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Everything posted by Jacilynda

  1. Ya, a 7 year old boy. Jennifer Hudson's Mother and Brother Fatally Shot - Crime & Courts, : People.com
  2. Hey girls. I finished our pumpkins yesterday and put them out last night and started to wonder what all of you creative women did with your pumpkins. I tried take a picture of ours.... it's kind of hard to get a clear picture. Hope you ladies will share yours! We are big sports fans, so this one I did for FI cause he is a Minnesota Vikings fan... its a little blurry Then I'm a big Vancouver Canucks hockey fan so here is my pumpkin
  3. Ours are fuschia, aqua, and a little bit of lime. We actually chose our colors with a color palette. I wanted my FI to love the colors as much as myself. He didn't really care much, so I went through a bunch of palettes and picked the ones I really liked and then asked him which was his favorite. I actually really wanted red and lime, but he didn't like it and chose the fuschia and aqua. Her is a search of Martha Stewarts palettes: Martha Stewart - Search You can go through all of these, or if you click on the Weddings tab, on the side there is a link for color palettes. Click that and then you can go through each color and it will list links w/ these colors, they'll have Color Palettes links with a color following, such as Perfect Palettes: Emerald and Aqua and then will give you several pics w/ favors, set ups, etc w/ these colors. Hope that may help you! Good Luck!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by cheese_diva Hey Martha! Noah is going to born on Maddie's Due date! Yay! I always thought Dr predictions about weight/size were usually unreliable this late in your pregnancy. Was he always measuring a big baby? Well regardless, you're going to be just fine. I too would much rather be scheduled than labor forever and have to have an unscheduled one (my biggest fear). I can't wait to hear about little Noah's big debut into the world. I'm very excited for you and Jay... and your little miracle baby. All the girls are right.. move around as soon as they let you and when they offer you drugs for recovery, inform them you'll be breast feeding (if you are) so they make sure they're safe, but take them! I have to agree on dr predictions, was your dr always measuring a big baby? My doctor said ours would be around 7 lbs and probably 19-20 inches, and she was 8lbs 11oz and 22.5 inches....
  5. I say hold out girl! Congrats on losing weight, what an accomplishment! You can almost always have a dress rushed and if you get a dress in December you should be fine by your date. I only say this cause you're working on 24 more pounds. It's definitely harder to lose the last pounds, but I would wait until you have about 10-15lbs left to lose, cause then you can easily have it altered. I think if you do it now and get it altered you're going to have a new body after 24 pounds and it may not be the right style of dress for your new fabulous body! Good luck!
  6. I don't have any advice, I did vaginal. I was induced, and my daughter was 8lbs 11oz (same as you!) and 22.5 inches long.... she was big and I really didn't think it was bad at all! After being induced I was only in labor for 7.5 hours. Good luck! I personally would only do a c-sec if it was my ONLY option. In the end, you won't care how much pain or if it was vaginal, or c-sec! Congratulations!
  7. I'm using Lidya Solemidt. She is our photog for our wedding too. Our TTD session is $400 since we're using her for our wedding. She charges $500 for just TTD. Her TTD is an hour and a half, etc. She's in Cancun so you wouldn't have any travel expenses. Her email is: [email protected]
  8. I thought Obama did a much better job than Palin. She did seem really uncomfortable. I think she was too nervous, and it showed, especially in the beginning w/ Alec Baldwin, and it just wasn't funny. She was supposed to do the rap, but she read it just before and wouldn't do it, so amy stepped up and did it. I would loved to have seen her do it, but she just doesn't seem to be a real care free type person to have a little fun at her own expense.
  9. MsShelley posted her coasters a little while ago and I thought they were fabulous! THank you Shelley! Here they are: I love the idea, especially since I'm a stamper. I plan on doing this but I know we were looking for coasters to do this on. I thought I would post a few sites I found them on. This one is GREAT, although they are cream and not white. But, they come in packs of 40 for $3 or packs of 80 for $6.50, and you can get them round or square. White (blank) Chipboard Coasters to Rubber (Hand) Stamp On This one has white with different sizes to choose from, their packs vary between sizes but range from $8 to $13 Blank Coasters Of course I will post mine once I finish them.
