Hrmmm, that's a tough situation. Also a tough topic for men. After seven years, I have to admit, our sex life is much more dull now than what it used to be, too.
However, the question that you both need to ask yourself (even if you both want to keep the answer to yourselves) is whether or not you are content to be intimate infrequently. For many people, this is completely normal. If you are both content and don't have wandering eyes and still find your partner attractive than there is absolutely nothing wrong. This sorts of things can be a deal breaker for people so being honest and getting everything out in the open will not only make it easier to resolve, but it'll make you both feel much much better.
P.S. My aunt and her husband of 22 years are going through this now and we were just having this conversation of the weekend. Best to air these things out early rather than wait until 20 years from now.
I am sure that you two will figure things out and live happily ever after!