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Everything posted by *Casey*

  1. Nice Katie! You're totally on top of things!
  2. too scared to open up the links at work... I'll have to check when I get home... hahahaha
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by heather007 I love Claire turning bad- and what's with the whole "I've always loved you." Isn't Peter her Uncle? Honey- your monogram [which is very pretty] has one too many zero's in the 2009. ~~ hahaha... thanks! I've never noticed that.
  4. Sure... I'm always up for advice!
  5. Ok... now I feel bad... I got tons of work to do to catch up to you!
  6. My photog e-mailed me this... "We will block out 2 hours to shoot at up to 3 locations. The fee is $595 and includes a book with 50 images as well as an online gallery and DVD of your files." It's a little bit more than what I wanted to spend, but it's really good that she gives you the disk so you can have as many prints as you want.
  7. My mom was shocked when I told her Macy's and not Dillards which is the main dept store in Dallas. But I think it's the most accessible to all my guests. I wasn't impressed when I went to Macy's the other day though... The guy in the registry dept knew absolutely NOTHING. Kind of disheartening....
  8. WWWaaaaayyyyyyy too long! The trailers look so amazing! I can't wait
  9. I've def thought about Macy's, but they don't have my china... Is it weird to register at 2 different department stores?
  10. I have used Neutrogena's spray tan mist, and I personally love the stuff!
  11. We got engaged May 17th of this year, and are getting married May 16 of next. Almost a year exactly.
  12. I like the 3rd and 4th ones best. The first 2 seem a little distracting... like there's just too much going on.
  13. EEEEEKKKKK! Scary! What are some people thinking?
  14. That's so exciting... you must be thrilled! And might I say that the dress looks amazing on you! Congrats on nailing down the dress
  15. I haven't watched it yet, but I DVR'ed it and plan on watching it tonight. From what I have heard from my friends, they said it was a total bust!
  16. I feel like when I go look at these places to register at, I don't see anything I want... and when I can't get stuff, then I want everything in the store! Am I alone here?
  17. Just wondering what everyone was working on, planning wise, at this stage in the game. Don't want to get behind Yea for May 2009ers!!! Holla!
  18. Welcome and Congrats!!!
  19. Oh... and here's her website... Julia Newman Photography
  20. I have been researching this for months! I finally made my choice, and booked Juliane Newman Photography for Sept 19th in NYC. Here's a link to a shoot she did in Manhattan. I also have a bunch of info on others too if you want. Keep me posted! Julia W. Newman Photography: Mike&Lynne-Engaged!
  21. We have people coming from all over the states, and I'm needing to narrow down some places to register that people can access from all over. My china that I love is at a little boutique in Dallas, and they don't have ordering online. Neimans has it too, but I'm afraid that sounds too snooty. I'm torn between Crate and Barrell... Pottery Barn... Williams Sonoma... Just wondering what everyone else is doing
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