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Everything posted by *Casey*

  1. I'm thinking of ya and keeping my fingers crossed!
  2. *Casey*


    Hi Diana... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  3. True, and I guess if I look at it from the perspective that I'm paying the same for the personalized wrapper maybe it doesn't matter that much. I could just be over thinking this one.
  4. Man, after taking 2 weeks off of working out because of work, I finally made it back to the gym yesterday after work and felt so out of shape. It's crazy how fast your stamina can drop just in two weeks. But I made myself get up this morning to try and build it back up.
  5. Oh, I've never noticed that, but I love it! How long has she been gone for?
  6. So I got a call from the Hershey bar wrapper people telling me that Hershey's just this week discontinued their 5oz bar, and only carry a 4.4oz bar now. That's fine and all, but they're only going to give me a 5% discount when the bars are 10% less. Is this strange? Do you think I should try to negotiate more or just say screw it and go along? I kinda feel like they should've known about this last week and didn't tell me. Am I getting scammed here?
  7. Hi Kim... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  8. Hi Monica... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  9. Hi Jennifer... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  10. HI Kristin... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  11. Hi Dana... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  12. Hi Lynette... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  13. Hi Lindsay... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  14. to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  15. Hi Desirae... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  16. Hi Jennine... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  17. *Casey*


    Hi Steph... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  18. Hi Sara... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  19. Hi Kristina... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  20. *Casey*


    Hi Cacia... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
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