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Everything posted by nicoleandscott

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by teacherbride I didn't make near the progress Nicole did, but...FI and I bought a condo! We don't live together and we won't be moving in together until we're married so we're pretty darn excited about it!! Anyone know a good place in Canada to shop for dark brown linen pants? I'm getting a little nervous that with school starting again and now house stuff to deal with, there is going to be very little time left over for wedding planning. ummm, pretty sure purchasing a condo is progress!! CONGRATS! can't help with the pants, but i'm feeling your time crunch with school/no time for wedding......!
  2. hey there! centerpieces are still stressing me out, so i feel your pain! i know that i am definitely using sunflowers, which i am currently obsessed with!! i think sunflowers would definitely mesh well with your color scheme as well as the season. here are some photos i google image-ed for ideas...they're not all appropriate for square vases, but i think they are pretty! good luck! a bit much! haha
  3. yay for more progress! got the remaining pairs of bmaids' earrings at another dillard's. the saleswoman saved me a trip to another store by suggesting to get the maid of honor a complementing "different" pair...so i'm DONE with those! YAY! i got my wedding SHOES on sale on sale on sale (40% off + another 40% off) at dillard's...AKA my new fave store dropped off the bmaids' bags to be monogrammed (they'll be ready next week, so ill post pics later!) Quote: Originally Posted by Davematthews16 Congrats Nicole!!!! One minor set back for us, I found the perfect GM attire that was on sale and everything, and they are all sold out of the sizes for the boys BUMMER!!!! So now, back to square one with the darn GM outfits! Anyone found any good deals on GM attire lately? boo for setbacks! where did you find the GM attire? i'm struggling to get the fiance to focus on this...he has (*drumroll*)....white linen pants and that's IT. haha we need to get moving on his ensemble as well as the groomsmen...i feel your predicament...i'll keep searching...try dillard's! haha
  4. hooray for brightly colored wedding shoes! i told my mom i want a fun color shoe to pop with my dress (it's a short dress), and i think she thought it was a strange idea, but i'm so happy to see/read that other brides are loving that idea!!! nice pick! they are super hot, and i am in love with your dress!!
  5. i had some good progress today! i'm glancing at my ticker on my more recent posts and trying not to freak out... i found the bmaids' earrings today (part of their gift) @ dillard's! i <3 that store. i have to go search for 4 more pair at surrounding locations, but that's ok! more excuses to shop. haha like i need that right now... maybe (?) found my earrings, but i'm receiving mixed reactions (such as "funky" and "unique" annnnd untraditional)...so boo i got the actual "bag" for the OOT bags...although it's not a bag...haha it's a navy gable box that i am making a custom label for. it will match the water bottle labels that will accompany the OOT box scored $1 one ounce hand sanitizers at bath & body works for the OOT boxes found the last loose ends of "honeymoon" clothes (bcbg is having an amazing sale 30-70% off on most things + an extra 20% on their in store stuff..go now!) ... haven't done anything about shoes, but i think i can scrounge up old pairs to match new stuff! found fun fun stuff for decorations and a partial centerpieces for the AHR..hobby lobby is having a nice sale, too! so yay for today! still mucho to do! it was good to get out and get some things done! keep working at it january brides!!
  6. oooh this is fun! *no veil *no shoes (until the reception!) *short dress *no tuxes *no bouts *no sand/candle ceremony *no "readings" during the ceremony (it'll be short & sweet!) *most likely no dancing at the reception...it'll be more talking and hanging out *no rehearsal & dinner *no flower girl/ring bearer
  7. i think they look great! i understand it not being exactly what you envisioned at first, but they look SOOOOOOOOO close to your inspiration!!! i would stick with it...put them away for a few days, think about other things, then come back and re-evaluate the situation. good work!
