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Everything posted by chika

  1. Oh, and tonight I bought the stuff to decorate my bridal flip flops, and also bought my hair flowers. My AHR dress should arrive in the next few days and I am picking up some of my other shoes from the shoe repair tomorrow. Whew! So much stuff to do still, but its all getting crossed off the list. Hurray!
  2. Wow, everyone is returning as married ladies!! Congratulations to everyone! There are still a few of us hanging on.. I've only got 5 sleeps until I leave, so its starting to get hectic around here. I've got a few things left to do like the placecards, table numbers (I think I will do that.. maybe not), and PACKING! But my FH was so cute this weekend and we set up an assembly line to make the welcome bags. I still need to take pics - hopefully I will have time for a planning thread. Oh, and we had our legal day on Friday, so cross that off the list! I've had some family drama the last few weeks too, so it certainly hasn't been all happy planning.. :S But so be it. That is life. And I will be married in a week tomorrow!
  3. You must be so so pleased with your photographers! Congratulations, what a beautiful wedding, and you made a gorgeous bride!
  4. You had a beautiful wedding! What awesome photos!
  5. Thanks for all your answers ladies! Does anyone have any photos of their resort bouquets?
  6. congratulations Danielle and Derek!! hope it is just as you dreamed. can't wait to see your photos and hear your story when you get back.
  7. Thanks for sharing Ticia! I am booked at Dreams, and actually booked your photographer too!
  8. Hmmm.. I don't really want anything in specific with respect to ribbon, I just didn't know if they came that way. I'm sure whatever they do will be just perfect.
  9. Do the bouquets provided by the resort florist come with ribbons wrapped around the stems already or do I need to bring some with me? What did other brides do?
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by VariaStudio Hi Shelley, I am at the Dreams Resort right now. I shot a wedding here yesterday and resort had 2 other weddings happening at the same day. It is a beautiful resort and it has a lots of great spots for photography! Hi Varia, Thank you for posting! Ooooh, I'm getting really excited now, with only 3 weeks to the day until our wedding. My photographer has been to Dreams before, so I know she'll have all sorts of great ideas. I've put my trust in her. Thanks, can't wait to see teasers on your website when you get back.
  11. Celina: Congrats on you legal day! i can just picture you running around frantically this morning... you leave tomorrow! hurray! Michelle: It sounds like things are coming together - your list is impressive and it seems like you have things under control. 3 days to go!! We might have another guest coming with us! One of my old coworkers who I'm still close with called me this morning with awesome news - she wants to get away and is considering booking at our resort for the week we are there: crashing our wedding! I laughed when she asked if that was ok. We are booking a limo to take us to the airport, so I've confirmed that today too. Our tickets should be arriving this week or next, so that is one mor thing off the list. Then I can mail out our newsletters and luggage tags. One other surprise, my Mom is buying us travel mugs for our favours! She is buying enough for all our guests, and is putting our monogram on them. I think it will be so cute for everyone to have a matching one, and what a good thing to have after the fact. It was something we really wanted to do, but the cost was prohibitive for us (we spent the money towards the private reception instead). So this was a really really nice surprise. I love my Mom!
  12. Goodbye and good luck to everyone who's left (or is leaving tomorrow)! Congratulations!!! I can't wait to hear everyone's stories.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 Any other Nov brides want to add their email addresses to try to get in contact quicker/easier when we get back? So far I have: Lisa (Chiquita) [email protected] Michelle (beachbride0 [email protected] Erica (EricaG) [email protected] Celina (SoontobemrsE) [email protected] Stephanie (lucy106) [email protected] are these all right and are there any to add? Oh yes, add me too. Shelley (skinnykitty) [email protected]
  14. I've decided not to use the tiara. $10 and its yours! I'm located in Canada. I can ship it to you, just PM me your zip code and I'll get you a rate. ETA: I have PayPal if that makes payment easier!