  10. We are so doing this!!! We didn't even know my FI could dance, he just doesn't seem like a dancer.... he's a video game, computer building geek. A oouple years ago at his brothers wedding he all of a sudden just started dancing to "ridin dirty" (very funny cause his bro is a cop!) and he was really good! All 300 guests were in absolute shock. He danced the night away. Now we'll see cops downtown and the ones we're not real close w/ will say Hey you're Sean's brother that can dance. We all chuckle. I've never actually seen the show. FI brought this idea to me months ago and its been his only request.
  11. I'm with all the other girls on this, just let him know what's up straight forward. What baffles me, is that you still have the same number after 7 or 8 years!!! That's crazy!
  12. So I shop alot at Old Navy for my 6 month old. Everything is so cute and it fits her body type GREAT. So I thought I would let you know that I walked in there today cause they had signs outside for Clearance 50% of original price. I thought they have good prices for baby already, I'll go look. Well surprise! alot of their early fall stuff was on clearance and all baby clearance was 50% of lowest marked tag!!!! i bought $66 worth of sweaters, shirts, and pants for $15. So I thought I would throw that out there for you mommas. I always buy stuff on sale for next year too. Cause there is sooooo much summer stuff on sale so I buy it for next summer.
  13. They told me that they are still accepting gift cards but not selling any, and all sales are final. I went in tonight and I didn't want them but I thought I would let you know that they had placecard frames in packs of 10 for $4.99
  14. I agree w/ making them both. I was in the same situation. I always planned on my best friend, but my sister and I have become so close. I chose to have both. It works out really well because they both are able to help me.
  15. I'm headed over there today. I called ours last night and they also confirmed that all of them are closing and the liquidation starts today, and all sales are final starting today. They were hoping someone would buy them out but that didn't happen
  16. I like #1, but really it depends on what it looks like on you... we NEED pics!!! It may end up that the one we don't favor as much, may look the best on you!
  17. Here are some more photos of Taninah Jungle Retreat: Wellcome to Taninah (slow version)
  18. There are a couple places in Puerto Adventuras I think you 2 might like. I believe its about 45 minutes south of Cancun. The first place is called Casa Selva Luna. It's actually an estate you can rental, there is a garden area, a large pool and a small palapa. I believe you use it for a wedding you can either rent out the whole place to stay at (6 bedrooms, max 14 people, $1200.00/night) or you can just rent it for the event. For an event they give you the master room and the common areas. Here is a link to it: Casa Selva Luna Vacation Rental Puerto Aventuras Mexico The second place is Taninah Private Jungle Retreat. It's not far from the beach. They have a large garden w/ waterfalls, a palapa by the pool, cool water caves (great idea for pictures)! Here is the website to that: Taninah Vacation Rentals Puerto Aventuras Mexico Here is a wedding that was held there (look through more pictures): Bride Review Puerto Aventuras Mexico Vacation Rental Listings From Puerto Rentals If you're interested in either of these. Email Gina Vallarino, she is the wedding coordinator there. Her email is [email protected] Hope these help! Good Luck!
  19. Linen n things has been bankrupt for a while, they were in hopes that another company may buy them out, but it doesn't looked like that happened. Bummer!!!
  20. I knew right away that something was fishy about it. I had no idea who it was that sent it, and the check is from a publishing company in Virginia but the return address was in NY and I live in Montana... then we google mapped the return address and it doesn't exist, they even put a city that doesn't exist in NY and there was no letter w/ the check.... It only takes a minute to realize this is weird.
  21. Yesterday there was a thread on buying some hotel stuff on ebay and it just being too good to be true. This morning I woke up and had a ups envelope on my front step. It was overnighted from NY, someone I didn't know. All I could think was: What is this! I opened it and there was a check from the Alexander Street Press (in Virginia) for $3000.00. WHAT IS THIS! At first I was excited, then I started thinking this is just too good to be true. It's a real check, but there is no letter. I tried googling something w/ the Alexander street Press, but nothing came up for a fraud or scam. Then I checked the address, it didn't exist. I knew it was a scam. I called the Alexander Street Press and they said there was a fraud case out with all of this. I have to fax them a copy, etc, and they're doing a federal investigation. DAMN, who couldn't use $3000.00? And why me?
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