My travel agent refused to book my aunt's trip last week!!!!
Our travel agency is run by an older couple and they do not directly work with Sandals (we booked through them with Apple Vacations purely to have a TA to direct our guests to otherwise we would have booked online). Anyway, my aunt called to make her reservation last Monday and he told her that he could not reserve a room for her because she has to go with a man.
Fast forward to Tuesday... I receive a voice mail at work from him saying that "either my sister (he didn't even pay attention when she was speaking to him obviously which kind of struck a nerve with me because my sister is dead) would not be able to book her trip unless she got a boyfriend."
I very calmly called back and explained that my aunt has to travel with my mother and that I had already spoken directly with reservations at Sandals (a very nice gentleman named Russell) and that he had confirmed the two would be able to share a room. I requested that if he (the TA) was unable to reserve the room for them that I could direct her to book directly through the resort. I asked that he please call me back as soon as possible and I have yet to hear from him a week later!!!!
The funny thing is that yes, my mother is divorced and does not have a significant other but my aunt is married. She has a son with down syndrome (he's 5) who is currently going through an emotional stage and cannot be left for more than a night without his parents so my uncle told her that he feels she should go to the wedding and that he would stay home with Ray. She's my godmother and he knows it is important for both of us that she is there.
So don't tell me that my "sisters" need to get boyfriends to go to the wedding. Check with the resort before you knock off comments like that!!!
Sorry, I'm done now. Feel much better. *blushes* Sorry I usually don't go off like that but it's been festering for a few days now.