  15. Wow, everything looks great! Can't believe it is so soon!
  16. I wouldn't worry about there not being enough room. At worst you could hold your welcome dinner in the main buffet. Chances are you will be able to find one of the restaurants that can accommodate you at some point in the evening. We are doing a welcome brunch the morning following our arrival (we arrive late at night) and I won't be making any reservations. I will be telling our guests to meet us in the buffet and people can come and go as they like. We have about the same number of guests as yourself. Have fun!
  17. Lucy: your stagette looks like it was sooo much fun!! i laughed out loud when I saw you shooting the bj from between the guys knees!! and I'm at work!!! Celina: i bet it is not as bad as you think. deep breaths... i wish we could all be there for your support too. are you able to go back to the seamstress at all? Maybe its as simple as letting out some stitches and a small alteration? And you are too cute with the care package you sent to Tara!! I've almost got all my luggage tags done, so I will post a pic as soon as they are. so many of our guests have moved in the last year, I've been tracking down their current addresses. I've almost done my newsletter too, which I'll send out this week to everyone so they can check any last minute stuff they'll need. I'm putting a packing list, some background info on Dominican Republic and a rough schedule for the week (rehearsal dinner, meet n greet brunch, wedding day!, flight times). I hope they like it! I'll post pics of it too. I think I have most of the stuff for my welcome bags too, but I keep forgetting to pick up some Shout Wipes when I am out. Maybe I'll actually make a list. Anyone know where I can find the mosquito repellent wipes in Canada? Should i try Canadian Tire or Wal-Mart?
  18. I believe Dreams can only have 2 weddings per day as a rule. I can't wait to get married there! It is only one week and one month away for me. I will definitely post pics when I get back. As well as a lengthy review.
  19. Quote: so my personal computer... with all of my wedding stuff, music and pictures from the past 4 years... got the blue screen of death last night. i'm so pissed! my ipod isn't updated, my packing lists are on there, basically everything wedding related that i was waiting to print - all on the dead computer That is awful bad luck! Poor girl!! I hope the Geek Squad or another geeky computer savvy place and help recover whatever is left on your harddrive. They can work wonders, so all is not lost yet! Quote: So far I have 4 pairs of earrings and one necklace, and I can't decide on any of it! I feel the exact same way. I am totally lost with what to do with my jewelry.. argh! Quote: I had always used macs in college and loved them and haven't had any issues with it. I do have to agree: they are much more stable than PCs. I love my Mac! However, I do have a PC that works perfectly fine from my first year in university! It has a whopping 9GB of hard disk space. It's a rock. Quote: Thank you everyone! We are doing alright right now. Her funeral is on Sat so we are heading down on Thurs afternoon to help get everything ready. My aunt from BC is flying in on Thurs as well and then we are having a family supper on Fri.So obviously I didn't get anything done wedding related, and it won't happen this weeken either. Next weekend is going to be a right off as well as it is my bach party. We are going paintballing, then supper, then who knows. Either to the bar or just back to my MOH's house. I am excited for that, even more now with everything that has happened. I got a phone call today to say that our sand ceremony is in. My Mom got it for me as a shower gift. I will pick it up when we go in for my bach party. Erica, sorry about your loss. I'm glad to hear you and your family are doing alright now though. It sounds like your bachelorette party will be alot of fun! But paintballing: wow, I do admire how tough you are! Those things hurt! What sand ceremony stuff did you get? I still have to pick mine out. Quote: Well...the $$ faries were looking over me and the payroll lady was able to get me entered. It was totally their fault - so she was obligated to do whatever she had to do. They are the ones that screwed up! I will now have some extra money that I've been working my butt off for come Friday! YAY!! HURRAYYYYY! I am so glad they got it sorted out. It IS their fault after all. And a whole month is a long time to wait on overtime pay. Quote: So I got an email back about my cake topper. Apparently, when I went to pay the deposit someone else must have picked the same