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Everything posted by Tara

  1. Awe! They are too cute! Congratulations on your new additions.
  2. Sylvia, that's not the news I was hoping for... Honestly it sounds like you are getting the shaft if you apply with the new company. I agree that they will most likely regret making this kind of decision a few months down the road. Communities hear about these kinds of things and react very negatively to companies that make these sorts of changes. Hopefully it all works out for you. Good luck!
  3. Fortunately, I have always been very budget conscious so our spending hasn't had to change very much. However, we were never extravagant to require much be cut back. Several years ago, Fi and I decided we wanted to start making the necessary financial steps to allow for a cushy retirement. We're still in our mid-twenties, but we would like to be in a position where we do not have to work well into our 60's. We no longer charge anything. I still have school loans so that maintains my credit score and we opened a line of credit at our bank in Fi's name that we pay our rent with monthly and then have it auto-deposit back to the line from our paychecks. We manage to put away at least 25% of our income each month. Some months more. On a triple pay month, the entire 3rd checks go into savings. That's no to say that we haven't cut back. I used to get my nails done every two weeks and I no longer do that. My mom became my hair colorist for several years, but with the upcoming wedding I did start going to a stylist again. We don't go out to movies anymore. Once in a blue moon we'll hit a matinee for the cheaper price, but we also rent from netflix which is more than enough. In lieu of bars, dave and busters, etc. etc. ... We each keep a bottle of our favorite liquor at home and subscibe to World of Warcraft and play together at home. Dorky, I know, but it works. For the wedding, we are going with almost everything from the "free" package. Our invitations were from vista print and very inexpensive and for our later AHR we are having a very casual BBQ and grilling the meats ourselves. Our goal is to save enough to be able to put 30-40% down on a house in a few more years. We want to build a log cabin. By settings goals for saving money and making larger purchases, I feel less like we're sacrificing things and more like we are planning for our futures.
  4. Oh my gosh, that's the pits. With the economy the way it is, there is no job security. I lost my job with a subprime mortgage lender three years ago nearer to the beginning of the mortgage slump. Subprime was the first to go. But, now I have a very good job with a amazing company and Fi is also working for them as well. It's really a wonderful situation. My point (since I've started rattling on) is that everything happens for a reason. So if it is to be, something better is around the corner. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
  5. Congratulations! Hope it was everything you dreamed it would be!
  6. You're so prepared you're even packed already! You are truly an inspiration, Jessy!
  7. Awe, that's so sweet! You've got a keeper! It's a beautiful necklace, too.
  8. It looks great! It's nice to be able to get one that customized like that. It'll really be special.
  9. Okay... well so far I have the new, blue, and sixpence. My FMIL is making barefoot sandals for me (the new in addition to the dress) which will have a few blue swavorski crystals (the blue) that match the train in my dress and we found a sixpence charm on ebay that she is attaching. The old and borrowed I haven't worked out yet.
  10. Ha! Too cute. I hope he was well compensated.
  11. Very cute. I looked a similar necklace as gifts for my bridesmaids. It would look great with your theme!
  12. Indigo, I am truly sorry for your loss. With the rest of the brides, I will be thinking and praying for your family during this tragic time. No one can tell you what you should or should not do about your wedding. What's important is that you make the decision that gives you the most comfort, or any at all, at this time. There are few times in life that it is okay to be greedy and this is one of those times. It's said that losing a sibling hurts as terribly as losing a child. I cannot imagine your pain and that of your family. Remember all the wonderful things your sister did and how wonderful she was while she was with you. My own sister passed in infancy. I never had the chance to grow with her, but I can tell you that I love her endlessly. Again, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Take one step at a time and you'll know when you are ready for a wedding.
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