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Everything posted by *Casey*

  1. I'm voting for the 1st one even though I fell in love with the second when you posted it a few months ago. And the birdcage veil is to die for! You look amazing in both!!!
  2. to the forum... and CONGRATS on the wedding! Post some pics for us!!!
  3. Did someone call for photo whores? That's me... that's me!!! Your photos are so gorgeous and it looks like a total dream! CONGRATS!!!
  4. Josefina... your pics are amazing and you look so beautiful!!! Was the water really that blue? Elizabeth, you did a fantastic job! I'm sure it helped to have such a gorgeous couple to work with! CONGRATS
  5. I don't think I have eczema, but I do have extremely dry skin. On the body wash topic, I use Olay with Shea Butter (the yellow one). It's really moisturizing!!!
  6. My sister and her daughter both have eczema really bad, but they were both born with it. I'll e-mail her and find out what they use. I know it's some sort of prescription lotion, and maybe a pill. Let me get back to you on this one. I'm so sorry you have this. Have you tried going to a different dermatologist? Maybe you could find one that specializes in eczema in your area.
  7. I can't believe I'm just seeing this. Thanks for posting! What a huge help!!!
  8. BACK BECKS!!! We missed you! I'm so glad you had a great time, and I can't wait to see pics of the new pup!!!
  9. I love everyone so much on here that's it's almost impossible to pick just one for each. I think for my B2B, I'd like to nominate DallasAshli. She has gone above and beyond offering to help me and other brides. As for as my Mrs. nom, I would like to put Yari in the running. She's just such a sweetheart!!!
  10. CONGRATS!!! Luke looks so beautiful and absolutely perfect! You're one lucky mama!!!
  11. I loved the first ones so much, that I can't even imagine how much more beautiful the new ones are... Can't wait to see them!!!
  12. I think they look beautiful! The stephinotis gives it a really beautiful delicate touch among the bright colors. GORGEOUS!!!
  13. I'm so glad that it was so wonderful! Congrats!!!
  14. I love Wii fit because it's such a blast to play and it's exercise at the same time! Best of both worlds!
  15. I would probably do my sister as the matron of honor and the friends as the bridesmaids. Just my opinion but whatever you decide will work just fine. I really don't think the titles matter that much unless your bridal party cares, which I don't know why they would. That way your sister has a bigger title, and your two friends don't feel like one got screwed.
  16. Your dresses are gorgeous! Very similar to mine... I'm sure you'll get a lot of bites on your stuff!
  17. Does a club and a bar count as the same thing? Technically we kinda already knew each other since we went to high school together, but we never spoke. We hung out in the same group but were both dating other people. So his senior year of college, and my junior year, we were at the same New Years Eve party. After a few drinks, I went up to talk to him about this childhood friend of his that had moved away when they were young, that I was actually working with over the Christmas break. He turned out to be my New Years kiss, and the rest is history. So I guess so?
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Jess nice! Is the Four Seasons in Costa Rica your typical expensive Four Seasons or is it less since it is in Costa Rica? Jess, I was wondering the exact same thing!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by DallasAshli Casey - I added you as a friend but I have no idea what that means or does. Did yours change from PM to Notifications? Got it... Thanks! It said notifications, then after I accepted it, it went back to private messages... I'm more confused than ever! ARGH!
  20. jogged 2.75 miles on the treadmill... 30 mins of weights, and 10 mins on the elliptical machine this morning. Anyone know any good weight exercises to get your back toned?
  21. Hi Heather... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  22. to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
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