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Everything posted by Tara

  1. I've seen these. My cousin (also MOH) is really excited to get these to wear to my bach party, but as cute as I think they are, I don't really want anyone to be my bitch. ...Other than my fi.
  2. Yikes! I just caught up on this blog and the whole situation is very awkward. What ended up happening? Hopefully you and your friend are okay, but I would definitely be pretty riled up to know that my dog were not the first bitten by her animal.
  3. That's a horrible situation. One of my biggest concerns with having a destination wedding was running into those situations because you cannot be certain of exactly what you get when it is miles and miles away. Chin up! Everything happens for a reason and your wedding is bound to be beautiful!
  4. Tara

    Newbie :)

    Congrats! Happy Planning!
  5. Congrats and happy planning!
  6. Love the red shoes! That's such a great way to put a unique twist on your big day.
  7. Oooh! How exciting. I'm a Sandals Ocho Rios Bride... but not until March 2009. Congrats!
  8. Hahaha! I've had cats all my life. Honestly I am not all that surprised by the powdered donuts. My little cat looooooves sugary stuff. She eats confectioners sugar and brown sugar off the floor if I spill while baking. My first cat that I got when I was 5 (Madonna) had an addiction to canned Redi-whip. She would beg for it night and day. My dad would open the can in the kitchen downstairs and squirt some onto a paper plate and she would come rushing from another floor of the house just at the sound. My cats also love cheese. And not cheese singles... expensive cheese! Fontina, imported swiss, brie, asiago. Spoiled little brats. Guess we make them that way though!
  9. Oh my goodness. So sorry to hear about your dad. He and your family are in our hearts and prayers.
  10. Oooh! Love both dresses but your wedding dress is so unique. It's really a great destination wedding choice.
  11. Well, it's definitely not proper etiquette to invite people to your shower that you are not inviting to your wedding, but more and more people seem to be doing it. I understand wanting to include people in your big day or the planning of it, but that's what a separate reception that is held after wedding or casual BBQ is designed to do. Inviting people to your shower and not the wedding can sometimes be construed as digging for gifts. To each his or her own.
  12. We're using oversized postcards from Vista Print for our save the dates. I ordered the red heart $.42 stamps from usps.com for them.
  13. Ouch! That is a horrible situation. Hiram and I have the exact opposite situation. We work at the same place, in the same department, with the same hours and days off. We are literally together 24/7/365. I never get sick of it, either. I couldn't imagine hardly seeing him or getting to spend time with him. Chin up. Hopefully this is just a stopover to bigger and better things!
  14. Amazing and bizarre all at the same time. Those look better than a lot of real dresses that are out there, though.
  15. We are still in the somewhat early stages, but we are also paying cash for everything. The whole shabang will be under 10k though. We consider that a deal since had we done an AH wedding it would have been in the neighborhood of 25k with all our family and a honeymoon (and that was doing an outdoors laid-back wedding, too). We are still planning to do an AHR but it is more of a BBQ and the whole thing will be under 2k. I am very budget conscious on a day-to-day basis which has helped us with planning the wedding. Poor Hiram has spreadsheets to consult for any major purchase, but he said he appreciates that our finances are in order. The last thing we want to do is start our marriage with a huge dollar-sign shaped cloud over our heads. Like everyone else has said, I think it is a matter of picking the things most important to you and compromising or finding less expensive ways to do everything else.
  16. Ooooooh! That looks stunning on you. Great choice.
  17. Tara


    Congratulations and happy planning! Sounds like a great theme idea. Keep us posted with the details.
  18. Congratulations and happy planning!
  19. Marries herself?! What that says to me is that girl needs to not be so greedy and give a little so she can get a man. I'll have to see if I can catch some it. Thanks for the heads-up Martha!
  20. Congratulations and happy planning!
  21. That's awesome! Very tough work, but it will be very much appreciated I'm sure.
  22. Awe, congratulations Christine! She is beautiful!
  23. I think with the veil, too. I wouldn't second guess that dress for minute. The simplicity is what makes it. You look beautiful!
  24. Tara

    Hello Guys

    Congratulations and happy planning!
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