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Everything posted by Tara

  1. I'm pretty bummed, too. Guess I should have realized when the prices and quality seemed too good to be true. Maybe this is my sign to just take the flowers included with my "free" wedding.
  2. Yari, everything looks awesome! You're so organized. I can't wait to see pictures of the big day! Where did you get the little tins with the "wish upon a necklace?" Those are adorable.
  3. That is such a great idea! How sweet of them. Looks like it's going to be a blast!
  4. Wow! If flowers can look sexy... those ones do! Awesome job!
  5. I love love love that color combo! The train of my dress has a bright blue like that and I have been trying to talk Fi into orange but he ain't havin' it! Miami Dolphin colors don't fly in Steeler Country, but I think I'm going to sneak in at least some corals and bright pinks with the flowers. Thanks for sharing Mishka and congratulations again on your new addition!
  6. Thanks Jennifer! I just needed to vent my frustration. I think what bothers me most is that I have yet to hear back from our TA. Either way, friends and family are starting to reserve their rooms so if he doesn't want those reservations, that's fine. All that matters to me is that the people that want to be there are able to be there.
  7. Congratulations on your new bundle of joy, Mishka!
  8. My travel agent refused to book my aunt's trip last week!!!! Our travel agency is run by an older couple and they do not directly work with Sandals (we booked through them with Apple Vacations purely to have a TA to direct our guests to otherwise we would have booked online). Anyway, my aunt called to make her reservation last Monday and he told her that he could not reserve a room for her because she has to go with a man. Fast forward to Tuesday... I receive a voice mail at work from him saying that "either my sister (he didn't even pay attention when she was speaking to him obviously which kind of struck a nerve with me because my sister is dead) would not be able to book her trip unless she got a boyfriend." I very calmly called back and explained that my aunt has to travel with my mother and that I had already spoken directly with reservations at Sandals (a very nice gentleman named Russell) and that he had confirmed the two would be able to share a room. I requested that if he (the TA) was unable to reserve the room for them that I could direct her to book directly through the resort. I asked that he please call me back as soon as possible and I have yet to hear from him a week later!!!! The funny thing is that yes, my mother is divorced and does not have a significant other but my aunt is married. She has a son with down syndrome (he's 5) who is currently going through an emotional stage and cannot be left for more than a night without his parents so my uncle told her that he feels she should go to the wedding and that he would stay home with Ray. She's my godmother and he knows it is important for both of us that she is there. So don't tell me that my "sisters" need to get boyfriends to go to the wedding. Check with the resort before you knock off comments like that!!! Sorry, I'm done now. Feel much better. *blushes* Sorry I usually don't go off like that but it's been festering for a few days now.
  9. I've always liked Gage for a little boy, but Fi hates it for 2 reasons... 1) Gage is the little boy in pet cemetery who murdered his mother (morbid, but I liked the name before I read the book) 2) Gage is also apparently the name of a female porn star. I also love Lola for a little girl and Fi always bursts into "was a showgirl!" Various other name that I've liked he has hated so when we do have kids, I can only imagine the name drama. Maybe we'll just pull one out of a hat.
  10. Gee, we must be the boring couple. We're getting married and honeymooning at Sandals Grande Ocho Rios.
  11. Best wishes for a speedy recovery! You'll be back here planning your wedding in no time.
  12. They look awesome. You both looked so relaxed. Seems like you enjoyed yourselves.
  13. Awe, I wouldn't stress over it. If she truly is a best friend she will realize that it was a combination of both her own actions and yours that caused the spat and I'm sure you can both put it behind you. I'm sure the hangover probably brought he screaching down to the earth today and she'll come around. I can also understand how your Fi was upset. Communication is key. Get it out in the open and the wind will blow it away.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by SheaS This is the list we have, but I am not sold on any yet- it seems that I always know someone with the names I like! Cadence Marie Selly Emma Marie Selly Jada Marie Selly Payton Marie Selly Tiegen Marie Selly Marie is my middle name (along with half the populations ) and also my grandmas name, so I want her to have that too. Just caught up on this thread and I just wanted to tell you I think Tiegen is a great name!!! Love Cadence, too.
  15. This is amazing! I am off to the kitchen to try it! It can be my personal birthday cake.
  16. Awe, that sucks! Happy Birthday anyway!!!! Mine is tomorrow (the 19th). I was able to take a half day off work so I'm not going in until 7pm but lotta good it does me... I'll be at home alone with my cats. I feel your pain lady! Doesn't it make you long for childhood days with balloons and cake?!
  17. So sorry to hear of your loss. It's okay to be the rock, but you also need to have the ability to express your own feelings. I hope that you're holding up okay. It sounds like your aunt was a beautiful person and that you'll have many beautiful memories to keep her alive in your heart.
  18. Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! 21 years is a good long life for a cat. We lost my childhood cat, Madonna, 2 years ago this October. She was only 17 but had developed a very serious thyroid problem. I had picked her out when I was 5. Poor fi had to deal with my random crying fits for a good month before I finally started to settle down. It's so hard to lose your pet. Sorry again for the lose of your beautiful kitty. That's an adorable picture to have to remember her.
  19. Good for you! I'm glad that you stood up for yourself. How childish always emailing like that. Grow some balls LMP!
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