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Everything posted by *Casey*

  1. This may be a stupid question but... do a lot of Canadians follow US politics?
  2. puppies : breath (one of my all time favorite smells... makes my heart melt every time)
  3. Is it weird that I'm a little nervous about watching this? I think I just hate confrontation so much, that I feel so uncomfortable watching people debate. I'm gonna watch anyway though.
  4. I've found 2 on here... russell+hazel® Ideas and Sharebear's Little Bubble: Wedding Docs hope these help!!!
  5. And she always just seemed soooooooo whinny which totally annoyed the heck out of me!
  6. *Casey*


    Hi Hannah... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  7. Maybe it's that I just don't like Brenda... she's always rubbed me the wrong way.
  8. Hi Lisa... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  9. *Casey*


    Hi Polina... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  10. Love the bouquet! Especially the little flip flop on it. It's so beautiful!
  11. Super duper sexy... your FI's mouth is gonna drop to the floor! You look amazing, by the way!!!
  12. So whats the deal with Dylan texting Brenda? She's always been too sneaky to trust. Dylan has to make an appearance now, right?
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