deposit thing and their payment went through before mine so my payment got kicked out because that ticket item expired. The lady said she still had time to make it and could get it to me in plenty of time so I submitted a new deposit and got confirmation yesterday from both paypal and Etsy that it went through, and sent her all the info she needed to make the topper. I'm back to having a cake topper! Ha ha! I also talked to my TA today and our documents will be sent out in the next 10 days. She also sent me a slideshow from a wedding she arranged at my resort in August, and low and behold that bride was able to rent pink chair bows down there. I was told I would have to bring them with if I wanted a color to her than white, the WC never told me I could rent them. I don't know how much they cost, but in her pics it looks so nice with the pink bows on the white chairs. I probably would've been just as happy with the white ones, but I do like the pink better. Whew, good thing about your cake topper! I'm glad the seller is able to get it ready for you in time. Too bad your TA didn't know aobut the chair bows! Hopefully you can get a contact for the rentals. I had my final dress fitting over the weekend and it looks awesome! I love it more than ever. I think all my weight training and shoulder presses are finally paying off! And upon final inspection, I think I've decided to have my hair half-up and half-down, with my veil low (under the half-up section) and a flower in my hair on one side. Now.. for the shoes and the jewelry... what shoes is everyone wearing? I'd like something with a kitten heel, and hopefully a sandal.. I should've been shopping when they all went on sale after the summer ended... argh!!!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride08 I have a clear starfish I would be willing to share after my November 7th wedding. I would love to borrow your starfish for my Nov 25th wedding! I would be more than happy to return it to you afterwards, or pass it on, whichever you'd like.
  21. Danielle - your dress is gorgeous! It is perfect for a destination wedding. Erica - I love your cake topper too! I've never seen one like that before: where did you get it? Amy - Sorry to hear about your burn... I always burn my a$$, I guess because it never gets to see the light of day. LOL. Keep that aloe gel going, and take an ibuprofen - the swelling is what contributes to a lot of the pain from a sunburn. Michelle - that sucks about your cake topper. I love the ones that Nicole makes - I've seen a lot of them. But now you can join the few of us who don't have a cake topper! I'm just getting them to decorate the top of our cake with some flowers. Nothing fancy. One less thing to worry about, kwim? Tara - your welcome letter is really sincere and heartfelt. What a good idea to have a photo sharing site - I just might have to borrow that from you! Are you giving your bags out to people before they leave? I got my 'stick-on-booby-thingys' in the mail. Boy, are they sticky! I'm going to try them on after work to see if they will work. I'll try them on with my dress this weekend. Anyone else using something like this?
  22. Welcome to the forum!! Feel free to PM me with any questions about Dreams. I will be there Nov 22-29th and can send you pics.
  23. Ok ladies, I had my makeup lesson and 'trial' last night with the sweetest lady who came to my house. It looked FAB! I took some pics, but haven't had any time to post them anywhere yet. But now I feel confident with doing my own makeup for the big day, so I'm not as worried about that. I didn't bother getting a hair trial done because, well, the hairdresser won't be coming with me, so who cares if she can do it well or not?!?! LOL. I'm counting on the talented Dominican ladies at the resort to work wonders with my hair based on a few photos I have. I still have one last hair appointment before I go for a little cut, colour and highlight. I can't wait! I've refrained from highlighting for about a year, and simply just used a semi-permanent one tone so I'm excited to have a bit more oomph to my hair again. Anyone else going to do a big post-wedding chop? I can't wait to have short hair again! Left to do this week: * talk to AHR musician and confirm * go for first tanning appointment! * make luggage tags * print favor tags * have final fitting of dress this weekend with my Mom! How has everyone's week been so far?
  24. Danielle and Derek Leave 11/1/08 Get Married On 11/6/08 Lisa and Jayson leave on 11/2/08 and Get Married On 11/5/08 Shelley and Dave leave on 11/22/08 and Get Married on 11/25/08
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