Last year FI and I went as Bret Michaels and Lacey from Rock of Love 1. It was creepy how much he looked like Bret. I don't know if any of yall watch this show... But we were at a party and there was a Bret and Heather couple. We almost threw down... LOL. Here's a pic.
Quote: Originally Posted by happygilmore OK, your FI looks like someon famous but I can't think of the name! And OMG your ring is quite the bling, bling! Yall are so sweet! He gets Paul Rudd sometimes, but I don't see it.
Quote: Originally Posted by Monique UGGGHHHH...Lifetime? Does it come in HD? I really like Bravo Tv...not a Lifetime watcher.... I'm the same... I'm afraid it's going to loose a lot of it's pizazz... not to mention production quality. Well, I'm sure I'll watch it regardless, but I'm a little scared.
So I'm just now getting around to posting these. These are pics from when we got engaged a few months ago in Cancun... Please Lord, take me back to Mexico fast!!!!!!