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Everything posted by Tara

  1. Awe, everything happens for one reason or another and I'm sure you will have a wonderful time with the one you love.
  2. Awe, that is too cute. How rude of the friend to tell her! I would be so upset that she spoiled the big surprise.
  3. Oooh! I missed this whole thread, but your hair looks great Amy!
  4. The hand sanitizer and chapstick leashes are awesome ideas! I love it.
  5. Congrats on the engagement and happy planning!
  6. Tara

    Soon to be bride

    Happy Planning! This site is great for ideas.
  7. Awe, that is so sweet. I want one!
  8. Hahaha! I just caught up on your thread. Glad to hear that future hubby has good swimmers. Best wishes for the baby making. The fun is in trying. Also, that cake is hysterical! Awesome job.
  9. They look nice. I'd probably be irked by the font issue, too. You would think a place that makes invitations would realize it looks better in a script font.
  10. Really? I can only pick one? I selected baby ruth. I like peanuts and chocolate. I like 100 grand. I like snickers. This should have been a pick your 5 or 6 favorite candy bars poll.
  11. Wow! Girl you are prepared! I cannot wait to see the wedding pics. Awesome work. I can only dream of pulling of this sort of thing.
  12. Tara


    Congratulations and happy planning! Valentine's day is so romantic!
  13. Awe! That's too cute! Dirty litter feet in your hair (now there's something to think about). My big cat gives hugs and puts her legs around my neck. Both of mine act like dogs as well. Puppy (the larger cat) plays fetch with paper balls. And Penguin (the miniature cat) chases tiny tennis balls. It's awesome how they all have their own unique personalities. I've grown up with cats and can't get enough of them. I'm hoping they grow on fi. He's a dog person and swears to "hate" cats, but I catch him cuddling with them when he thinks I'm not paying attention.
  14. Congratulations! Happy destination planning!
  15. No stress, no stress, no stress! <--- not sure who sings this but it was on the radio today. Sorry about the mugs but I am sure they will correct it and expedite to you. Just think, this is your wedding planning mishap and it's small potatoes!
  16. Congrats and happy planning! I'm a Jamaica Bride, too! Sandals Grande Ocho Rios 3/23/09.
  17. Hmmm... this has me thinking about under garments which I hadn't done before. For a strapless dress and big ole girls (DD)... can you do built in cups or would it be better to do a strapless? I would really prefer built-ins, but I worry about popping out during an inconvenient moment.
  18. Wow. I feel like such an under achiever now. Everything looks fantastic! And so well organized.
  19. Ha! Those are hysterical. I need to print that up for Hiram's bachelor party.
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