I have this mother situation...
I'll try to be as brief with this as possible, but basically I am trying to look for a tactful way to tell my mother if she is coming to the wedding that she needs to mind her p's and q's.
My mom and I have an unusual relationship. I have often played more mom to her than she to me. She has an alcohol problem and the whole family knows it, but my mother refuses to acknowledge it or accept help. Throughout my life she had difficulty holding down a job and in my teens I worked (in the evenings every single night after school) to pay our rent while she was laid off because she mouthed off at work after drinking too much.
Anyway, originally she was not going to be able to afford Jamaica and was going to stay home with our pets. Now honestly, this should have upset me as most brides would be bothered if their moms couldn't make their wedding, but I was (everyone forgive me) a little relieved. However, she is now trying to see if she can swing it even if just a three night stay. Don't get me wrong. I do love my mom. No matter what we may have endured I would still do anything to help her, but I am worried about her behavior.
She has a tendency to be mean when she drinks and at an all inclusive resort, I am very concerned that this will be an issue. Also, she is extremely critical of me in these situations. Everytime something positive happens for me (college graduation, first new car, townhome, engagement, promotion at work, planning the wedding) she has some underhanded comment. It has gotten so bad that I often refrain from sharing my good news with her until I absolutely have to. Fi insists that it is a jealousy issue because she is not happy with her own status in life, but that doesn't make me feel any better. She is also very critical of how I look. I have heard a lot lately about hot my hair doesn't flatter me and what am I doing to lose weight... yada yada yada.
I understand that in her own way these things are done with the best of intentions, but I find it very hurtful.
Basically... now that I've finished ranting I'll lay out my concerns.
1) I am extremely concerned that she will say something inappropriate to one of our guests or staff at the resort. My fi barely tolerates her now and I am afraid that if she misbehaves at our wedding that he will snap and I do not want to take sides.
2) She tends to be very abrasive and physical when she has been drinking and I am worried of a confrontation (with anyone).
3) As much as she picks on me for gaining weight, she has gained quite a bit herself (beer gut) and insists on wearing these awful bikinis. Is there a way to tactfully tell her that I can help her find a more flattering swim suit or that her current apparel just ain't right?
HELP! I won't even get into what she did when we got engaged, but I am very worried about what could happen at my wedding. Any input?
By the way, my dad... he's a darling and I have no concerns with him. Now at least that takes a load off my mind. ::wink::