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Everything posted by *Casey*

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Pug3636 Nixon is so cute!! My FI wants a puggle someday! I'll always be a pug love, but my FI really wants a bulldog. So maybe they'll come up with a "bullpug"? Can you imagine how much that thing would snort
  2. I'm also voting for #1. I like the dark jeans, and black is so classic. I think that the faded jeans won't look as crisp in the pics IMOHO. You'll look fabulous no matter which one you choose
  3. This is Punkin', my 8 year old pug with her favorite toy... her bottle cap
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by can't wait! Can't see the pics anymore! What happened? that's weird... they're still up on mine... I'll repost... Blue Lace: Tobacco Leaf: Blue Imperial: Hope this works
  5. Sorry Heather, I didn't mean to leave out Nixon!!!... I swear it wasn't posted yet, but of course, he looks like such a sweetheart too!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Pug3636 Punkin' is sooooo cute! I love the bottle cap! OF COURSE puggles count!!!! Thanks! Diesel, Utinni, and Obi Stewart are also so precious! Don't pugs just tug at your heart? My apartment doesn't allow pups so Punkin' currently lives back in TX with my folks. So when I go home, we do some extra extra super duper cuddling I'm hoping that after Stu and I tie the knot, we'll find a place in NYC that allows dogs, and the three of us can become one happy family!
  7. I think I've decided on "Two People Fell in Love" by Brad Paisley. It's me and my dad's favorite song because it's so close to our family. It's a beautiful and heartfelt song about how the only reason we are here is because two people fell in love and cycle it takes. It just hits close to home when it talks about the family reunions and stuff. Definitely give it a listen, if you don't know the song... Here are the lyrics: Two People Fell In Love lyrics A baby's born in the middle of the night in a local delivery room They grab his feet, smack him till he cries he goes home the next afternoon 'Fore you know it he's off to school and then he graduates in May Goes out and gets a Ph.D. and then cures all sorts of things Wins a Nobel Prize and saves a million different lives The world's a better place for all he's done It's funny when you think about the reason he's alive It's all because two people fell in love Right now at a picnic shelter down by Caney Creek You'll find potato salad hot dogs and baked beans The whole Wilson family's lined up fillin' their paper plates They've drove or flown in here from fifteen different states Well Stanley Wilson says that sixty years ago he knew That Miss Emma Tucker was the one Now five generations get together every June All because two people fell in love [1st Chorus] There ain't nothin' not affected When two hearts get connected All that is, will be, or ever was Every single choice we make Every breath we get to take Is all because two people fell in love Well, I recall a young man who was driftin' aimlessly And a young waitress who seemed lonesome as could be But in a little cafð³ right off of fourteenth avenue With a whole lotta help from up above We met and things sure turned around for me and you And all because two people fell in love [2nd Chorus] Baby, there ain't nothin' not affected When two hearts get connected All that is, will be, or ever was I'm glad your dad could not resist Your mama's charms and you exist All because two people fell in love [Tag] You know, to me it's all so clear Every one of us is here All because two people fell in love A baby's born in the middle of the night in a local delivery room They grab his feet, smack him till he cries he goes home the next afternoon
  8. I have a pug, and she is the love of my life (next to Stu, of course). Her name is Punkin' and she's 8. This is her with her favorite toy... the bottle cap
  9. Hi Jorge! to the forum!
  10. *Casey*

    Hello All

    Hi Natasha! to the forum! Better late than never
  11. Thanks Ladies... my mom asked me what the protocol was for this, and I had no answer. Yall are the bestest!
  12. do you put your website on the actual wedding invitation? My sisters didn't but that was years ago. so I just didn't know what people are doing now?
  13. I was just wondering if everyone puts where they are registered on their wedding website, and if you put your website on your invitation? I'm so confused! Please let me know what yall are doing. TIA!!!
  14. You know when people ask you what your favorite smell is? And some people will say strange things like gasoline, or fresh mowed grass? Well, mine is totally puppys breath! It just makes my heart melt! Sometimes I even go to this pet store in the mall and play with the puppies and just get a big 'ol whiff . Hopefully yall won't think i'm a loony
  15. *Casey*

    Hi :)

    Hi Jess... WELCOME :)
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by carly Wow, I love that crazy one! I am all about colors and patterns, so that would be my pick. But then I have to think, is it trendy? Cuz you don't want to spend a million dollars on trendy china... What about mixing the Tobacco Leaf with a plain one, so that it's more of an accent?? I don't think the tobacco leaf pattern is considered "trendy" because it's been made since the 1800s. It probably does go in and out of style though. What do yall think about getting all blue lace dinner plates, half accent in tobacco leaf, and half in imperial blue? Am I totally over thinking this?
  17. I'm a HUGE University of Oklahoma fan! BOOMER SOONER! One of my sisters went to TX, another went to A&M, and the other one went to TX Tech. It's kind of funny because people would call us the sister of the Big 12. We are all enormous football fans, so needless to say, everyone's dukes are out during football season. Especially since there are such big rivalries between all of them. My all time favorite time is the OU/TX game in October. It's called the Red River Rivalry (used to be Shootout). Each school is 3 hours from Dallas, and both teams meet there to play at the Cotton Bowl. The fans are split up exactly on the 50 yard line so half of the stadium is all red and the other is all orange. There's this electricity in the air that I've never experienced at ANY other game! It's amazing!!! It's also at the State Fair of Texas. Everybody's chowing down on Fletchers Corny Dogs and pounding overpriced beer between the extensive trash talking. So so so so fun!!!! There's really nothing like it. I haven't missed a game in 10 years. I was at OU for 4 1/2 sememsters, and the 5 football season I was a student, we beat TX every time! I can't wait!!!
  18. Love this idea! I gotta get to work on it
  19. What a beautiful dress! If you wore a veil, I think a simple one would be the best way to go since there is so much detail on the dress and you certainly don't want to take attention away from it. But a flower would be lovely too. I just have a very simplistic style and always think that less is more. Do you have pics of the veils you are thinking about?
  20. I don't have any advice, but I just wanted to let you know that I love this idea! It's different and so personal... You'll have it forever. I may have to steal this
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB I really just think I want to buy a baby wig, LOL Actually, I would rather come up with a stupid idea where I can sell some ridiculous product for $25 a pop! Seriously! Think how much these people are racking in on baby wigs! I should become an inventor... Hmmm.
  22. Hey everyone! So I just got back from my trip to Dallas and did some extensive planning in a short amount of time. I got so much done, but one of the things I'm struggling with is deciding which china pattern to register for. I know that I am going to use the Blue Lace as the dinner plate, but don't know whether to choose Tobacco Leaf of Imperial Blue for the rest of the set. My mom said that my face lit up at the Tobacco Leaf, but I'm just afraid that it might be too busy and bold, and that I might get sick of it later on down the line. Feedback? Blue Lace Below: Tobacco Leaf Below: Imperial Blue Below:
  23. Hi Karen! CONGRATS and WELCOME!!!
  24. *Casey*

    Cabo Bride

    Hey Shawna, Welcome to the forum!!!
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