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Everything posted by jhawkev

  1. We are trying to decide when to get married too. Our wedding (non-legal) in Mexico is April but we were thinking of getting married at the courthouse here March 17th, exactly 6 years from the day we met. But then we have to decide which anniversary to celebrate. I was under the impression we had to do it here first, but after reading some of the posts it sounds like that's not the case. We're still deciding!
  2. We're trying to decide b/w a reception or dinner when we get back. We have about 30-40 guests coming to Mexico w/ us which is getting more expensive by the day. So now I'm not sure what we will do when we get back, the reception is the most expensive part. It's mostly good friends traveling w/ us, so we were thinking nice dinner possibly for family that couldn't make it.....it's a hard decision.
  3. Magda, Thank you so much for you honest review. You'all looked so great! Best wishes for your new marriage
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride2009 I just got an email from a contact at Karisma that says "everything is looking really good and we have reinforced staff to ensure all the issues are solved immediately". I had sent an email to her with the link to the tripadvisor "live report" thread voicing my concerns about the theft and security etc. I'm going to be chatting with her next week so I will try and get some concrete answers on what's being done specifically to fix the issues. I'll keep you posted! I to received an email from Karisma, and we're setting up a phone call with someone next wwek. Let's hope it settles some issues. I think they're starting to see how serious many of these problems are. Fingers crossed.
  5. I didn't realize Citalli was a woman! he he. Thanks for the input
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Tracy_S If you guys take a look at the Lomas wedding travel website.. all those photographers are still listed on there plus a couple extra. And I find that Karisma's website doesn't always work that great whenever I have tried to go on it.. so maybe it has something to do with a problem on their website is all!!! Thanks for the info, at least I can re-read the package prices. But the only problem w/ the Lomas site is that it doesn't have the Sensatori listed as a resort they service (yet). And Tiffany specifically told me to go off what the Karisma website says as opposed to the Lomas, for any inconsistancies. I just spoke w/ one of our TA's who was there in late Nov. She said she would still rate the resort a solid 4 1/2 stars. But there are definitely some opening glitches. Her shower and jacuzzi worked fine, but her co-workers shower flooded. But they didn't have any problems w/ theft, etc.
  7. Is it just me, or did Claudia's photo packages dissappear from the Karisma website Anyone know what they said before? I just spoke w/ Tiffany on the phone and there is NO substitutions for photo packages that differ from the pre-set ones on their site. If you received quotes from the "approved" photographer even though they are approved on the Karisma website, you have to pay the $500. Which I know we discussed before, but I thought someone on here said Fabio approved what they had quoted from the photog separately. I guess I need to reread some of the posts. I am soooooooo frustrated. What's another $500. OH, and she said she has never heard of the safes getting broke into at the resort. If you close it properly no one can get into it. I said it was drilled by a worker, and she basically said the hotel guest is not telling the truth. Come on, really?! I'm starting to see why there is a ban of these freaking resorts. Hindsights 20/20.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by khoyle Wow...For not liking the resort Melissa sure has some nice pictures! My wedding's in April and I haven't done anything (resort wise) for it yet. I figure there's not point until two months before (how many days before the wedding are you aloud to submit your preferences again? 45?). I'm actually kinda bored! If it wasn't for this forum I'd hardly think of my wedding. Thank you girls for keeping my excitement up! There's a snow storm here in Toronto today...It really makes be think of laying on the beach in Mexico. Even WITH the seaweed! Sorry for the confusion, the photos aren't from the bride, they were from my TA Quote: Originally Posted by JHarwood2Be Ughhh....this makes me want to throw up!!!!! Puerto Morelos forum: Live reports form the Azul Sensatori - TripAdvisor I have tried to be positive, but this is just ridiculous! I know!! After I posting on here last night (trying to be positive), I read all of those TA threads I'm kind of freaking out. We're mailing our invites and getting ready to pay for a big chunk of our travel and I kind of don't want to. I feel like our hands are tied, we already have 30 people booked. And I'm starting to really doubt the positive reviews on TA. I just wish Karisma would get their act together. It really creeps me out that they're monitoring the message boards but not acting on anything. And that the poster on TA felt in danger at the resort because of it....
  9. I'm having a hard time deciding between the two....they're work is very similar. Anyone have advice who has used either? Any help greatly appreciated!
