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Everything posted by *Casey*

  1. *Casey*


    Hi Gwynn... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  2. *Casey*

    New Groom

    to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  3. to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  4. *Casey*


    Hi Kate... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  5. Hi Beth... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  6. Hi Danielle... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  7. Those are awesome! I love the sweet ones AND the fun ones! It seems to be yall are definitely meant to be together. And, BTW... you have GORGEOUS hair!!!
  8. Trust me, you are definitely NOT alone here!!!
  9. Thanks for posting these awesome templates! I'm sure so many of us will find them handy!!!
  10. My FI is also very uninvolved, but it doesn't bother me one bit. He just said that he wants me to have my perfect day. He's just a totally laid back guy, and I don't think he's uninvolved because he isn't excited about the wedding, but just because he doesn't really care about what the invitations or cake look like, what flowers we use etc. Since I know he doesn't really care one way or another about all the details, I've found it best just to not involve him in those decisions. I'll come home and say, "I picked out out invitations today." And he'll say, "Great! What do they look like?" I'll show him a pic he'll comment and we just go about our night as usual. I wouldn't be worried at all about you man. He's still just a guy and most guys, in my opinion, are just not detail oriented. So try not to stress. Everything will work out just great!
  11. I haven't bought this yet, but I really want one of those Snuggie things. It's just a huge blanket with a hole in it for your head. I'm always cold and have to have a blanket on me at all times... Talk about perfect!!!
  12. Not too casual at all! Welcome receptions can be as fancy or casual as you want it to be, and I think this is perfect because it can go either way. LOVE IT, Kathy!!!
  13. I'm so sorry! How terrible!!! Well, I would just try to stay positive and know that those are just things. You, your FI, and pup are all ok, and that's what really matters. Stay strong.
  14. So I'm going home for Christmas tomorrow and have my first fitting... I'm a little nervous and excited at the same time. I finally bought my shoes. I'm hoping to finalize my invitation choices, register, check out a sample of my bouquet that my florist is whipping up for me, and meet with the minister. Hopefully by the time I get back in a week I'll be able to check all those things off my list.
  15. Hi Sam... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  16. *Casey*


    Hi Kelly... to the forum and CONGRATS!!!
  17. Wow! It all really came together beautifully! All your hard work sure did pay off and I'm sure your guests will agree... CONGRATS!!!
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