My FI is also very uninvolved, but it doesn't bother me one bit. He just said that he wants me to have my perfect day. He's just a totally laid back guy, and I don't think he's uninvolved because he isn't excited about the wedding, but just because he doesn't really care about what the invitations or cake look like, what flowers we use etc. Since I know he doesn't really care one way or another about all the details, I've found it best just to not involve him in those decisions. I'll come home and say, "I picked out out invitations today." And he'll say, "Great! What do they look like?" I'll show him a pic he'll comment and we just go about our night as usual. I wouldn't be worried at all about you man. He's still just a guy and most guys, in my opinion, are just not detail oriented. So try not to stress. Everything will work out just great!