Quote: Originally Posted by yamille Wow! congrats on the loss. I think this pill just works differently with people's bodies.
I'm just curious- What's a sample day of what you eat? I'm wondering about the whole too much , too little fat conversation that we've been having.
Good for you! Thank you! Honestly, I don't think that I have had to change "what" I eat as much as "how much." I have a portion control issue. I love food. Lots of good food!
Now this week I am staying off the scale as Aunt Flo and Cousin Bloat are in town, but I don't feel too much difference in my clothes so far so I think I'm fairing pretty well.
An example of what I've been eating....
Either a bowl of cereal (various varieties of special K sometimes with a banana) or a Slim Fast shake if I'm in a big hurry before work.
I've been packing my lunch and doing either homemade soup (vegie, low fat low sodium chicken noodle), or a few other lower fat dishes I've made ahead.
I made lasagna rolls with low fat ricotta, prosciutto and spinach which makes for the perfect portion when rolled and they are well below the 15g fat.
Fi wanted meatloaf for lunch this week so I made it with oats instead of bread crumbs and used lean ground sirloin. His side was loaded mashed potatoes but I had various veggies each day (asparagus, broccoli, brussel sprouts).
We work 2pm to 11pm so lunch and dinner are somewhat reversed for us. Although our lunches are not large portions, we eat dinner foods then and have lighter items when we get home since we're usually awake until 4am.
Dinners have been a variety. I made wheat pancakes the other night (fi loves pancakes) with a fresh fruit compote. He has grilled fish fillets and zucchini or we're done grilled chicken strips for chicken wraps.
It's actually been really enjoyable trying to eat at home more and being prepared for lunches ahead of time.