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Everything posted by *Casey*

  1. my roommate has sushi practically EVERY night for dinner... I'm surprised she hasn't turned into a fish yet!
  2. Casey is pretty basic. It's pronounced like the 2 letters K and C. It bugged me when I was a kid though and a friend of mines dad put an emphasis on the K and the C like you would initials instead of just on the K part. But I don't really get that too often since it's a pretty common name. I wish I had a crazy name sometimes.
  3. Photobucket is also good to use... I automatically copies the image codes when you click on it.
  4. Thanks! I still feel a little crazy though... after reading yalls posts. "I fell like I'm taking crazy pills"
  5. awesome... I feel so much better. Thanks!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Blkatz I got my bikini done and love it. IT does grow back just not as coarse-the hair growth now is like arm hair. I would totally tell you to do it. My FH is getting his back done also OOO... I should tell him about it. He's so weird about his back hair, and he doesn't even have that much. But for some reason he always asks me to wax it for him. He would be all over this!
  7. Hi Katie! and Congrats! You'll find everything you need to know on here... Happy hunting
  8. ooo la la... thanks! i'll check it out!
  9. A girl at work SWEARS by it! She gets her "hoo-ha", armpits, and upper lip done. I think she goes in every few weeks for a treatment and pays around $300 each session. I would totally do it if I weren't strapped for cash right now. How amazing to not have to shave... for 3 years!!!
  10. I've been trying to watch my calorie and fat intake, and FI and I ordered sushi last night. I looked on the internet to find nutritional content, but I didn't really find anything specific. Just that it's high in cholesterol. Anyone know anything about sushi? Should I feel guilty?
  11. I think we got blocked from a bunch of sites because this guy a work got busted for having so much porn saved on his company issued lap top. Sucks that one perv has to ruin it for all of us!
  12. me neither... my work blocks perez too... if only they knew how much time I spend on BDW! hahaha
  13. what's it about? The show after 90210, I mean?
  14. It's a professional picture of the bride that your photog takes months in advance of you in your dress, veil, hair, makeup, bouquet.... just like you would look on your wedding day. It's usually put on a canvas, framed, and displayed at the reception by the guest book and stuff. Maybe it's just a southern thing. Sometimes they are taken in a studio, or on location... depending on what the bride wants. Crazy... I've never heard of anyone not doing this.
  15. Saw this on igoogle today, and chuckled... "Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe said at some point he would love to play the role of a drag queen. Which might explain his new project "Harry Potter and the fabulous shoes I saw first, bitch!"
  16. Hey Everyone! I was just wondering how long before your wedding you are supposed to get your portraits taken. My sister waited way too long because she wanted to keep loosing weight, and it was cutting it really close to have it finished and framed before the wedding. I know that I have plenty of time, I'm just curious. Any ideas? TIA
  17. Hey there, Arcelia... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB Funniest remote control story ever! My uncle loves home imporvent projects and wood. He is always building something! it's become a running joke. Well, he got tired of always losing the remotes. Because, you know, that there simply cannot be one remote for all devices. You need one to turn on the TV, cable, audio, DVD/VCR, etc. So, Uncle Roy comes up with the solution. It involves a plank of oak and some electrical tape. He affixed one remote to each end of the board on each side, for a total of 4 clickers on this giant plank. It's kinda hard to lose a 3 foot, 10 pound piece of lumber in the couch cushions. I will say that it did solve the problem, just in a very inconventional way. Instead of calling it a remote it's "the Wood". Can you pass me the Wood. At which we all giggle because we're immature like that. I would crack up too! I did an invention convention thing in elementary school to help with the missing remotes problem. I wrapped one end of a giant elastic band around the remote and the other end I stapled it to a pocket holder that hooked on to the couch. Talk about tacky and an eye sore. My mom decided to acutaly adopt this product for our house. A little embarrassing, but hey, it certainly worked.
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