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Goldstein to Be

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Everything posted by Goldstein to Be

  1. I want to send out a postcard as a save the date. I was hoping to get my hands on a couple of actual Puerto Vallarta postcards as inspiration. Do any of you have one that you could scan or send me? Or, if someone is headed down in the next month, I would love to have you pick up a few for me. Any thoughts on where else I could look?
  2. These are soo cute. If you are looking for other things to include, you could include chapstick.
  3. What about wearing a locket with the sonogram pic in it. You could have his name engraved on the inside opposite the picture.
  4. Hi Ladies, Let me start by saying, I love this forum! This is such an awesome of group of women always willing to support each other. I hoping there are a few of you living in San Jose. My FI and I moved here from Colorado almost three months ago. We had been living in Colorado for the majority of our lives and then decided to take make a change and move to CA. I realized this weekend that I don't have anyone out here to go dress shopping with or flip through bridal mags with. My BMs live in Colorado and we haven't really met anyone out here beside people from work. If any of you live in the area and would be interested in getting together send me a PM! - Bo
  5. Jenny - It sounds like you did great. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
  6. I have a couple of new bras. I love them! I'm only a B cup so it works for me; i'm not sure about bigger.
  7. You should go and have a beautiful and private wedding on the beach and enjoy your time with your wonderful FI!
  8. Helen, thanks so much for posting all this info! It is so helpful. What a beautiful wedding party. It sounds like you had an amazing time!
  9. Hi Raeka, Thanks again for the AWESOME review. I just sent an email to Tammy at Wright Travel to see if she can help get my reservations set up and can coordinate the travel for our guests. Thank you!
  10. I bet the groomsmen were high-fivin' all over the place.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha They are just honest...they are 2nd gradem so only 7 or 8. I do look like a fatty in this thing though... BUT, it is SO comfy! ha! I hear you on the comfort thing! I've decided that if I'm going to spend 10 to 12 hours at work the most important thing is to be comfortable. I bet you look cute and trendy. Tell them that they need to learn some manners.
  12. I just got the Michaels circular and saw that they have jar candles for $1 each. I'm thinking about putting them in my OOT bags. I haven't been there yet so I don't know how big they are or how they smell. I'll let you know.
  13. Unfortunately, I don't have any new ideas. But, I do have a bedroom in Nor. Cal that I would be happy to share. Let me know if you are interested.
  14. We don't have any art above our bed. I made a huge oversized padded headboard. I picked a really gorgeous fabric that's green, cream and chocolate. We have a piece of art on the opposite wall and metal art that has a similar shape has the material on the headboard.
  15. Hi! Congrats! You'll find tons of useful info on this site and everyone is really happy to provide suggestions. Good luck!
  16. These are so cute. I haven't even picked out my location yet but am already looking forward to doing some fun invites like yours. Great job! P.S. you picked a great FI!
  17. Hi Raeka, We are trying to pick a wedding location. It seems like Buenaventura and Riu Jalisco have so many pros and cons. Just not sure. What would you recommend?
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