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Everything posted by *Casey*

  1. So my mom comes in town today, and I'm sure her trip here is going to focus around shopping and EATING wonderful NY food! HELP! I'm going to seriously need motivation to get my ass up and go to the gym and eating healthy while she's here. I'm nervous!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda Does he smoke Davidoff 4000s dominican or cuban? If they're cuban where is he getting them from? My FI wants some. I'm really not sure if they are cubans or dominicans. I do know that he can only find them at 2 cigar shops in NYC. He left today for a bachelor party in Cancun, but I'll be sure to ask him when he gets back. Whatever they are, he LOVES them!!!
  3. *Casey*

    Riu Ocho Rios

    to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  4. *Casey*

    Hello All!

    Hi Jenn... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  5. Hi Denise... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  6. Hi Kristy... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  7. Hi Jamie... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  8. Hi Ashley... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  9. I had Direct TV and was so happy with it! It had everything I needed and way cheaper than Comcast! My FI has Comcast, and it's the worst thing ever! The DVR box will all the sudden freeze, or just not work at all! There's always bogus charges on their bills and their customer service sucks!!! Either of them are better than Time Warner though which I have at my apartment!!! Definitely Direct TV!!!!
  10. I love my ring to death, but that one is freaking gorgeous too! She'll absolutely die over it! CONGRATS!!!
  11. Well, this is an issue for us too. Stu is an only child so his mom feels like she has to have him for every holiday since it's just him, her, and her husband (Stu's step dad). It's easier I guess for us because both of our parents and immediate family live in Dallas. Also, they do their big thing on Christmas Day, and my family does our big celebration on Christmas Eve. Every year in my family we rotate whose house we all go to (there's about 30 total). In my family all of my cousins but 1 are married and every other year is the "big christmas" where we all are together, then the next year is "small" or "outlaws christmas" where all the cousins go to their significant families houses. That way at least every 2 years we have everyone together at the same time no matter where we are. But I don't see my FMIL liking this too much if we have to go to Austin or something one year, especially since we don't currently live in Dallas and only go home a few times a year as it is. I totally feel your pain!
  12. I'm so sorry to hear about the accident... that's so hard! At one of my best friends weddings, the only brother of the groom, and his dad had passed away, and the mom carried 2 roses down the isle to represent each of them. I thought it was very tasteful, appropriate and sweet. Could the groomsmen brother stand with yall, so it won't be uneven, and maybe have a special boutonniere to honor him? It is your day, but I also feel that if each of you only had 2 attendants each, that both of his must be very close and pretty important. So when you look at your pictures later on down the line, you will always see something representing your FI's best friend. Just a thought. Again, I'm so sorry yall are having to go through this right now. Let me know if I can do anything at all to help!
  13. I bought most of my books in college from half.com so I'm pretty sure you can sell yours on there too, and It's also a reliable website in my experience. There's also buy.com but i'm not sure if they do textbooks or not. Good luck!
  14. Ok... I'm going to have to enforce that new rule!
  15. I think it's a great little gadget!!! ...just a little too expensive for my blood
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv I'm tryin to find an AFFORDABLE leather coat for Tom. I'm headed to Wilsons Leather at the outlets soon to see what the prices look like! But we're keeping it pretty low-key b/c if our house sells, we're going to have to spend a lot of money on the move. Stu got one last winter that was really affordable at Kohls... It might be worth checking out. Hope this helps
  17. thanks for starting this! I'm still shopping for one too!
  18. Mine is A Christmas Story... hands down! You're gonna shoot your eye out... hahaha
  19. I freaking hate when they do that, especially right before Christmas!!! Obviously they know we are going to get them something... so why can't they just wait??
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 Thanks! Ryan is a Cigar Nut too! I got him a Humidor last Christmas and a traveling humidor and a cutter and blah blah blah. This year he just wants cigars. He really likes the Drew Estates Java Cigars for like a dessert cigar. But he also wants a longer stronger type and he hasn't found any he LOVES yet. Any suggestions? Stu is obsessed with cigars too! His favorite is Davidoff 4000s. He'll smoke other ones, but if he ever sees these, he usually stocks up on them! They have smaller ones that he'll get for me sometimes. So thoughtful! I thought about getting him a really nice humidor for christmas, but I have no freaking idea what kind to get. I wonder if that's something that he would really need to pick out himself, KWIM?
  21. 2 bites? I don't think I could have that sort of self control... for me it's the whole piece or nothing at all. I'm impressed that you can do that! I wish I had that sort of will power!!!
  22. I agree... Mel, your invites are AMAZING!!!
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