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Everything posted by *Casey*

  1. *Casey*


    Hi Janice. to the forum!!!
  2. YEA! Got back to the gym this morning and ran 4 miles, and I have dance class tonight
  3. For those of you who haven't caught up yet on the previous seasons... do it! It's so worth the time!!! I'm so glad yall watch this show too
  4. "Banned" is such a harsh word. Maybe they could change it to something like, "We love you too much right now to continue your navigation". Hahaha... don't worry... it'll work out
  5. What's the difference in the green and blue rep points?
  6. My grandmother would always refer to Walmart as WalmarK... I guess combining walmart with k-mart? And instead of backwards and forward, she would say backerds and forth. Isn't she cute?
  7. I think they will add a unique personal touch to your reception. And I love anything that lights up. They'll be great!
  8. Did anyone watch "Dirt" the show on FX by Courtney Cox. The teacher on 90210 was on it... and he was equally hot on that show!
  9. Thanks! I've been looking for a pic of my dress online since I ordered it and couldn't find one anywhere. I didn't even know the dress number until I clicked on the link. And there it was, style number and all! What a lovely surprise. And after seeing what they are selling it for used, I feel like I got a good deal too Thanks again for posting!
  10. My mom (such a southerner) always says "waRsh" instead of "wash".
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek I loved it. I absolutely loved the grandma on the show. She was so much fun! She played the mom on Arrested Development, which by the way, is my all time favorite comedy (so sad it got canceled), and she is by far my favorite character on this show too! She's by far the closest thing to comedy relief on the show. Love her!
  12. I still get crap from my coworkers whenever I let a "YALL" (TX slang for "you all") slip out.
  13. FI and my roommate are going out of town this weekend, so tomorrow and friday before work, and Saturday I am hitting the gym hard! I've been slacking a little bit. I've scheduled my e-pic session in 2 weeks, so I better get a movin'!
  14. That's what I did... $20... but then I left and thought about it and confused myself. I feel so much better now.
  15. I don't really mind it, because I'm at work for NFL so it gives him time to watch everything and check the computer, seriously, every 5 minutes for updates.... Hahaha... I had one sunday off last season, and he attempted to teach it to me... It was way over my head... Way more effort than I would be willing to put in. It was also nice to have a sunday where I didn't have to watch the games all day. I just said good luck
  16. Hey Brooke. Congrats and to the forum!!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB DH had Fantasy Draft last night too! I never realized these things were so ogranized! I know some of them are crazy! A guy I used to work with had a $2K buy in! It was nice for him to be gone so I could watch my show and drink my wine in peace! LOL I thought my FI's $500 was ridiculous! Isn't it crazy how much they are willing to spend on a game? And really... what are the odds that they'll actually win the pot? Oh well, if it makes him happy...
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