Quote: Originally Posted by OCMDBride05152010 This is incredibly tempting...with a marathon are the packages different? Like timing etc?
Also when would you need to know by?
I would love to do this, but just have to be sure I can afford it. I thought I would jump in here and answer your questions.
The package options remain the same for a marathon, discounted 35%. We will still provide hair and makeup, and each clients session will be 1.5-2 hours. It would be awesome if we could get soft commitments from girls as soon as possible, so we can set a date and start planning!
Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda Let ,me know if this is a go ahead. I think I could get in shape by February or March.... I believe Kim would still like to move forward with this. In fact, she has already put down a deposit, so I know she is serious. Would be great to get more bride's on board. Her wedding is in April, so I'm pretty sure the latest she would like to plan the marathon would be early March but preferably sometime in February.