  10. Hey girls, So I've heard back a few times from the bride on Trip Advisor with the really bad review. She's still waiting on some credits to her credit card and it sounds like the resort offered some of her guests with "room issues" a 10% refund. And they've offered her and her husband a 3 night stay that expires in a year (even though her husband doesn't want to go back). It sounds like she's still a little upset with the final outcome. She's been great and very candid. I just wanted to let you'all know what she told me, not to upset anyone just to inform about how they're handling situations. Again, I'm sure most of these details will hopefully be worked out soon. I talked to one of my TA's who stayed there recently and she said it was beautiful and just minor opening kinks that every resort goes through. Here's a link to some of her photos: Picasa Web Albums - Melissa - Azul Sensatori
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by jennik13 hi girls, i met with Fabio yesterday. he is adorable! very nice and very on top of everything. younger than i expected. he actually got into a "soccer" accident and is limping and having some breathing issues, but is ok. i also met tiffany who is lovely. they are a nice bunch. i feel very confident that i will (and all of you) will have the weddings we are dreaming of. yes, you are correct, his inbox is flooded! i feel overwhelmed for him, but he is very very organized and assured me that all our weddings will be sorted out. clearly he needs to give priority by date. love from sunny florida, jenni Thanks for the update! Can't wait to hear more about what you find out I can't believe all the people leaving the resort. Good luck to them, but I know everything will go great for all of us.
  12. Has anyone talked to Polina? Wasn't she going for a site visit over Thanksgiving? I'ld be interested to know what she thought of everything and how it went.
  13. Congrats! Sounds like everything was wonderful
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by katken Biggest problem = water - in my opinion. If the showers were constructed poorly with water seeping out, there's not really an easy fix for that. It seems plumbing and water issues are repeated over and over on the reviews along with the beach, which is more out of their control. At the end of the day, I'm stuck. I've got more than 45 guests already booked for their trip to Sensatori with deposits down. I've also already ordered my invites. I don't know what else I can do besides remain positive and hope it's all fixed for all of our weddings. I'm going to contact my TA, Berman Travel. If anyone has any other suggestions on how we can collectively make a difference by doing something professional and respectful (because I really feel like yelling at Karisma right now) please post your ideas. I thought I posted something last night about this from my phone but it wasn't on here today (operator error, I'm sure) Anywho, I completely agree w/ you! The showers sound ridiculous, they'll have to reconstruct them. I pm'd the bride from Trip Advisor and she asked for me to wait to contact Karisma until she hears something shortly from them. I feel so horrible for her I'm going to speak w/ my TA's early next week, but I think these concerns are way over Fabio and Tiffany's heads. I'm getting some emails and phone numbers for Executive Management. They do not want to upset 50+ brides, I'm sure!! What about if we sent something to Faith in the meantime?? Thoughts... P.S.- We had looked at some other Resorts obviously before deciding on this one. And the Valentin (opened like a year or more ago) was a big consideration. If you look at the reviews on Trip Advisor from when they opened, the reviews are pretty similar. That doesn't make our situation now any better, but hopefully things will get better, before worse.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Ania This is really great! Thank you so much for sharing! Do you have any particular sunscreen brands which you would recommend? Thanks again! Sure! Any foundation or powder with an SPF is good. Jane Iredale has a brush on powder with SPF that is great it comes in tan and translucent. I can check on some specific sunscreens and get back to you. I know you don't want to use anything with Parasol 1798 (for pics).
  16. Oh, and you want to wear more/heavier makeup than you normally do for it to show up in pictures. For those of you who don't wear much or none and think it looks like too much. Have someone take a picture of you and you will see that it does not actually look to heavy at all. And wear lipstick not gloss! It needs to be the at least the color of the inside of your lip. If you're a gloss girl, put on lipstick then just a smudge of gloss in the middle of your lower and upper lip.
  17. On the makeup application subject, the prices are always inflated. For those of you that don't want to pay the $165 at the resort. Consider getting it done at home and have the artist teach you how to apply it yourself for when you get down there. And this is super important, be careful which sunscreen you use on your face under your makeup too. You want to make sure it's the type that absorbs the rays not reflects. Otherwise, it will affect the turnout of your pictures and you will look white or pasty and blurry in your photos. Another thing I wanted to let everyone know is that if you are getting spa packages while you are down there. Please do not get a facial before or the day of your wedding! I'm an esthetician, and especially if your skin is not used to getting facials regularly or if you have a reaction to the skin care line they use, you could end up with a face you're not happy with for the wedding! They bring out impurities. Just FYI
  18. Hey girls, I would not put too much into the Trip Advisor reviews. I have been on there quite a bit for other trips and people are so much more quick to complain than compliment. We have to remember that the resort has only been open for a month and most of the issues are minor. I'm sure once they are a little more operational, they will start spending more time grating the beach. Feel free to vent I just wanted try and put some people at ease. Trip advisor can be a good and bad thing!
