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Everything posted by *Casey*

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by gossip girl Reading that was so strange because believe it or not my FI has a father who is very similar to that. The only difference is my FI no longer has any type of relationship with him and his dad took off to live in China. (And frequently visits Thailand and then sends my FI emails about all the women there). In his last correspondence he mentioned that his visa is running out so he will have to marry "either his current commonlaw spouse who is 30, or his girlfriend in Laos who is 18" His dad is 70. Like that is just disgusting. My FI is completely grossed out by it. And I know it upsets him so much. His father would act the same way if he was invited to the wedding. Which he is not. I understand a little about what you are going through because not wedding related necessarily, but this has caused several issues with our relationship. The best thing to do is talk to your FI about how you are feeling. And work on a solution together. You shouldn't take the brunt of this stress because it really isn't fair. Just know that you aren't the only one with these crazy situations!!! Everyone has them and you will get through it Thanks! that gives me a little bit more peace of mind.
  2. I'll try my darndest... 8 months is along time to hold this fury in. Lord, give me strength!
  3. Hi Stephanie... and CONGRATS!!!
  4. I did 4.3 miles on the tred this morning... which i totally needed because i'm going out for drinks with one of my BMs after work.
  5. I would use tan too. I just think it looks lighter and more beachy... It would look beautiful with the turquoise!
  6. My mom would definitely say something, that's why I can't tell her. And I think that if I told FI's mom, she would probablly just be so embarrassed and worried about me. She has enough going on to expose her to this. But hell, I feel like someone should know!
  7. I know this isn't a rental yet, but has anyone seen The Wackness? I've been dying to see it, but just wondering what yall thought.
  8. I'm not that offended by the pre-nup thing... just telling yall what all has been going on. It's just that this guy doesn't even make an effort to get to know me, and I hate him. I've met him twice... Once in Vegas, and in NJ when he had a nights lay over on his way to Thailand last year. When he stayed in NJ, the three of us went out to dinner, and he just talked to Stu the entire time, and never even looked at me, let alone try to include me in the conversation. My feeling were really hurt by this too. He's just so cold...It's absolutely ridiculous!
  9. When I stay at FI's place in Jersey City, I take a train called the Path to get into Manhattan, which I did today. It goes right through Ground Zero... and I mean like in the hole where all the constuction is below ground level. You're right there seeing it all. And it was so surreal seeing all of the families walking up the ramp to grieve for their lost loved ones. I couldn't help but say a little prayer for everyone.
  10. OMG those are amazing! How gorgeous! My sis is coming up next month, but I seriously doubt we'll be doing anything as cool as that.
  11. Both the birth dad and the step dad will be at the wedding.
  12. I know!!! I'm afraid after a glass of wine or 2 at the rehearsal dinner, I might punch him out! Oh yea... and his dad is wealthy but not by working for it. It's all inheritance and owns a chain of thrift stores in TX. On their last trip to Vegas last May his dad was trying to talk him into getting me to sign a PRE-NUP!
  13. need to pick up more laundry detergent on my way home from work
  14. I'm so glad you picked your location... That's always the hardest part! Congrats!!!
  15. I thought about that, but I'm just afraid to stir things up. When Stu saw my reaction, he said that he probably just shouldn't have said anything to me about it. So if I go off and make a huge deal about it, I'm scared that it'll hinder him from opening up in the future and telling me things like this. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!
  16. You're menus are AWESOME! I love how bright and festive they are.... sure to be a smashing hit!
  17. I am so distraught by this. Back Story: FI's mom and dad had a really messy divorce when he was about 3. So bad that Stu's mom had to take Stu when his dad was at work and made a run for it. He used Stu during most of his childhood to manipulate his mom. He is just a terrible terrible man. Stu and his dad have an ok relationship consisting of his dad taking him to Vegas once a year. Anyway, this guy has never remarried and goes to Thailand, where he bought a condo, every few months for a few weeks and usually brings a Thai woman back with him for reasons i think you can figure out. The Story: So Stu called him last night to talk about him helping out with the rehearsal dinner. As they were chatting, his dad started talking to him about all these women he had slept with on his most recent trip to "sexland". He suggested that Stu go with him next time to "get some" before the wedding!!!! ? I'm so pissed off at him right now. Can you believe how terrible this guy is? He is so slimy! I think since he has never remarried and goes home to a big empty lonely house, and he must just be jealous that we are in love, and have a wonderful life together. I just can't imagine a dad trying to sabotage his sons happiness and ruin his relationship by suggesting to buy him some Thai Call Girl! I just thank GOD that Stu was raised by such a wonderful and sweet man like his step dad. I asked him what he said when his dad mentioned this, and he just told him that he had a bunch of trips coming up and couldn't make it. Should I be mad that he didn't go off on him and tell him how ridiculous that is He's not one for confrontation, but seriously... It's RIDICULOUS!!! At this point, I don't even want him there!!! I still can't get over this!!! I am STEAMING! I kind of want to vent to my mom about it, but that would just make her hate Stu's dad even more, which is not good for anyone. So I had to vent somewhere. Thanks for listening...
  18. I LOVE that idea. My mom even brought it up the other day too. The only prob is... is that my FI's mom and dad had a really messy divorce when he was 3, and his step dad has really been the "father" figure his whole life. I would love to display their wedding pic, but I'm not too sure that would be appropriate regarding his real dad (who is a sleaze ball by the way... long story).
  19. I say go for it! I think you will feel more special and more like a true bride in the dress
  20. What a loony toon!!! I'm so glad you are getting out of that situation! I have to admit, the title of your thread scared me. Good to know it was about carpooling! LOL. Live is too short so get rid of all the drama that you can
  21. I always wanted to allot budget wise to spend whatever I needed to in order to get amazing pictures. I just think it is one of the most important aspects because you will have them FOREVER! My sisters spend a lot of money on their videos and have probably only watched them 3 time since their weddings, but they look at their pics all the time... Go with the best... for sure!
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