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Everything posted by *Casey*

  1. Oh and i also wanted to add that IMO, everything went down hill when she cheated on Justin and he left her. I do feel bad for her in a way, but come on, she did it to herself!
  2. Here's an article from People.com about K-Feds side of the story... Kevin Federline: My Side of the Story By Marisa Laudadio Originally posted Wednesday December 03, 2008 08:00 AM EST Kevin Federline: My Side of the Story | Kevin Federline Kevin Federline has been called many things in the nearly five years since Britney Spears walked into his life: boy toy, gold-digger, wannabe rapper, partier. These days he answers to one name: Daddy. Since splitting with Spears in 2006 – and then watching in fear as she went through her very public breakdown – the former backup dancer, 30, has channeled all of his energy into their sons Preston, 3, and Jayden, 2. (Federline also has two kids, Kori, 6, and Kaleb, 4, with ex-girlfriend Shar Jackson, 32.) Now that Spears, 27, is getting her life back on track, they're sharing parenting duties again – and Federline is ready to tell his side of the story exclusively to PEOPLE. Do you remember when you first met Britney? I met her at a club in Hollywood, Joseph's. Our eyes met and that was it. We just hit it off right away. I learned real fast how much of a whirlwind the press and everything was. What are your happiest memories of the marriage? Well, getting married. I never thought that I would get married but it wound up happening. That was a really, really, happy, exciting moment. I pretty much realized that I was giving my life to her, and I was doing it without question. What went wrong? It's hard enough to be in a marriage, and then have a kid, then kids, it changes everything. For me, I'd become more concerned with my children. Not that I ignored Britney, but my kids are always most important ... I mean, we were having complications. I didn't give her an ultimatum, but I was trying to work stuff out with her, and she didn't even talk to me or anything and went behind my back and filed [for divorce]. [i was] completely blindsided. A lot of people assumed you fought for custody of the kids because of money. My first question to [my lawyer] was, "Am I ever going to be able to see my children?" I told him that I would spend every last dime that I had to make sure that my children are okay. That's all that mattered. I didn't know how much power Britney had. That really scared me. How did you react in January when Britney locked herself in the bathroom with Jayden and was later taken to the hospital on a gurney? That whole night is a blur. You want to talk about one of my lowest points of depression, that was probably one of them. I was very, very worried for her 'cause I care about her. That's the mother of my children. Just because I'm not in love with her doesn't mean that I don't love her. I'm definitely rooting for her. There's nothing more that I want than for her to be in the best health and doing what she loves to do. Are things getting better? Oh, man, it's totally turning around. It works out that [the kids] get to see her. There's structure over there, there's structure at my house. We're trying to keep the same type of schedule. It doesn't have to be completely perfect, but the foundation is there.
  3. Hi Sam... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  4. Hi Marisa... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  5. Hi Chanti... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  6. Hi Danelle... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  7. They definitely won't notice, but if you want a correct one to be framed or something for you to have then I would pay for that one. For your own piece of mind. I'm sure your invites will be so cute that they won't even see the error.
  8. I have to agree... they have so many styles and in a gazillion different shades... Have you checked out their website yet? You could maybe suggest to you MOH and BM to check out the website too, and see if anything catches their eye.
  9. Celina... that's totally F'ed up! People can be so inconsiderate sometimes, but it makes it even worse that it was family! I'm so so sorry this happened. At least you could freeze some and give some away and it didn't all totally go to waste. I hope the party was a hit though for your true friends that RSVP'ed and actually showed up! At least you are married now. That's so exciting!
  10. Awesome review... and I'm OBSESSED with your pics!!! You and the whole wedding look absolutely gorgeous!!!
  11. Hi Valerie... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  12. I love your idea! It's so personal and I'm sure they'll love it too!!!
  13. Stu is already planning his "man's room" and already has stuff to put in it. We don't even have a house yet! That being said, he told me that all he wants is a football and picture signed by the guys from the NFL Today show on CBS. Since I work there, it's free, and I feel like I should buy him something... anything... even if it's something small, but I have no idea. Hmmm
  14. Andrea... that's such a great idea! They look awesome and I'm certain that your guests will love them as much as I do GREAT JOB!!!
  15. Everything looks amazing!!! I especially love your guestbook sign!!!
  16. Kat, that would be awesome! Let me know if yall stay the night!!!
  17. got up early this morning and did 30 minutes on weight machines, and 3 miles on the eliptical. After taking the weekend off and drinking way too much in Miami, I feel so much better after hitting the gym. My mom comes up for a week on Thursday, and I know she's going to keep me up till all hours of the night because she's such a night owl, that I hope I can still get my butt up in the mornings. Yall are all such great motivation... Just wanted to say thanks!!!
  18. Congrats girls!!! Yall are both so amazing and totally deserve it!!!
  19. Hi Jessica... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  20. *Casey*


    to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  21. Hi Carollyn... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  22. *Casey*


    Hi Queensgirl... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
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