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Everything posted by *Casey*

  1. So I brought both the pink and the white with me to the shoot, and the photographer told me that the white would be best. I get teaser pics tomorrow! I can't wait!!! Thanks everyone for weighing in. I hate decisions!
  2. favorite designer: project runway
  3. those are so cute!!! but I would have to vote for no wings. I think it looks more wedding'y without
  4. Wow... Those are awesome!!! And, uh, you look amazing!
  5. You're such a stud shopper! Either would look amazing... Way to go!
  6. YEA! I'm so excited! Either works for me. Can't wait!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacqueline u are too cute posing, did your fi take those shots for us, ?? hahah i love the pink one! hahaha... just used the timer on my camera. I'm a dork!
  8. I laid out so much growing up, and spent a lot of time in the tanning beds in college against my folks recommendations . Now I'm starting to see fine lines around my face, so I've been anal about moisturizer with sunscreen to wear everyday. That being said, I'm all about the spray tan. I've done it about 5 times, and have never had any problems with it. I never got streaks or looked orange, but it does kinda stink a little. My advice would be to take care of your skin and spray the tan on.
  9. Seriously? What do they expect everyone to do? That's ridiculous! I would totally say that I had a doctors appt or something and jet on outta there. It's crazy that they're asking everyone to go to another building!!! See ya.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by laybar I think i like the white one but you can do any of them! where will you be shooting your pics? We're shooting in Central Park and Columbus Circle, I think. I'm pretty much leaving it up to the photographer since she knows what would look best, but those are the locations we've discussed so far. ***I should also mention that FI is wearing a white long sleeved button down, and khaki pants. Is white on white too much white?
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Erica053009 Oh my god you are the coolest couple ever that is an awesome costumes who thought of it and he does look just like him Thanks, Erica! You're more than welcome to steal the idea
  12. Me too... oops. It's just been so long!
  13. Kenley is really starting to get on my nerves! Like she knows so much more than Tim Gun to freaking teaches this stuff for a living! And I was glad about the end result of eliminations. That suit was a complete disaster! I wouldn't be caught dead in it! YEA Jerell!
  14. So my e-pics are tomorrow, and I still have NO idea what to wear! HELP!!! I know that I'm wearing jeans and black heels but still don't know about the shirt. Here are pics of 3 that I'm leaning towards. What do yall think?
  15. Hi Angie... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  16. Hey Lena! to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  17. Hey there, Samantha! to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
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