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Everything posted by Blkatz

  1. My friends used the hand sanitzers a lot-the chap stick and the bags. They also really liked having Aloe in there because they all got sunburn! We bought the keychains also and no one used them.
  2. Ladies-I am back and everything was amazing. I really had such a great time. I could not have asked for anything better. It was a rough start of the week but Saturday was amazing. I will post a full review including how great Erik was from Claudia Rodriguez and how Natalia is so sweet. In the meantime, I will post some non pro pictures
  3. hopefully I can shed some information and ease your anxiety a bit. I just got home from being in Riveria Maya for an entire week. We left on Monday when they just announced everything. Our flight was supposed to be full but it maybe there was 50 people on it. Being in our resort you would never know that anything was wrong-the only thing we noticed was that towards the end of the week the resort was empty. We went to the Cancun airport today and there was a few people wearing masks and they took your temp before getting on the flights. I will tell you that we have a ton of guests cancel on us-but we ended up having an amazing time and I am so happy that we did not cancel. If you want anymore details please email me
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by jocelyn fotiadis I am getting married on may 9th at Velas Vallarta, and we were moving fwd, but I just found out Continental cut 50% of their flights leaving PV because the planes were empty. We all are stranded in Mexico for 3 days!!! Anyone else having this issue, and if so what was your resolution? We just confirmed our flights for tomorrow but we were very nervous for the same reason. US air is also cutting flights for the same reason
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by drtracy Just wanted to say thanks to all the ladies posting from Cancun and after just returning. I wanted to say that FI and I leave tomorrow morning. We only had 3 people cancel, one couple (not flu related) and a single (wacky b/c she went to NYC), they were fortunately all "non-essential." We feel really fortunate that everyone seems to be excited about the trip. I don't know that I'll be as great as Andi with posting from Mexico but I'll try to get something posted when we get there to let you all know how it is. Good luck everyone! Have an awesome time. We are leaving tomorrow and we are so sad! Everything will be perfect and your guests wont even know the difference
  6. Thanks ladies! We are getting married in 2 hours with my 2 best friends and their husbands. The vendors that I dealt with were amazing. When I get back I will write my entire review but I will say that Claudia Rodriguez and DJ Mannia were amazing. Claudia called me 2x since being here and calmed me down and was great to deal with and Carlos was great. I felt so bad canceling on him and he was great. I have been reading about other brides canceling their wedding and I say this-WAIT AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS in the next few days-there are no reports of anyone being sick in the Riveria Maya area and who knows what might happen... Thank you so much ladies-you have really helped me through a terrible situation. And yes, we have a great story to tell everyone
  7. Well ladies my 2 best friends and their husbands are here and we are still getting married even if it just the 6 of us. Natalia has been amazing-I just spoke to her and we decided I would do the free package since we are a small group. I have seen a ton of weddings and they are so amazing! I just saw one in the chapel and it looked beautiful. Chanti-we are in a honeymoon suite and I am not sure what you mean about a lounge. I know that in Puerto Aventuras there is one but not in Tulum
  8. Thanks Lisa! I am not going to lie-I was so upset for a few days that I just wanted to come home and hide and then my best friend came down and my other one came down today. I am not going to sit here and feel bad for myself-I am going to have a great time even if it is just the 6 of us!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by AlmostaSeif I am devastated. I can't begin to tell you how horrible all of this is. We began the process yesterday of canceling everything. I feel like I am in some sort of nightmare or something. With the amount of guests that were canceling, it didn’t make sense to have it anymore. My mother is recovering from breast cancer and can’t afford to get sick, so she wouldn’t have been there. My FI’s parents canceled, my sister canceled. Ugh. We had 41 people planning on attending our wedding that is less than two weeks away. I know we could have just gone and had it been who ever showed up, but we couldn’t. FI also didn’t want to risk anything. I know all is fine in Cabo, but we were worried about the travel there and back. I am sure we all would have been fine, but why take any chances? It would have been a constant worry the entire time we were there and then when we got home. I was told by my bosses not to come back to work for awhile to make sure all was ok if I did end up going. To me, that isn’t what all this is about. I stopped crying about it now and am just numb now. I feel like crawling under a rock and staying there. Thanks for letting me vent ladies. I need some pick me ups right now. I can’t stop thinking about the amount of time, money, tears and sweat that I put into this wedding and fear all would have been just fine had we gone. I hate the swine flu. I am so sorry to here this-I can tell you from first hand that no matter what anyone says it is not going to make you feel any better. We were in the same boat with our guests. In the end, we decided even if it was just the 2 of us we were doing it...can you and your FI just do something private by yourself? I have a feeling in 2 months from now, we are going to look back on this swine flu and laugh about how everyone made such a big deal and it was nothing... It is ok to cry-I still do...I told Fiance that I was going to mourn my wedding and he laughed. Cheer up-you still can do something amazing. IF you need anyone to vent to-email me
