY I am not familiar with Jewlers Mutual. DO you own a house, or have auto insurance? No home or renters insurance... thats why we chose Jewelers Mutual. I called around to a bunch of different places, but they all required that you have a home or renters insurance policy with them. And maybe that would've been a good idea since there was a huge fire in an apartment right down the hall from my FI's place yesterday morning. Scary! So we chose to do the $2500 deductible and I think it ends up being about $1000/year.
  2. I usually get up around 6:15 to hit the gym before work. But I am leaving work early today to go see the Dark Knight at the IMAX so I had to get in earlier than usual. I had every intention of getting up at 5:15 to hit the gym to make it work, but after going to bed at midnight, I couldn't do it. Now I'm so mad at myself! And to top it off, my FI and I went to Chili's for dinner last night. I feel so guilty!
  3. So on last nights show... Am I the only one that thought Josh and Twitches dance was ridiculous? I was so excited to see them dance together, but not like this. I REALLY wanted to see them do hip hop together, but no dice. The "jiges" raved about it, but maybe I just didn't get it. Any thoughts?
  4. Congrats! So glad to have you here!
  5. Congratulations on the engagement, and WELCOME!
  6. Glad to have ya here!
  7. I just tried to go on their website... and their wedding invitations tab isn't working. Anyone else having problems with this?
  8. Ok... so I'm reading this thread at work, and am pretty much balling at this point. Just thinking about that dance. My dad and I have always been so close, and since we're true southerners, it would only be appropriate to use a country song. I grew up on it, and love it. So now it's time to pull myself together, and go look at the funnies board. Awesome suggestions everyone!... (tear)
  9. A girl in my office measures how much weight she has either gained or lost by looking at how much that bone on her wrist sticks out... She told me this the other day, and didn't really get it. So rest assure, you're not the only one
  10. so is tonight the performances and tomorrow the finale?
  11. I've been trying to get up and work out at the gym around 6:15ish before work and take the weekends off. I have to say that I slacked on Monday and today. Of course, now I feel totally guilty about it. But tomorrows a new day! Time to kick my butt back to the gym! Thanks for the reminder, Amy
  12. I have a small and new collection that I just started. I stole the idea from a girl I work with, and love it. I collect fridge magnets from places we travel to. I love walking by and being reminded of our trips together.
  13. So I'm trying to insure my ring through Jewelers Mutual today. My quote was a little high with 0 deductible. Do any of yall know how much the average deductible is? I'm so lost... never done this before. Any advice would be greatly greatly appreciated! Thanks girls!
  14. It's almost exactly like the sample dress I found, but didn't get, because it never went into production. It's absolutely stunning on you!!! I'm so glad you love it so much.... I love it too!!!!!
  15. I think both Twitch and Joshua are total Teddy Bear guys. I love them both, but I think if it was between the two of them, that Joshua would win. I agree... it's going to be either Josh or Katy. Has anyone bought your tickets yet to the tour?
  16. So happy for you! Being an aunt is so much fun!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Jen5372 Yahhh ignore her. Or say something bitchy like I would: "well yu never know when you'll get pregnant-for some of us it can take years and need a doctor's assistance" LOL That's too funny... someone at work just asked what was wrong with me.... hehehe
  18. Should I send the quiz out with my "save the date if you pass" magnets?
  19. Love The One You're With is on my Amazon wish list
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