  19. Amy, you looked beautiful! Thank you for sharing all your pictures and comments Can't wait to hear more. Quote: Originally Posted by Sensatori Bride Has anyone explored the option of having a reception off site?? Just curious to know if that would turn out cheaper than the private event at the hotel. Thoughts?? We looked into some off site options when we were thinking about having our wedding at a different resort. It seemed just as expensive plus some and such a hassle trying to transport guests to and from the site. To me being at an beautiful all-inclusive is not having to leave Plus, you have to add the factor of many more vendors and other stresses to worry about. I couldn't handle it. I would maybe search the forum, I'm sure there are brides on here that are planning off site.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Beecher2Be Hey Guys, I just wanted to let you all know that I have almost finalised all my wedding plans with Fabio and found out something you might be interested in. The chavari charis are available for $15 however this is only for the Wedding Ceremony not the Reception. I guess that no one had asked for them for both before so Fabio is looking into it for me but I would assume that if they allow me to use them for both, they will probably charge me more. Also, I know that some of you have had issues with the Karisma planners but I have to tell you that I think Fabio has been great. I am still 38 days away from leaving for my trip and I know most, if not all of my details and have the updated detail sheets from him with all the pricing for my specific requirements. So now its just a matter of hitting the gym and writing my vows. :-) Good Luck to all of you planning for your big day! ~Beecher2Be~ That's great to know thank you for sharing! Can't wait to hear more about your final details About working out, I just started back up after 3 months off and I thought I was going to die from soreness. I figured it was a good idea before the holidays. he he. Quote: Originally Posted by Peace Hi Ladies, Does anyone feel comfortable sharing how much they are spending on wedding invitations. If you don't want to indicate publically, you can email me at [email protected]. I would love to know your vendor as well. Thanks! My Fiance is in advertising so we're lucky enough to have ours designed by a co-worker and we are using one of their vendors to print. We are doing all the the final revisions in the next couple of days, so I'll let you know then. And I'll post what they look like There's a couple of good vendors on here, but I'm not sure of the cost. Does anyone know why Polina is banned?
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Katherine4-09 Hey I am getting married the day before you, have you started to plan your wedding day? Fabio just contacted me and said we can start planning now yay so excited! They are soooo inconsistent! I still have not heard a peep about planning mine and I have an early April date..argghh. Back to the email drawing board. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride2009 Thanks JHarwood2B...you are so organized! Ditto, I thought the list looked a little small Thanks! And I'm even more confused about this photographer thing. They don't pick the photographer for you? But you need to go through them to book?
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Polina I just spoke to Fabio, and he said that as long as the prices that Claudia gave you and that Lomas charges are the same you can arrange it through him and you won't have to pay the extra $500. That's sounds better, I'm kind of worried about that, they need to be more specific on their site. I've been emailing w/ Claudia directly. And have we figured out that she is actually including the $500 in her price quotes to all of us?? Quote: Originally Posted by jennrenn23 Girls My hotel review is up on TripAdvisor. And I'm warning you. It's longer than the the wedding one! Great, honest review! Thanks so much for all your insight Quote: Originally Posted by Magda&Neil My wedding is in 39 days and I still haven't finalized details with Fabio...when I talked to him on the phone last he told me "not to worry" and that my payment wouldn't be due until later. So, I guess I will just wait and see. It seems like the 30, 60 day rules are just guidelines. Good to know, but I would still try to get him to finalize some things with you. I ordered my gown yesterday! I went with the Maggie Sottero because it seemed more beachy and they have petite sizes. I would have had to alter the other one drastically. Let's hope it gets here before my wedding date! Oh, and I'm glad Tiffany is quick w/ the replies. Thanks to you'all that have been posting the info from her! And that's funny that Fabio has maybe been checking out little chats. I wonder if he's referring to the email that TA Jennifer sent out to Faith?
  23. Thanks for the review! So did you get numbers of how many guests the other ceremony sites will accomodate? And when do you get the sheet you're talking about for ordering all the details from the WC's?
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride2009 Hey ladies...have you heard of the new "It's all about the Bride" promo with Karisma? Thanks for posting, I saw this and was going to post too but then I totally forgot. I don't think I'll be able to use it I saw your gown! They didn't have that one at my boutique, but I tried on a strapless one in the same material. It's the perfect weight for Mexico! And very fashion forward
  25. This website lets you look up sunset times by dates and locations: Sunrise and Sunset Calculator Great song choices Jennifer! Are there 5 different ones needed for the whole ceremony? I'm planning on walking down the aisle to the "Over the Rainbow", I love that one!! I am from Kansas and I also own a Cairn Terrier (toto). ha. I'm cheesy. That Jason Mraz song is fabulous too! Can't wait to see the rest of your pics, did I miss them? P.S.- You said you were probably older than most of us...but you don't look it.
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