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Everything posted by Tara

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by jkcz0702 You are suppose to put in your shoe right? What if you are not wearing shoes?? I am not wearing shoes... however I am making my own barefoot sandals (with the help of fmil). They are going to be my something new, blue, and sixpence items all in one. I am getting a sixpence similar to the pendant one on silversixpence.com and adding it as a charm to my left barefoot sandal. Tada! Look mom, no shoes!
  2. I've been hopping on the elliptical after work at least 3nights a week minimum and taking my alli faithfully. Hopefully in the next 7 months it'll pay off!
  3. Martha... you look gorgeous. Now is it the summer heat of Noah making you glow? Maybe we should all be preggers when we tie the knot! You looked beautiful!
  4. Wow! You look stunning and the photos look great. Congratulations to you and Jose both!
  5. I definitely agree with everyone else. Talk to your fi about it and make him aware of what your feelings are on the situation. We are in a similar boat, but it is with my mother. She cannot afford to attend and was going to be our pet sitter. Fi came to me and said that he thought we should pay her way because he couldn't imagine me being comfortable with my mother not being at our wedding. I never approached him on the subject. I think it's very important to air these things out rather than fester in your feelings of stress and anxiety.
  6. I am so sorry! That is terrible news. Poor little baby.
  7. Well, I assumed that Fi and I would still share our room and part ways later the next day but he has just informed me otherwise. He feels that we should fall tradition/superstition (we both have divorced parents and he's not into taking any chances). I then informed him that I would be fine with that, but that means I am getting our suite that night and he can find another location to bed down.
  8. Awe, they look fabulous! And Rebecca looks so happy. Thanks for the peak!
  9. Looks awesome! I love the built-ins in the kitchen. Congratulations, again!
  10. Hahahahahaha! I've seen some of those before but they never get old. Thanks for the laugh!
  11. Holy Moly! It all looks amazing! It's obvious how much work you put into it and everyone will really appreciate it.
  12. Wow! That's very exciting and surprising. What an amazing hubby you have!
  13. I loved it as well. I just couldn't continue to justify the cost as my everyday lineup. It's only used for special occasions now, but the results are always flawless. As a side note, I do have very sensitive skin prone to breakouts and had no issues with bare escentuals, but everyone's skin is different so I think it's just a matter of trying it out for yourself.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by IrieBride08 When initially planning my wedding, I heard this too. I was told that my wedding guests wouldn't be able to share a room if they were same sex (two women, or two men.) I spoke to the coordinator who told me that they did allow it. They have been very accomodating to my guests--several of whom are women who are sharing rooms (like my aunt and cousin, etc.) Overall, I have heard that Jamaica is not very tolerant of gay lifestyles. There was a documentary on Jamaica that explored this very issue and they were interviewing several Jamaican residents who were VERY anti-gay. Very sad. Although we don't have any same-sex couples attending our wedding, we do have several divorcees (my parents included) and some widowed/unmarried folks who would need to be paired male/male or female/female. Our wedding is at SGOR. I asked Darma last week if this would be a problem and she said that I would need to contact the Reservation Department as she can neither confirm nor deny whether or not we would be able to do this. Did anyone have guests that shared a room with the same sex and have to make any special accommodations for it?
  15. Congratulations fellow Jamaica bride! Best wishes and happy planning!
  16. Awe, I'm sorry you had to suffer through that pain for so long before anything was done. I wish you a successful surgery and a speedy recovery!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by yamille Wow! congrats on the loss. I think this pill just works differently with people's bodies. I'm just curious- What's a sample day of what you eat? I'm wondering about the whole too much , too little fat conversation that we've been having. Good for you! Thank you! Honestly, I don't think that I have had to change "what" I eat as much as "how much." I have a portion control issue. I love food. Lots of good food! Now this week I am staying off the scale as Aunt Flo and Cousin Bloat are in town, but I don't feel too much difference in my clothes so far so I think I'm fairing pretty well. An example of what I've been eating.... Breakfast: Either a bowl of cereal (various varieties of special K sometimes with a banana) or a Slim Fast shake if I'm in a big hurry before work. Lunch: I've been packing my lunch and doing either homemade soup (vegie, low fat low sodium chicken noodle), or a few other lower fat dishes I've made ahead. I made lasagna rolls with low fat ricotta, prosciutto and spinach which makes for the perfect portion when rolled and they are well below the 15g fat. Fi wanted meatloaf for lunch this week so I made it with oats instead of bread crumbs and used lean ground sirloin. His side was loaded mashed potatoes but I had various veggies each day (asparagus, broccoli, brussel sprouts). Dinner: We work 2pm to 11pm so lunch and dinner are somewhat reversed for us. Although our lunches are not large portions, we eat dinner foods then and have lighter items when we get home since we're usually awake until 4am. Dinners have been a variety. I made wheat pancakes the other night (fi loves pancakes) with a fresh fruit compote. He has grilled fish fillets and zucchini or we're done grilled chicken strips for chicken wraps. It's actually been really enjoyable trying to eat at home more and being prepared for lunches ahead of time.
  18. Congratulations Maura and Jose! I'm sure all of your hard work will be time well spent for a beautiful day. Best wishes!
  19. Oh Andrea that sucks. Our sitter is my mom, pending her determination of wedding finances. Otherwise I am driving them an hour and a half to my grandparents house who are not able to go to the wedding due to poor health. My grandma really wants to watch them, so I know they will still be in good hands. I cannot imagine. I wouldn't trust anyone with our rescue babies either. Good luck! I hope your back-up works out!
  20. Awe, don't fret! I agree with the other girls, don't get a new dress. It's your dress and men are dense. Heck, my dress is hanging on the back of our bedroom door for the next 7 months in it's garment bag and you can even almost see the color of it through the bag and I'm not stressed. Besides, men are more aware than we give them credit for... he probably caught even of a glimpse to realize he needed to swing his toush around and nothing more. They are weirded out by the whole dress-before-the-big-day thing, too. ;o)
  21. Okay... so I have been taking Alli for 12 days now and I'm done 7 more pounds from where I was before I started taking it! I had only lost 3 working at it by myself. I definitely didn't imagine that it would work that fast! Yesterday I did make the mistake of sharing pizza with my fiance and one of our friends at work. Greasy pepperoni and mushrooms! My favorite! I paid for it later though... Not as bad as I would have imagined, but it was the first time since I'd been taking the pills that I realized they really do work. I'll probably cut back a slice the next time I decide to endulge myself. Hehe!
  22. Tara

    Hi everyone!

    Congratulations on your engagement and HAPPY PLANNING!
  23. Ouch! That's crappy timing. Fingers and toes are my specialty (to break that is). I agree, give it a week or so at least to rest it and if it's feeling better go back to your training. Don't push it now though, or there will be no walk for you. Good luck! Feel better.
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