A lot of girls to At Home Receptions (AHR). It can be as formal or informal as you want and have as many people as you want. It's a great way to include those who couldn't go or weren't invited to the DW. I say go for it!
I'm so sorry that you and your FI are having to go through this right now... having friends that work(ed) on Wall Street, I've seen way too much of this recently. I'm sure he'll pick himself up and be back to work in no time. Who knows.... this could be a blessing in disguise. Chin up!
Anything goes for a DW wedding... One of my BM's backed out too, and it totally sucks, but there are times when you just have to go with it. I think it'll be just fine. Just stay positive, and everything will work out... it ALWAYS does
Kathy, I would LOVE to... Lord knows I could go for a drink right now. And yes, I would love to hear about PR. We really want to do an AI but there really aren't any in the FP so I think we're changing our minds and searching for a really nice AI instead. We need to get together soon!
That's what I'm afraid of... We're going to Italy after the wedding and all that bread and pasta is going to kill me. At least I'll look better in the wedding pics... hahaha
Way to go!!! My first dress fitting will probably be when I go home for Christmas, and I'm planning on doing my BD's in February... I seriously gotta get my ass in gear... It's crunch time!
What if we just gave up bread, pasta, potatoes? Would that make a difference? Would I still be able to eat lots of protein without it sticking to my arse?