We are still in the somewhat early stages, but we are also paying cash for everything. The whole shabang will be under 10k though. We consider that a deal since had we done an AH wedding it would have been in the neighborhood of 25k with all our family and a honeymoon (and that was doing an outdoors laid-back wedding, too).
We are still planning to do an AHR but it is more of a BBQ and the whole thing will be under 2k.
I am very budget conscious on a day-to-day basis which has helped us with planning the wedding. Poor Hiram has spreadsheets to consult for any major purchase, but he said he appreciates that our finances are in order. The last thing we want to do is start our marriage with a huge dollar-sign shaped cloud over our heads.
Like everyone else has said, I think it is a matter of picking the things most important to you and compromising or finding less expensive ways to do everything else.