  10. Just an FYI as I sit here in Mexico-I have seen a ton of people arrive in the past 24 hours and they all are saying the same thing-it was fine. My best friend just got here this morning and she was laughing because her flight was totally empty. I am at Dreams Tulum and it is packed. You would never know there was anything wrong. Do not cancel your wedding-
  11. awe-I am so happy that you were able to find another place Sar! I dont know what to do-we are here now and they just raised the level to 5. My best friend just came down today and we are supposed to have guests come later this week...I have no idea what to do. I just want pictures at this point and that is it
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by mrsd09 I'm looking for some cute shell frames for my AHR. Anyone need to get rid of some? I am not sure if you read my other thread about most of our guests canceling but I have a ton of shell photo albums if you are looking for some of those. I will have about 10 if not more when I get back on the 4th
  13. I just met a couple that just flew in from the states-they said there was no problems at the Cancun airport and everything was normal. It is a shame because I also heard today that Mexico City thinks that they have leveled out-I wish this came at a better time for everyone. My guests panicked and canceled on Monday-they should of waited until later in the week to hear more
  14. thanks ladies for the best wishes. It is tough-on the bright side, we are still getting married even if it is just the 2 of us. I bought a dress and damn it I am wearing it! Thank you Sunbride and all of you other Dreams Tulum brides for your wishes. The resort is amazing and I have already seen a few weddings that look amazing!
  15. no one but us is down here right now. My best friend said that she was still coming but who knows what is going to happen on Thursday when they are supposed to travel. I just sent an email to a few people letting them know that if they are not comfortable coming down to Mexico to just let us know. I mean, what can you do? You can't force people to come down. Terrible feeling. I hope that you future Mexico brides have a better experience
  16. thanks ladies-I just posted another link that most of our guests have canceled their plans to come down. this is probably the worst feeling
  17. So we are in Mexico right now and literally 90% of my guests have canceled. I have not stopped crying since last night and I am feeling horrible. I have to cancel my DJ-talk to all of vendors. This is probably the worst feeling ever.
  18. we are down here now, and we are thinking about bagging it. All of our guests have canceled
  19. just an FYI-we are here right now. As far as I can tell the resort is normal. It is quiet but they also said that they were expecting a ton of people later in the week
  20. so I went from a wedding of 42 to a wedding of maybe 18. I have cried the entire day. Pretty much besides myself-fiance doesn't get it-I keep telling him that i have wanted this wedding since I was a child and now it might not happen because of this flu situation. I literally have hired a DJ, a photographer, a videogapher-and will now only have 18 people if i am lucky. UGH. I really dont know what to do now
  21. First of all, they are a level 4-NOT 6. I am sitting in Mexico watching CNN. We just got down here this afternoon-as far as we could tell, everything was normal. Business is as usual-saw a wedding this afternoon.
  22. I just spoke to a few good friends that are doctors-and here is their advice...it is the flu. People in Mexico who passed away probably did not have good healthcare and did not realize how serious it was. We bought tons of hand sanitizer and plan on using it. Our dr friend said to make sure you wash your hands and to bring TamiFlu just in case you have flu symptoms.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by yoAzul Yamille - I HATE this stupid flu thing...the media is insane about it. Like we dont have enough shit to worry about. I leave in 1 week and hoping this just goes away...I think someone on the flu thread posted some good info to put in perspective. Like FI keeps telling me as I stress out, its more of a big deal because its new not because its that serious. By now its been found in CA, Texas, MA, MY KS, and NO cases in the coastal tourist parts of Mexico. I just had 4 guests cancel because of the flu situation. I am besides myself right now. We leave in the morning and I dont know what to do.
  24. really? I leave tomorrow and I am hysterical crying...I dont know what to do
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