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Everything posted by nicoleandscott

  1. i love target! i need to pay a visit because the dollar section clears out fast!
  2. welcome and good job doing your research!! we're using Katie Thompson at Weddings in Paradise. she is on top of everything and answers all of my crazy e-mails! definitely check her out.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by meagan Thanks for everyones thoughts! It was actually really helpful. I finally made the decision to do the legal stuff her in NY before we go to Cabo. It does seem a lot easier. Thanks again everyone! thank you for your original question because i am feeling the SAME way! i definitely don't want the legal day to be remembered as my wedding day...i'm flying to cabo for that! haha
  4. welcome!! look into the sheraton! that's what we chose, and we love it! p.s. i LOVE edith's! do you have info about groups there? we would love to go there...same for mi casa!
  5. are y'all making OOT bags? if so, what's going in them? i'm struggling with this decision as well as how detailed to get with a "welcome book".....
  6. those pics are amazing! great colors!! sweet, sweet pictures and memories!
  7. got tickets for the show in austin! my friend and i (who is equally obsessed) are going! we scored floor seats, which is amazing! i had similar seats last year for the show in san antonio, and it was incredible! woohoo!
  8. i'm pathetic and got a little teary when the mark and chelsie left... *sigh*
  9. yay!! i just found this thread! y'all have NO idea how obsessed i am with this show....!!! my friend and i have watching parties every wednesday night! my parents and i went to the tour last year, and it was freaking amazing....tickets for the next tour go on sale august 2nd, so get ready!! predictions for tonight: no freaking idea....
  10. boo to this article. i literally just finished my lunch from panera bread...including a baguette probably with artificial coloring. gross.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Raeka What a great idea, UH OH that website is trouble though I think I may join the wine club!!!! wine club? uh oh.....!! i won't tell the fiance about that...haha he likes his red wine!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by STACEY It turned out great!!! Who does your labels? Jim Valinoti at Windsor Vineyards Windsor Vineyards - Personalized Wine & Custom Labels - [email protected] (w) 800-289-9463 x5388 (f) 800-224-9732 He's great! I've used him twice before!
  13. i've ordered customized wine bottles before as gifts for bdays or anniversaries, but my mom thought customized bottles at our AHR would be a nice touch. i decided to DIY the label (usually our wine guy at the company puts it together), and here is the result! he sent me the proofs last night! the back label with the legal info was a collaborative effort between us. our AHR is going to have a rustic/country *not cheesy* feel to it, hence the design. i'm loving it!! can't wait to see them in person!
  14. i love the top left because of the "wave" details! but i do like the bottom left font....they all look great!!! good work!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by kerryjbrown Does anyone have any pricelists for linen, china, etc in Cabo they can send me? I am looking for linens, china, decor (vases/candles), chair sashes, etc. I have found Del Cabo events planning, but no price lists. Any other suggestions? Thank you my WP gave me del cabo's website as a reference as well as "general" price quotes for certain items. i couldn't find anything on their website, either...was their an e-mail contact? my WP mentioned table overlays are generally $30, chair sashes $4, and napkins $4. i have no idea what type of fabric this is quoting! hope this helps a little bit! i would try to e-mail the company...! good luck!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Floreria Rayen One of my friends work at Solaris (an hotel in San Jose del Cabo) and suggested to check their web page in the tours section because it has most of the tours in Cabo and prices (that could be a little bit higher than regular if you consider the mark-up of the Hotel, but it could give you a rough idea). All inclusive vacation _ Mexico vacation _ all inclusive vacation Mexico _ Cabo _ Cancun _ Club solaris by Royal Solaris About a nice restaurant for the rehearsal dinner I would recommend in San Jose the "Tropicana" is in downtown and has pretty good Mexican and international food. If you guys are staying at Cabo San Lucas you should definitely check "La Fonda", its top Mexican Food with great service. Tropicana Ph: +52 (624) 114-20907 Reservations: 800-695-8284 La Fonda Miguel Hidalgo s/n between Obregon and 12 de Octubre Cabo San Lucas, B. C. S., CP 23410 Mexico Phone: (624) 143 – 6926 and 172 – 0176 Opens Daily from 1pm to 10pm fabulous information! thanks for the help!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Lagen I just got back from my wedding in Cabo. We booked shuttles for many people to the resort for $20 each. Those who didn't get it together in time to book this too a shuttle they found at the airport for $15 per person, or some came alone and took a taxi for $35. So, transportation is not an issue. You can always find it and it was actually rather reasonable since the airport is way out in the middle of nowhere. We have NO taxi issues the entire 2 weeks we were there while all the "strike" issues were happening. The only issue I ever saw is that one say we were on a shuttle (which is different from a taxi there) and they wouldn't allow it inside the resort gates to pick people up and the people had to walk to the gate to get in....which really wasn't a huge issue. So, while I know that the strike issue is anxiety provoking.....we were there for 2 weeks and took taxi's almost daily and never had an issue. Hope that helps soothe any anxiety about transportation! yes it does! thanks so much!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by NotYourAverageDW Your pictures are amazing. Can I ask who your photographer is? they were done by two girls we know from high school. one of them is actually a senior in high school, and the other just graduated! the girl who took the ones i posted is going to school for photography in chicago, which i'm pretty sure she'll have a great career!
  19. eh, maybe? i just want everything done when we get back! haha we still have an AHR to deal with a day after we get back from the honeymoon....
  20. i love that stationery! where did you find that? also, anthropologie has amazingly cute aprons Anthropologie.com > Eating > Aprons and i'm sure they have light blue ones! i would leave the wagon pink and use blue for accents! what a sweet friend you are!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Davematthews16 When are you girls getting legally married? We were planning on doing it just a few days in advance, but with the Holidays and the craziness I wasn't sure if that was enough time. A website I went to suggested atleast 30 days before the ceremony. We leave for Mexico on Jan.4th so I'm thinking maybe the first week in December? this aspect is stressing me out! we leave on december 31st, and we want to be legally married only a few days before....but with new year's eve and holidays, i'm just worried about that....
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by kacie3344 Absolutely gorgeous!!! Were those taken around Austin? actually at a park in san antonio! it was well hidden because i had never noticed it before! thanks for the sweet comments everybody!
  23. a friend of mine (who is also engaged!) and i took couple engagement pictures last weekend! we took a few together but mostly as separate couples. the photogs (2 girls we know) gave us some teasers!! i'm so so excited...!!
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