  8. hola chicas! my mom is helping me finish up the bridesmaids' gifts, which is great! buuuuut i really want to do something special for my parents on the day of the wedding....at first i thought of doing embroidered handkerchiefs with a personal note?? but the more i think of it i'm not sure? i could do hankies for grandparents and my aunt, too (who is close to me), but then do i need to do that for my fiance's gparents?? i'm not that close to them, but i don't want them to get offended, and probably the gifts would be given privately? also, i found (through this site, so thanks to whomever for the tip!) spa wraps on Smarty Pants Boutique (not on the website yet though) that I though about adding to the bmaids' bags, but my mom and aunt would love those, too!! any suggestions? thanks girls, y'all are amazing!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Jenkatherine I agree about the 2nd one with the font change. Are you just going to stick the label over top of the regular water label? i'm not sure exactly..my first attempt will be to peel the old label off and put the DIY label on...but if that doesn't work i may just put the new over the old?? any suggestions? the DIY labels are pretty thick because we got the glossy waterproof ones
  10. yay! so much help! yah, the font is hard to read, but i think i was set on it at first because it was the font used on our wedding invites (and i found it online for FREE!!!!) so i wanted to be consistent. haha not like the guest will know! i'm taking all the suggestions into consideration and reworking! i'll post the new and improved (fingers crossed) when i get it going! y'all are such a big help! i love BDW!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB I'm sitting here at my computer desk taking pictures of my paper weight.. lol I think the more I play around with this lens the more I'm getting the hang of it. OMG how can I work tomorrow knowing it will be a home calling my name.. lol haha i know! my fiance thought i was silly at first for taking pictures of random things, and then he caught the "bug" and started taking macro pictures of a stick bug in my backyard! haha just brainstorm at work about all of the fun things you can use to practice using the lens! (flowers, fabric, animals, etc...!)
  12. i would love to receive our comforter and the kitchenaid mixer (in french blue!!)...!!
  13. i LOVE macro!! i don't have a lens or a nice professional camera, but my digital camera has a macro setting and it's genius! you take AMAZING pictures!
  14. I've been playing around with Photoshop (so fun!!) to create a custom water bottle label for the OOT bags/welcome gift for the guests in their hotel rooms. I'm at a creativity lull, and I don't know which one (if either) I like....so can y'all help? If you have any suggestions, let me know! I'll post other things I'm making, too....when I come up with them...haha whenever that is!! One Option: Two Option:
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Found! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t21012 Sorry about your nose though. I hope you recover quickly! oh wow! those pics are amazing! those help a bunch!! yay!! :) thanks for the recovery wishes...it really is sucky timing right before classes start...ugh! thank you thank you!!
  16. i'm in the process of starting my wedding notebook. i bought a navy (in my color scheme! haha) three-ring binder and dividers that i used to separate into sections concerning budget, AHR, guest list (excel spreadsheet printout), cabo activities, decoration ideas, etc... i'm still in the process of completing it, but i'm just trying to combine everything. i made two lists in Word (one for AHR and one for cabo wedding) that is a "checklist" that i keep updating...there's no real rhyme or reason to it....
  17. hey y'all! so i had reconstructive nose surgery last thursday (my nose lacked cartilege, i had a flat septum, and i was missing my lower septum?...whatever was wrong, it was really wrong!), so i'm stuck in bed with wedding ideas running through my brain 24/7! i'm stuck on ideas for reception decor for the AHR. it's going to be rustic and texas country (but not country music country...more like sunflowers and cowboy boots). we are saving old patron bottles (between my fam and the fiance's fam, we're doing pretty good!) both big and smaller to use as centerpieces. i also want to mix in galvanized vases somehow? i'm driving my mom crazy because i don't really want the same thing on each table. i really just want maybe 2-3 different looks that are spread out across the 20+ tables. we're coming across a problem because the venue will not let us use votives, but we can use larger candles as long as they are "covered" (ex: using hurricane vases). i've been googling candle holders like crazy, but i cannot find anything rustic or anything reasonably priced....any ideas??! one idea i saw on the knot, is using ball jars (jelly jars) for candles...what do y'all think of that? if you have any ideas, please share because i'm super bored in bed....
  18. one more check mark off the list...GARTER! the fiance loves the astros, so i was thrilled to find this on etsy.com!! yayyyy!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by sassybride it can be risky b/c anything can happen but lots of brides do use it. Usually theres a fee and you get the connection with speakers. You just need to make sure that your ipod will conect properly and you might need to bring a connector? I'm not 100% sure and it always kind of worried me so we hired a DJ for reception and for dinner the ipod will be connected to the DJ's system. Dj will connect it for us so I'm not really worried. thanks for the input!
  20. hey! my WC is on vacay until the end of august, but i have a question that's bugging me! i've seen lots of talk about using iPods for music during the reception, which sounds more economical than a DJ/full band for our small (30ish) reception.... does the sheraton offer this set up? if so, how much? annnnd, does it work well? thanks!!
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